Category Archives: environment

High Flying Luss

Luss High Flyer 1Luss Primary is this year’s Scottish champions In the Total Green Awards, sponsored by the Total Oil Co. and the Young People’s Trust for the Environment.
34,000 children took part in the competition. Over the past five years Luss has won the Totally Clued-up Category three times and on a fourth occasion we were awarded a Total Special Award created especially for them because the work submitted was of such a high standard.

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Salen PS Gardening Diary

Salen update 1 on gardening diaryDay three and we had to do lots of watering. Unfortunately, our water butts have run out of water now. Need some rain! Our Borlotti beans, peas and barley are coming on well. We planted more seeds: purple sprouting broccoli and cabbage, and a sage plant. We tied in the peas and cleared some of our big pots ready for flowers. And, we mounded up the tatties again …

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Rocket Science in Cardross Primary’

Cardross Tim Peak Rocket SciencePrimary 5 recently applied to the Royal Horticultural Society to take part in a very special experiment. British astronaut Tim Peake sent down a bag of seeds from outer space in April and asked the boys and girls to grow the seeds to see if being in an area of zero gravity affected the way that the seeds grow! After many weeks of watering, measuring and following Tim’s journey, Mr Henry sent the collected data to be entered into the ‘Rocket Science Database’, with some very interesting results! There certainly could be life on Mars in the very near future!

Solar Ovens for use on the Moon!

Kilcreggan Solar 1 OvensPrimary 5/4 pupils at Kilcreggan Primary have been creating Solar Ovens from everyday materials. Pupils had been looking at how technology has developed over the past 90 years and thinking about designing some technology for the future. Their discussions led them to think about how people might cook in the future.

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Port Ellen Junior Saltire WinnersLast week Joe, Bronagh, Kaya and Murray traveled with Mrs Clark and Mrs Leask to Glasgow and Edinburgh to take part in the Celebration of Science and Engineering run by @scdiYESC at the Glasgow Science Centre. They were finalists in the Junior Saltire Awards with their Wave Islay design, made with help from Bronagh’s dad Gus, an excellent boat builder. They tested their devices at the Flowave facility in Edinburgh along with 6 other primary schools and 5 secondary schools, before attending the event and presenting to the judges.


Strachur’s New Polytunnel

Strachur Pollytunnel 1 Mr Burke VisitWe are delighted that Mr Burke (local Strachur retiree) has come into our school to transform our polytunnel from an overgrown jungle to something fit for Beechgrove Garden! We are now growing tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage, peppers, radishes and lettuce. Mr Burke has been involving groups of children in the process and pupils have taken responsibility for watering the plants everyday.

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New Construction Area at Campbeltown ELC!

Sheena Stewart Mini MOK on Facebook for HomelinkThanks to Buildbase, children from Campbeltown ELC, Meadows Under Fives and the Kintyre Toy Library have been enjoying a fantastic new outdoor construction area at Campbeltown Nursery Centre.
Staff at the centre take great pride in promoting outdoor learning and are extremely grateful to Buildbase for supplying the gravel and ground sheeting to enable the area to be created. The site promotes an endless range of leaning activities and is proving to be very popular with all the children.

Strone at Stramash!

001P5-7 pupils at Strone Primary School enjoyed an overnight adventure to Oban Youth Hostel with outdoor activities provided by Stramash. The children explored Oban including visiting the local seafood stalls and relaxing on Ganavan Beach. An afternoon trip to the cinema was followed by a meal in a local restaurant. The adventure continued the next day with Gorge Walking and Climbing sessions delivered by Stramash. The fantastic weather also contributed towards a memorable experience for everyone. Continue reading Strone at Stramash!

Salen PS Gardening Diary

Salen Gardening Diary 2 June 6 206The Eco-Committee has been busy in the gardens again with everything growing well. The peas and barley are sprouting fast. The sun has continued to shine brightly so everything needs lots of water. Fortunately there is still water stored in our water butts. The tatties got mounded up again, and lots more weeding got done.

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Toward and Innellan pupils go to the Capital.

Toward and Innellan Holyrood Park June 2016Pupils travelled through to Edinburgh to Holyrood Park where with the help of Rangers from Historic Scotland they travelled back in time to study the nature and type of volcanic activity was involved in shaping Arthurs Seat. They learnt the names for all the different parts of a volcano and were able to identify the different features in the surrounding landscape. They discussed and studied the best place to be if a volcano was about to erupt and decided to be as far away as possible especially as one of the Rangers mixed some vinegar and Bicarbonate of Soda to make a chemical reaction.
Continue reading Toward and Innellan pupils go to the Capital.

Salen PS Eco-Committee Summer Term Gardening Diary

Salen Gardening Diary 1The members of the eco-committee (assisted by School Clerical Gill, ASN Assistant Caroline and our Jolly Janny, Jan) have been busy planting out barley, beans and sugar snap peas. The potatoes got mounded up and everything needed a good watering.

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Sandbank send a friend 2The pupils of Sandbank Primary School and the Early Learning and Childcare Unit are very aware of how lucky they are to have access to a safe and stable school environment where they can learn and have fun together with their friends. They, along with their teachers, know that this is unfortunately not the case for all children around the world and the school regularly has participated in the “Send My Friend to School Project”


PGL Adventures for Strone Primary

Strone DGL 1P5-7 pupils enjoyed an action packed weekend at the PGL Dalguise Centre in Perthshire. Activities included canoeing, zip wire, climbing and abseiling, problem solving games and the giant swing which was everyone’s favourite. The fantastic weather was an extra bonus!

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Miniature Creations at Strone Primary School

Strone Blairmore 1Strone Primary School pupils were delighted to work alongside Blairmore Village Trust to create 30 miniature gardens of wild flowers. The children worked really hard, asked many questions, and took great pleasure in planting up the miniature gardens. The wild flower seeds were supplied by “Your Scotland”; Morrison’s supplied us with their surplus polystyrene fish boxes which we recycled for planting; BVT supplied the compost and the children did the rest.

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Allan’s Road Safety Magic Show

Allan's Magic Show - CardrossPupils from Argyll and Bute’s Cardross Primary School had a ‘magical’ start to their week when they had a visit from Allan’s Road Safety Magic Show.
The innovative show uses magic tricks to highlight key road safety themes including safe places to cross, the importance of wearing bright clothing and keeping away from parked cars.

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Rothesay Primary School Eco Day

RPS Eco Day May 2016Rothesay Primary School held their first ever Eco day on Monday 9th May. It was a huge success. The Eco committee worked with teachers to organise lots of different activities and all 255 pupils took part. Some of the favourite things were making (and eating) fruit kebabs, making bird feeders, parachute games, Eco art, making Earth mobiles, and singing Eco songs. We also picked up every scrap of litter from the playground. The whole school learned about the United Nations’ Global Goals for Sustainability, too. Continue reading Rothesay Primary School Eco Day