Category Archives: Projects

Fairyland Castles at Toward Primary School

Toward PS Castle GerrishPrimary 1 to 3 Pupils of Toward Primary have been working very hard to rebuild Fairyland in their classroom with help from the Friendly Dragon. Pupils were given a family learning challenge to plan, design and create their own model of their dream castle with help from members of their family.

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Dunoon Primary Celebrate the International Year of Light

DPS Glow in the Dark Science 2Dunoon Primary Celebrate the International Year of Light The reallysmallscience group, from Strathclyde University, helped pupils at Dunoon Primary to celebrate the International Year of Light 2015.
Classes took part in ‘nanoglow’ fluorescent workshops to learn why light is so important and discover natural and everyday items that glow. Pupils then used invisible ink pens to write secret messages and produce their very own glowing artwork.
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Bowmore is ‘Greentastic’!

Bowmore 4th Green FlagBowmore Primary have done it again! By hard work and dedication, we have earned our fourth Green Flag as an eco-school! Not only do we maintain our eco way of life by litter-picking, saving energy, composting peelings and running a healthy tuck, we have made time to improve our school grounds. Our raised beds and rockery are now well established and used to their full potential.

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Leading The Way In STEM Subjects

St Muns STEMPupils of Primary 7 at St. Mun’s returned to school after the Easter break to some very exciting news.
Having completed and sent off their designs for the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award for STEM 2014/15 where they had been challenged to interpret the question “If you were an engineer in Scotland – what would you do?” the children were delighted to hear back from the organisers of the competition.
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Primary 7s at St. Mun’s Show Off Their Inventions

St Muns STEM  1The pupils of St. Mun’s Primary have just completed their designs ahead of the deadline for the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award for STEM 2014/15. The Awards challenged Primary and Secondary school pupils across Scotland to research and interview inspiring engineers, providing them with a fantastic opportunity to engage with real engineers who could convey the importance of STEM in their daily working lives.

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Oban High’s XL Group

OHS XL Club 1Pupils from Oban High’s XL Group have been working in the Community Garden at Glencruitten run by H2O. They have been building planters to help disabled people access planting and benches for people to sit and admire the gardens. They have been working towards their Community Project for XL and their Dynamic Youth Awards for helping others in the community.

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Chicks Hatched and Re-homed at St. Joseph’s!

St Joes LIVING EGGS  2‘One of the best projects our school has ever done!’….quote from one of the admiring parents as she viewed the newly hatched chicks recently at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh. 11 fertilised eggs had been purchased by the school in the middle of March to bring alive the learning in P3 and P6 as they studied ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of The Dark’ and ‘Animals around the World’ respectively.

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Colgrain Blitz

Colgrain Blitz 1Primary 6/7 pupils at Colgrain are currently learning about the events of The Clydebank Blitz. They were shocked to return to their classroom after lunch to discover that the school had been hit by a stray bomb! To protect themselves from any more possible attacks they spent the afternoon working under their desks. The children worked together to produce ARP reports on the damage sustained and produced poetry based around their feelings of being caught up in the Blitz.

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Lismore Primary School Celebrity Cook Book

Lismore Celebrity Cook Book 1Lismore Primary School P5-P7 have just completed this term’s enterprise project holding a book launch for their Celebrity Cook Book with a Fairtrade Café on Friday 6th March. This is their report:
We decided to make and sell a recipe book to raise money for our Stramash Week at the end of May. The project started at the beginning of this term and we did it on Mondays and Fridays with Hazel, our classroom assistant.

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Better Eating Better Learning at Kirn

Kirn PS Better eating 1The Primary 6 class at Kirn Primary School have this term participated in the Better Eating Better Learning” project in partnership with Children in Scotland (

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BBC features our 10 Pieces Music Project!

P1000428Primary 3 & 4 and Primary 7 at Port Ellen recently carried out a joint IDL inspired by the BBC 10 pieces project. The project aimed to inspire a generation of children to get creative with classical music. After an inspiring CPD session with the CAST team, the classes got together to plan their learning, which involved using dance, gymnastics, art, writing, music and animation to express themselves creatively in response to classical music pieces. Continue reading BBC features our 10 Pieces Music Project!

Lochgilphead P5’s History Mystery

Lochgilphead Primary 5’s have been learning about life in 1914 and the First World War. They planned to turn their classroom into a museum for a day, but due to its success, it remained open for a second day! In the collection, there was some amazing memorabilia from home, alongside wonderful models made by the children. There was even a World War I trench dugout complete with bed and cooking stove. During the topic the pupils were learning to ask good questions, make notes and use their notes to create all the information panels for the museum. Continue reading Lochgilphead P5’s History Mystery

‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!

St Andrew’s Primary School’s Third Green Flag!
St Andrew’s Eco Committee met with Paula Love, the Eco Schools Assessor, and informed her of all the hard work put in by the pupils, staff, parents and community members to maintain the Eco School status. After an initial meeting to discuss what has been happening in our school, from weekly litter picking duties to organised days like UNICEF’s Day of Change, the Eco Committee sang our Eco Code; complete with the newly choreographed actions.
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USA Week report

At the end of November, Lismore Primary School held a USA themed week. The children had suggested this following the success of China Week at the end of January. The week was chosen so that the children could celebrate Thanksgiving in true style on Thursday 27th November. The children were challenged to make another film about their week and discussed ways to improve their camera and presentation skills before beginning to present their findings.
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Former SPL Star Visits DGS
It’s not every day that DGS pupils can boast of being part of a football training session with a national cup winning manager – but that is exactly what happened last week, when Dylan Kerr visited the school.
Dylan enjoyed a very long and distinguished playing career, including successful spells with Leeds United and Kilmarnock.



Here at Rosneath we are determined to apply for our first Green Flag in the New Year.
Recently, we had an amazing Eco Week – so much going on! From model making using recycled materials to Beach Cleaning to welcoming our “visitors” from Zoolab to sprucing up our school grounds to Teamwork(out) Day to whole school village walk to planting………………..the list is endless!

Continue reading FIRST GREEN FLAG, HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!

Rothesay Primary WW1 talk

Pupils from Primaries 5-7 had a fascinating interactive talk from Stephen Grant, a Children’s Worker from Hope Hall Church, Bridge of Weir this morning. The talk was based on a WW1 stretcher bearer – Willam Coltman, whose grandson is a friend of Stephens. He talked to the children about William Coltman’s upbringing and how his strong Christian beliefs and faith helped him choose to join in with the war effort in 1914 as a medic to help his fellow man.

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What a load of rubbish!

As a conclusion to their IDL (Inter disciplinary Learning) of Eco, the children of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools put on a show stopping performance. As part of their learning the children had completed either a beach clean or a litter walk around their village.

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Dunoon Primary School Gardening Club – Harvest Update

In September, children in Dunoon Primary School’s Gardening Club harvested their first crop of potatoes. After throwing away the bad ones and cleaning the soil from the rest, the children piled the potatoes into the barrow and delivered them across the road to the local health food store, Eco Grain, to be sold. (They also kept a few behind for tasting and all agreed that they were very tasty!) Local shoppers had to be quick off the mark as already we’ve heard that the potatoes have sold out! We’ll need to start working on a bumper crop for next year …

Continue reading Dunoon Primary School Gardening Club – Harvest Update