Read our Blog Edition of the Greenhearts Newsletter for January and February 2021.
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w/c 8th June activities
Apologies to the delay in uploading this weeks activities which has been due to having no internet at home.
Kind regards,
Mrs Vipurs
Paint a Gigha Stone for the Hotel
Masterpieces at Home
Art UK has a new digital learning series “Masterpieces at Home”, which begins this Wednesday with Scottish sculptor Mary Bourne on the Art UK Facebook and Home School series. The ‘Masterpieces at Home’ video series takes the format of an interview with sculptors about their career and a particular sculpture before they demonstrate an arts activity that can easily be duplicated at home. Have a go at some cool sculpting and send us a photo of the results to the school enquiries inbox!
Activities w/c 28th May 2020
Activities w/c 18th May 2020
Literacy, Numeracy and design activities wc 11.05.2020
Please find attached activities for Literacy, Numeracy and design activities this week.
Aquarium Cereal Box (Week 3) Colour Treasure Hunt (Week 3) Fruity roll ups Handprint art (week 3) Scratch Paper (Week 3)
Literacy and Numeracy activities w/c 04.05.2020
Hi everyone.
I hope you are well. Please find below a weeks activities for Literacy and Numeracy. These are split into P1-3 and P4-6. Please complete as much or as little as you are comfortable with.
I will be contacting you all this week to discuss any activities or resources you may like for your children over the coming weeks.
Kindest regards,
Mrs Vipurs
Creative activities w/c 04.05.2020
Phoebe has planned some fantastic creative activities this week. We would love to hear how you have got on with them.