Blar project on Islay

Diardaoin 30 An Cèitean, bha blàr mòr ann an Ìle ach cha deach duine sam bith a ghoirteachadh. Gu dearbh, bha iomadh duine gu math toilichte mu dheidhinn. ‘S e cuirm ciùil gu math sònraichte a bha ann far an robh mu 140 luchd ciùil a’ cuimhneachadh Blàr Thràigh Ghruineard. B’ e seo blàr eadar na Dòmhnallaich às Ìle agus Clann Illeathain à Muile a thachair ann an 1598.

Sgrìobh bàrd Ìleach Uilleam MacDhunleibhe bàrdachd mu dheidhinn agus an uiridh chruthaich Clare Jordan ceòl airson trì pìosan den bhàrdachd seo. Am bliadhna, sgrìobh Clare ceithir pìosan ciùil eile airson a h-uile rud a cheangail ri chèile; chruthaich Raymond Lafferty fiolm a tha a’ dol leis; agus thug Iseabail Nic an t-Sagairt an luchd ciùil còmhla. Bha clann bhon a h-uile sgoil ann an Ìle is Diùra an sàs ann, le iomadh buidheann ciùil a’ gabhail pàirt; nam measg Còisir Ghàidhlig Ìle, Còisir Òg Ghàidhlig Ìle, Còisir Ghàidhlig Bhun-sgoil Phort Ilein, Còisir Ghàidhlig Bhun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr, Còmhlan Pìoba Ìle, Islay Brass Band agus luchd ciùil tradaiseanta bho Fhèis Òigridh Ìle agus Dhiùra. A bharrachd air sin, bha clann bhon chlas Ghàidhlig aig Bun-sgoil Bhogha Mòr, agus Àrd-sgoil Ìle le triùir inbhich a’ leughadh pìosan den bhàrdachd. Chaidh a chlàradh airson Radio nan Gàidheal agus a sgaoileadh feasgar Dimàirt 4 An t-Ògmhios aig 9.00f. ‘S e oidhche air leth a bha ann agus chòrd e gu mòr ris a h-uile duine a ghabh pàirt ann agus a h-uile duine a chunnaic e.

On Thursday 30 May there was a great battle on Islay but no-one was hurt. Indeed, many people were very happy about it. This was a special musical event where about 140 musicians recollected the battle of Traigh Gruineard. This was a battle between the MacDonalds of Islay and the MacLeans of Mull that took place in 1598. An Islay bard, William Livingstone, wrote a poem about the battle and last year Clare Jordan created music to accompany three pieces of this poem. This year, Clare wrote four more pieces to weave it all together; Raymond Lafferty made a film to accompany it; and Iseabail MacTaggart organised the musicians and singers. Children from all schools in Islay and Jura were involved with a wide range of music groups participating, including all the Gaelic choirs in Islay; Islay Pipe Band; Islay Brass Band; and traditional musicians from Islay and Jura. In addition, children from the Gaelic classes in Bowmore Primary School and Islay High School along with three adults read extracts from the poem. The whole event was recorded by Radio nan Gàidheal and broadcast on the evening of Tuesday 4 June at 9.00pm. It was a very special evening and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who took part and all who witnessed it.

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