Category Archives: Projects

Blar project on Islay

Diardaoin 30 An Cèitean, bha blàr mòr ann an Ìle ach cha deach duine sam bith a ghoirteachadh. Gu dearbh, bha iomadh duine gu math toilichte mu dheidhinn. ‘S e cuirm ciùil gu math sònraichte a bha ann far an robh mu 140 luchd ciùil a’ cuimhneachadh Blàr Thràigh Ghruineard. B’ e seo blàr eadar na Dòmhnallaich às Ìle agus Clann Illeathain à Muile a thachair ann an 1598.

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St. Joseph’s Pupils Just Keep on Winning!

Staff and pupils of St. Joseph’s Primary school in Helensburgh were delighted to welcome John Evitt of Missio to school this week, not least because he brought with him a wonderful surprise for P6 pupil Charlotte O’Hara. Way back in November of last year, John visited the school to announce the lunch of an International Competition ‘Missionary Children World Competition’ to mark 170 years of Missio in this, the Year of Faith. Missio launched this drawing competition which was open to all primary school pupils in Scotland.
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Rothesay Postcard Event

Pupils at St Andrews Primary, Rothesay are pictured holding just a few of the postcards received over a weekend in May from all over the world.
Well done to everyone who took part in the Postcard to Rothesay World Record Event. Over 400 postcards have been received from as far a field as Japan, Canada, Australia, Spain, Italy! More info about the record to follow.
The plan is to have all the postcards on display in the Cabbie’s Rest at Rothesay Pier in late July, actual date to be finalised.
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Snapberry Project

Lochgilphead High School have had two exciting developments for their Snapberry project in recent weeks.

Kilmartin House Museum has asked to display and sell a selection of the students’ images from the last five years. The photos are on display at the Museum and monies raised will help the students support the work of Lochgilphead’s ARMS centre. Continue reading Snapberry Project

Campus Eco Schools Success

The Lochgilphead Joint Campus Eco Schools Committee have joined the Royal Horticultural Society’s (RHS) Campaign for School Gardening and are reaping the benefits by reaching Level 3 of the organisations Benchmarking Scheme. This was achieved by providing evidence of pupil’s class work, putting a holiday maintenance scheme in place for the campus garden, growing a range of plants (see table by clicking HERE)  adopting sustainable gardening practices, using appropriate signs and labels for seedlings & plants in the campus garden and finally showing the pupils in action using all of their gardening skills. Continue reading Campus Eco Schools Success

Craignish Primary clay dig

Originally inspired by African mud dolls sent to us by Olngarua School in Kenya, Miss Brown and the Primary 1-4 pupils from Craignish Primary have been involved in an exciting clay dig project this term. The aim of this project was to enable the children to make direct comparisons between our culture and those of children living in Africa. We had an amazing time on our ‘clay day’ where we got to dig local clay, listen to African stories inside a tipi, create woven willow balls and create patterned clay tiles by pressing natural materials into them.

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Easdale School collects for Malawi

The children in Easdale Primary kindly donated a range of stationary including pencils, rubbers, rulers and jotters to Emma Ainsley a former pupil at school. Emma, currently a third year student at Glasgow University, is a member of the charity Student Volunteers Abroad and is taking part in a ten week project in the township of Nancholi in southern Malawi. Emma will be teaching in schools throughout the township. Emma has promised to come back into Easdale School in the new school year to give us feedback on the project and show us some photos.

Edmodo Joint Project with Cardross and Rosneath

Cardross and Rosneath Primary have formed a joint Edmodo group this term. The pupils in P5 & P6 and their teachers, Miss Boyd and Miss Travers, have been moderating writing, setting each other photo challenges and completing various eco and work projects. We have had great fun and look forward to inviting other schools onboard in the future.

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Spring Watch at Small Isles

At the end of March Dyllan and Davina’s Grandad came and fitted our new bird box camera. We thought we were too late to get any birds nesting in it this year, so we did a challenge to research what species of bird might like to make their home in it, ready for next Spring. On Monday 20th April there was great excitement because we had a bluetit sitting in our box and seven eggs! Just as the children were coming into school this morning the eggs started to hatch, and as of 3.45pm when the children went home, there were five tiny chicks. Our very own Spring Watch!

Duke of Edinburgh

Three pupils from Campbeltown Grammar School recently completed an overnight camp in preparation for the completion of their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh (D of E) Award. Jo Chinn, Liam MacCallum and Alice Morton hiked part of the Kintyre Way and camped overnight at Bordadubh. They experienced every kind of weather – snow, sun and gales on their hike!

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‘Expert Tuition from Dunoon Grammar Schools Pupils’

Dunoon Primary School were assisted by 4 DGS pupils and Mr Shaw to get the Skillsbook programme up and running. The four students Steven, Keith, Heather and Ben worked really diligently and enthusiastically with our P6 and P5 pupils. The children loved learning this new exciting project and can’t wait to do more with the programme. The comments from our pupils were ‘Terrific, Cool, Can’t wait to get started!’
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Primary 6/7 at Port Ellen were learning about renewable energy and wave power and decided that we would make wave power devices for the Junior Saltire Awards. These awards are open to schools around Scotland who want to design and build their own wave powered electricity generating devices. As we already have lots of Marine renewables on Islay, with the Limpet in Portnahaven and the new tidal generator planned for the sound of Jura, we thought we should have a go.


Victoria Postcard Project

This project is part of the Rothesay Town Heritage Initiative, celebrating Rothesay’s Victorian past. Argyll and Bute Primary children from Kilmodan, St Mun’s, Toward, North Bute and St Andrew’s have already been participating during May. This has involved interdisciplinary activities such as using traditional, Victorian style dip pens and ink, drawing and writing postcards, and, some ‘pop up history’ from a Victorian visitor from Rothesay in the year 1887.

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Disastrous Dining!

As part of our book study on ‘Billionaire Boy’ by David Walliams we had to organise, plan and help cook a themed lunch. We were making this lunch because in the book there is a character called Mrs Traffe. She is the school cook and makes horrid lunches like wasp soup, gerbils on toast, hair lasagne, brick cutlet, deep-fried cardboard and sweet cake.

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The Beaver Academy

Ashfield Primary have been working alongside Oly Hemmings from the Scottish Beaver Trial to develop the links between the school and the beaver project. As the local school to the trial site, pupils, parents and staff were keen to make the most of this fantastic resource. The pupils have been guinea pigs for a new workshop being developed and have recently visited the trial site to view the beaver dam. The pupils are now the proud adoptive parents of Millie the beaver and will be following her progress as time goes on.

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“I hope there are many more Learning Festivals!”

“I hope there are many more Learning Festivals!”, “ It’s a great way to discover what your child is learning and being able to join in!”, “ The school was buzzing with excitement!” These were just a few of the comments from parents and friends of Bowmore Primary School. Inspired by the SECC Learning Festival, Bowmore Primary decided to hold their very own Learning Festival on May 3rd for parents to attend. This was a fantastic opportunity for our pupils to share many aspects of their learning with friends and family.

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Window Boxes at Achahoish

We were given the task to create a window box each to decorate our school as part of our Playground project. We have to problem solve and use the correct measurements of the ledges. After a few hours of sawing, screwing and sweating we made sturdy boxes. We wanted to paint them to make them more attractive. Planting flowers in them was fun but we are hoping for a bit of sun now so we can water them – so far the rain clouds are doing it for us!