Category Archives: Communities

Community Planned Partnership at St Joseph’s!

Community planned partnership is alive and well at St Joseph’s in Helensburgh. Throughout the academic session all classes will be involved in planning their IDL studies in conjunction with a community partner. This term both P1 and P3 involved the partnership of the local Dog Groomer as they each approached the study of ‘Pets’ at a basic and more advance level respectively.
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HARVEST SALE @ Kilmartin

Thanks to the help and generosity from parents, children and teachers, our Harvest Sale on Friday 13th September raised £86. We will put this money to good use, buying new resources for outdoor education to continue with our good work in the garden and the woods.

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What a Buzz!

P7 pupils in Rhu are looking to achieve the John Muir award this term for discovering, exploring, conserving and sharing their work on bees and their local area. They made a great start to their project by visiting a local beekeeper. Fortunately, it was a lovely sunny day and the bees were out foraging for the last pollen and nectar of the season. What a good opportunity to spot the bees busy at work.

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Achaleven Primary School Helping out Hope Kitchen

When we returned from the school holidays we discovered an abundance of crops in our school garden, from peas, giant cucumbers and carrots to a bumper crop of potatoes – which also won first prize in the Connel Flower Show last weekend!
What should we do with all these vegetables? We wanted to help others so we contacted Hope Kitchen in Oban to see if they could use them.

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People Who Help Us!

Rockfield Primary 2 kicked off their ‘People Who Help Us’ topic with a visit from local PC Andrew Simpson. The children enjoyed learning about what the police do and how they can help. They especially enjoyed seeing the police van with the flashing lights. The follow up tasks in class proved to be very fruitful after the hands on experience. We have many things to look forward to that include a visit from a nurse, a postman, the mountain rescue and even some school staff. We have also been invited to the local fire station and police station. Exciting times ahead in Primary 2!

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Dalintober PS Assist First Minister in Housing Development Opening

Pupil members of the outgoing Pupil Council of Dalintober Primary School were delighted to be asked by Argyll Community Housing Association to assist Alex Salmond MSP, First Minister of Scotland at the opening of a new housing development in Campbeltown, Park Terrace. Pupils helped bury a time capsule on the site and were delighted to receive a signed copy of ‘The Gruffalo’ in Scots’ language from Mr Salmond.

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Kilmartin’s amazing coloured potatoes!!

It’s great to start the new school year with exciting news! Kilmartin Primary’s Early level class grew some amazing coloured potatoes in our garden and this summer the potatoes won 1st prize in their category at the Mid Argyll Agricultural Show.The potatoes are a dark purple all the way through. Later in September, the school will be holding a vegetable sale with all of our garden produce and, of course, we will be making some very tasty soup! Continue reading Kilmartin’s amazing coloured potatoes!!

Lochdonhead Winners

Lochdonhead Primary School has been very successful recently in two national competitions.
In June we were told that we were the winners of the Total Green School Award run by the Young People’s Trust. In our entry we recorded and reported all the work we have done over the year to improve our school grounds. The results were reported as ‘excellent and the judges were all extremely impressed’. Almost 44,500 children took part in the Award for 2013 which emphasises the scale of our achievement. We were given a certificate and a cheque for £500. Continue reading Lochdonhead Winners

St Josephs Summer Disco

What a great night was had by all at St. Joseph’s Primary School on Friday when the whole school came together to help P7 celebrate their primary school years. The Leavers’ Disco was a marvellous success as the P7 children were waited upon by their teachers and the parent council at the special VIP table. However, as is the way at St. Joseph’s, the whole school family was involved with mums and dads together with children from all stages of the school being in attendance to give P7 a wonderful, St Joseph’s send off. Continue reading St Josephs Summer Disco

Easdale Makeover

Staff, children, parents and community members gave up the first week of the holidays to decorate the gym hall in Easdale Primary. The hall is half gloss so the preparation took 2 days before any paint could touch the walls. A full undercoat followed by a full decoration has left a perfect Gym hall for the children and staff in the school. Mr Glen-Lee was in his element filling the bins making sure only quality resources returned to the shelves.

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Barcaldine & Ardchattan win an Oscar!

Over the last few months Sam Harrison of Open Ground has been working with several schools on making outdoor films. The project involved children exploring their own habitat and then when back in the classroom decide how to make and produce their own film. Sam Harrison joined each school for two days when one day was spent exploring their own landscapes and then acting out their ideas. When Sam Harrison came back for his second visit, schools then had an idea of where their film was going and all Sam had to do was film it. Continue reading Barcaldine & Ardchattan win an Oscar!

P1-3 Gaelic Katie Morag Day on the Isle of Tiree

Primary 1-3 Gaelic had a lovely Katie Morag afternoon to round off their Katie Morag theme last Thursday at Tiree Primary. Parents and family were invited (especially Grannies!) to watch and listen to the children display their work and we also had a very unexpected guest who just had time to squeeze in reading one our favourite Katie Morag stories! The children showed off their Katie Morag puppets and read some of their imaginary Katie Morag stories before leading their parents on a tour of their work. We hope Granny Mainland made her way to the Isle of Struay for her holidays!

St. Joseph’s Concert

Another super performance by the children of St. Joseph’s took place on the evenings of Wednesday and Thursday 12 and 13 June respectively. P4 and P5 performed Peter Pan to a sell out audience on both nights with P6 & P7 presenting some gritty performances as the cast embraced the musical ‘Oliver’.
The audience were in awe of all the children as the show opened with a performance from the full scale school orchestra. The ensemble played in perfect tune culminating in a fantastic performance of the theme from James Bond. Continue reading St. Joseph’s Concert

Cycling Proficiency Success at BPS!!

Cycling Proficiency Success!!
Determined, 10 Primary 7 pupils from Bowmore Primary took on the challenge of Cycling Proficiency. Theory tests were all passed in 2011 with fantastic help from Mrs Baker. On Friday 14th June with both excitement and fear, one by one we went outside with Sergeant Rae who completed our Bike Safety Check. Relieved, all of our bikes passed therefore we began practising for our practical road test.
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Barcaldine Australian themed day with goodbyes to Mrs Morrison and Mrs MacEachen

Our topic for this term was Australia and it seemed fitting that we finish off the term with an Aussie day!! We were all prepared with our Aussie style hats (corks and all!!), green and yellow colours, several boomerangs as well as a didgeridoo.
Parent Council members kindly offered to make us our lunch – Australian style!! We had a variety of meats cooking on the BBQ with salads and rolls to go along with them. We finished off our lunch with ice-cream cones with an Australian flag instead of a flake!!
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Health Week at St Joseph’s

Health week got off to a wonderful start at St Joseph’s this week with P3 producing a very interesting and exciting assembly on their recent topic “Health and Fitness”. It was all very appropriate as Health Week is featuring greatly in everyone’s thoughts in the school. Miss Trainer, acting PT, has done a sterling job of co-ordinating all the activities for the whole school…and hasn’t left out mums and dads either! As well as a number of exciting activities for the children, Miss Trainer has embraced the talents of a number of qualified parents to put on a few activities with a difference for parents and staff. Continue reading Health Week at St Joseph’s

High Tea for Grannies

P1/2 of Sandbank Primary concluded their Katie Morag topic by hosting a High Tea for their Grannies. The guests all dressed for the occasion wearing some wonderful fancy hats.
As Grannies, and some Grandpas, tucked into a variety of cakes baked and decorated by the pupils, they listened to the children singing some traditional Scottish songs including ‘You Cannae Shove Your Grannie off a Bus’.

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Total Green School Awards 2013

The pupils and staff at Lochdonhead Primary School are delighted to hear that they are the winners of the Totally Active category for Scotland in the Total Green School Awards 2013. Our entry was about all the work we have done in our school grounds over the last year. We had to decide what we wanted to do with our grounds, work out how to achieve it, and we have ended up with a ‘story glen’ based on an old Gaelic tale ‘Iolaire Loch Treig’.

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Macmillan Dress up and Dance Day

On Friday the 21st of June everyone at Port Charlotte Primary arrived at school dressed up in their favourite dance outfits. P3/4 went to all the classes, collected the £2 donation to Macmillan Cancer Care then totalled the amount. We raised an amazing £122.56. Thank you Macmillan your dance DVD was fun. The assembly on Friday began with a whole school warm up dance session following the movements that we had learnt during the week. Each class also performed a class dance to their own choice of music.
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Craignish Primary launches new Enterprise Project!

Craignish Primary launches new Enterprise Project: Craignish Primary Plants.

After the successful building of our new poly tunnel (thanks to the help of parents and community members) we have now launched our new Business Craignish Primary Plants. The whole school have been involved in planting our crop for after the holidays.

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