Category Archives: Communities


On Thursday 25th September 2014, over 700 pupils and staff of Dunoon Grammar School participated in the Karra Downie charity fun run. Pupils across the school collected sponsors, Alana Scott, Claire Black, Caitie & Sam Esler and Lee Sharp all raised the most amount of money and will be receiving a medal for their efforts.

All the money raised was collected to make an exceptional total of over £9,500.


Pudsey Fun for Children in Need at Kirn

The Assembly Hall was the place to be to take part in Pudsey Day activities and raise money for Children in Need.

Kirn School was bursting with Super Heroes! Some you may have heard of like Wonder Woman, some you may not have, but Super Swimmer, Brainy Girl and Rugby Boy are all definitely Super.

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Third Green Flag for Dalintober PS

There was great news for Dalintober Primary School last week when an Eco-School Scotland assessor visited and, following thorough inspection, awarded the school our third Green Flag. Obtaining the flag would not have been possible without the commitment and enthusiasm of all our pupils, staff, parents and the many partner community organisations who all take great pride in our school and its locality. We are so pleased that this has been recognised by Eco-School Scotland and their efforts rewarded.


Managers and Head teachers from Early Learning and Childcare settings across Argyll & Bute welcomed a recent conference on ‘Building the Ambition’*. The document’s writer, Liz Paterson, an adviser with the Scottish Government, delivered presentations and workshops on this new National Practice Guidance. The conference was held in the Three Villages Hall, Arrochar. Parents with their children joined the conference for a short period as Bookbug made an appearance, all attendees and visitors joined in with the singing.

Remembrance day

All of the pupils in St Columba’s Primary School and Rockfield Primary School were invited to create or design a flower in memory of someone or something special to them. Some of the designs that came in were very creative and they were used to create a Garden of Remembrance within the Assembly Hall. Both schools also came together for a Remembrance Day service which was led by Rev Dugald Cameron.

Halloween At St. Mun’s

Thursday 30th October was not a good night to visit St. Mun’s Primary with all manner of spooks and weird looking people lurking about….. not to worry though it was only the pupils of Primary 4-7 who had turned up for the Halloween Disco, which was organised and run by the Primary 7s as part of their Enterprise project.
The children enjoyed a night of dancing, games and fun while they feasted on snacks including cakes which had been iced by the pupils who attend the Cake Decorating, afterschool club. Mmm!
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Breakthrough Bake Off at Port Charlotte!

Pictured are children at Port Charlotte school dressed in pink for our recent Breakthrough Breast Cancer Bake Sale. All the children in the school and pre5 unit had spent the week baking a variety of delicious goodies and on the Friday members of the local community were invited into the school for tea and a cake sale. Over forty visitors came and enjoyed our cakes and a display of individual project work by P3/4/5. We were delighted with the fantastic amount of £349 which we raised for Breakthrough and we’d like to thank everyone who helped with baking and donations

Road Safety at Rothesay Joint Campus

The Eco Committee has been working with PC Heather Simpson on the 20 mph speed limit area outside the school. Heather told the pupils that when the lights flash it means that drivers are reminded to be aware of pupils traveling to or from school and to slow down.

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Dunoon Primary Head Boy/Girl and new Clan Captains.

Dunoon Primary School were delighted to announce at our recent assembly that we have a new Head Boy – P7 Logan and a new Head Girl – P7 Emma. The hall was full of enthusiastic parents and pupils when it was announced by Mrs Sylvia Clark our Headteacher. The Pupil Council were all given colourful badges, well done for all their hard work in our school!

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Red Hot at St. Joseph’s!

Last week the children of St Joseph’s were delighted to welcome to school Craig Munro, a member of the band ‘The Red Hot Chilli Pipers’. Craig was in fact taking part in a partnership programme which had been set up by Mrs McLean who specialises in Technology at St. Joseph’s. Mrs McLean had written to parents and family members to ask if any engineers would come into school and give the children a presentation on the life of an engineer.

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Trip to Tesco

The children went on a trip to Tesco this week and this is some information about it.

The children of Clachan and Skipness Primary Schools have started their latest IDL of food and religion. They began with a WOW day which took them away from school. Tesco had invited them to spend the day in their Campbeltown shop. The children were very excited to discover that there was more the Tesco than they see when they go on their shopping trips with their parents.

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Castlehill Primary visit Muneroy Tearooms

P7 pupils from Castlehill Primary recently visited Muneroy Tearooms as part of their work leading up to the Kintyre Fun Food Festival event which will take place in CGS on the evening of Wednesday 19th November. The class had read of Francis and Ian’s success at the Scottish Baking Awards. Fifteen pupils travelled down to Southend to present them with a “Congratulations” card and to interview Francis herself.

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News from DGS

Marvellous Macmillan Coffee Morning at DGS

DGS Staff and invited visitors enjoyed a fantastic coffee morning organised by pupils from the school’s learning centre on Thursday, 2 October – all in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

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Strachur Primary School Coffee Morning

Primary 6/7 at Strachur Primary School held a very successful coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support.

The children organised the event and did all the baking themselves. They created posters to advertise the coffee morning and encouraged other pupils in the school to try their hand at baking too. They were very pleased with the turnout in the Memorial Hall in the village and raised the sum of £367.05

Stand Up To Cancer

At a request from our local Charity shop Cancer Research UK, we agreed to take part in ‘Stand Up To Cancer’ National Fundraiser. The children paid a donation in exchange for wearing clothes other than school uniform.

We raised a incredible £130.00

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Inspired by the Ryder Cup

The Ryder Cup wasn’t the only closely contested golf match this week, as twenty three pupils from some of the smaller Cowal Primary schools took part in their very own golf challenge at Blairmore and Strone Golf Course. As part of Strone Primary’s Health Week, they hosted a golf festival for teams of players from; Innellan, Toward, Tighnabruaich, Strone, Strachur and Sandbank Primaries, in conjunction with Blairmore and Strone Golf Club and Active Schools.
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Rothesay Primary School P7 Beetle Drive

Miss Henry’s P7 class have excelled themselves this week with their Beetle Drive. A total of £541.36 was raised at the event. We had a grown-ups raffle, a children’s raffle, a tuck shop and 9 exciting games of Beetle Drive! The pupil council sold ‘kabooglies’ (rocks from the beach made into little creatures with paint and googly eyes) and George Reynolds sold delicious cupcakes made by his mum and gran. A bonus game was played at the end in aid of Jeans for Genes, raising £57.

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