Category Archives: Communities

Mid-Argyll pupil council ‘Reading is Fun’ event

Furnace and Minard  Reading is fun 1 Pupil councilThe children in the Mid-Argyll pupil council have been working together over the last few months to organise a ‘Reading is Fun’ event.
They ran two competitions, one for children in 1st level and one for 2nd Level to come up with a book character to encourage reading in these age groups.

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Nature Play at Rhino Camp

Rhunahaorine Nature Play 1Children in the Early Level at Rhunahaorine have been exploring the local woodland and burn at our new base, which we have decided to call Rhino Camp. We have been enjoying extended imaginative play sessions, developing language skills, cooperation and negotiation and motor skills. We have been learning to manage risk and challenge.

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Clachan and Skipness are Ocean Explorers!

SAMSOn Tuesday the 23rd of February, the pupils of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools had a fascinating visit to the Ocean Explorer Centre.

We have been learning about marine biology and RV technology in our recent IDL and during our personal learning time, so it was exciting to get a behind the scenes tour of the research at SAMs. Continue reading Clachan and Skipness are Ocean Explorers!

‘Fit Fridays’ at Dalintober ELCC

Dalintober Fit Friday Feb 2016Dalintober ELCC have recently been going out and about in their local community, participating in physical games and Active Learning opportunities during their Healthy, Happy Me topic. They have been taking part in sensory walks, wet welly walks, discovery days and lots more fun and exciting activities whatever the weather!

Innellan Primary School Wildlife Watch Group

Innellan PS Wildlife checkThe pupils at Innellan Primary School have received a ‘Level 4-Thriving It’s Your Neighbourhood Award’.
The School is continuing to develop an area of waste ground in order to attract as wide a variety of wildlife as possible. Members of the community help the children with growing seeds and planting, and the children get involved in environmental art, making it a fun and productive space.

Oh No They Didn’t, Oh Yes They Did!

St Muns Panto 1With the Christmas holidays almost upon us, the children of St. Mun’s were joined by Strone, Innellan and Toward Primaries and really got into the festive spirit when they were treated to The Rainbow Theatre Group’s pantomime production, ‘Sleeping Beauty’.

The traditional fairy tale was retold by the wonderful cast, who had their entire audience, laughing, booing and singing popular ‘chart’ hits from beginning to end.

Continue reading Oh No They Didn’t, Oh Yes They Did!

Cooking Bus comes to OHS

pic5On 7th December 2015, the Cooking Bus came to Oban High School. The Support Department and 80 Mainstream S2s were able to utilise the Bus with support from Jem and Sarah, the professional chefs on-board. The students thoroughly enjoyed their sessions on the bus where they cooked healthy meals with local ingredients. The staff went the extra mile to cater for all needs and allergies. In addition, teaching and support staff attended the training sessions from Oban High School: Support Dept; Health and Wellbeing; Science and Modern Languages. Continue reading Cooking Bus comes to OHS

Road Safety Calendar Success at Rothesay Primary

Rothesay Road Safety CalendarAt Rothesay Primary we all love to take part in the Road Safety Calendar Competition. We know that there are lots of entries from across Argyll and Bute and are always very proud when our pupils get a Highly Commended or even win a prize! This year was no exception with 11 pupils receiving Highly Commended, two fourth, three second and one first prize! Congratulations to everyone that took part.

Dunoon Grammar Arts Exhibition now on.

DGS art exhibitionOur Artists Exhibition is open until January in Dunoon Grammar school – please get the chance to pop by the old library as it provides the whole community an ideal opportunity to view the nature of work undertaken within Art and Design and more importantly, showcases the high standard and quality created by our young learners.
Original artwork for sale (designated by green stickers) – £50.00
Prints of Pupils’ Artwork (A4) – £4.00
DGS Artists Calendars – £5 each.

Bowmore’s Snowflake Sensation!

Bowmore Panto 2015Bowmore Primary School put on its annual glitzy pantomime last Thursday – it was superb! The children performed a new pantomime – The Snowflake Factory! It was the usual mixture of goodies and baddies, fighting over control of the fairy snowdust. We had the cutest P1/2 snowflakes and snowmen, we had P3 wicked witches, wizards and animals, we had P4/5 sparkly fairies and busy bakers. The P6/7 class took over the rest of the supporting cast and the main roles.

Continue reading Bowmore’s Snowflake Sensation!

Christmas Spirit at St. Joseph’s

St Josephs Fooodbank 1The children and parents of St. Joseph’s were recently asked to donate luxury food items to school during the season of advent to assist those in need in the community. As a tradition St Joseph’s has always made food bags and given them to the senior citizens in the area. However, this year we decided to spread the Christmas cheer even further. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of parents and pupils and were not only able to give food bags to the senior citizens but also made healthy donations of food to the Food bank in Helensburgh. Continue reading Christmas Spirit at St. Joseph’s

The Button Box

Kilcreggan Concert 2Pupils at Kilcreggan Primary recently entertained Parents and friends with a production of “The Button Box”. This fun musical is based around a story about two children staying with their grandparents who become bored on a rainy day. They knock Grandma’s button box over spilling an array of buttons onto the floor. They ask Grandma to tell them where all the buttons came from and the story behind each button is revealed in a song.

Continue reading The Button Box


North Bute Competition Entrants 2Ralph Anderson and Gordon Garmin from the Rotary Club of Rothesay visited North Bute Primary School on Tuesday afternoon to present awards for the Rotary Club’s Young Photographer of the Year competition.