Category Archives: Outdoor Learning

Kirn Primary Score at Football Tournament!

Kirn Primary’s A Team were delighted to be announced the winners of the 2017 inter school P4-P5 Football Tournament. The weather was kind, and teams from Dunoon Primary, Sandbank Primary, St. Mun’s and Kirn all battled it out on the astro turf pitches at Dunoon Grammar School. With some close matches against tough opposition, Kirn A Team won through, with the B team on-the-ball to take second place and the C Team still in the running in overall 5th.

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St Andrew’s Primary Eco Schools Green Flag Award

st-andrews-ps-green-flag-award-feb-2017This week, St Andrew’s Primary School’s pupils and staff were delighted to be awarded their fourth Eco Schools Green Flag. Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world and is designed to encourage whole-school action on sustainable development education issues. The Green Flag Award is an internationally-recognised symbol of excellence in sustainable development education.

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Third Green Flag for Dunoon Primary!

dps-third-green-glag-jan-2017Dunoon Primary had been awarded it’s third Green Flag. Below is an extract from the letter Dunoon Primary received by Mrs Senga Wakefield, who is the leader of our Eco Committee from Eco-Schools Scotland/Keeping Scotland Beautiful.

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Inveraray Eco Success

inveraray-eco-award-jan-2017Inveraray Eco Success

Inveraray Primary School was the first school in Argyll and Bute to gain Green Flag status as an Eco School back in 2003. We are pleased to share the good news that we have once again retained our Green Flag status through our Crofting and Kenyan Connections work which includes the whole school and the nursery.

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Kirn P3-2 visit Benmore Cafe : Food for Thought

kirn-benmore-cafe-1As part of our Food for Thought topic Primary 4/3 from Kirn Primary visited Benmore Cafe with Miss Campbell. We were allowed to go behind the counter and into the kitchens to see where all the delicious food is prepared. Then we sat in the cafe, looked at the menus and had our lunch. The lovely people at the Cafe gave us some tasters to experiment with different flavours.

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Kirn Primary Brightens Up their Building Site

kirn-new-school-drawing-1Children from Kirn Primary School were invited to imagine their ideal new school playground and create a drawing to illustrate it. The best designs were chosen by the building contractor Morrisons, enlarged and are now on display on the hoardings around the building site for the new Kirn Primary School.

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5th Green Flag!

rhu-5th-green-flagRhu Primary School remain ‘Evergreen’, as we celebrate our 5th Green Flag. Christmas came early as the pupils received the joyous news. We were congratulated on our achievements in the topics of Biodiversity and Food in the Environment. We were also commended on our on-going beach cleans, which we have extended to the play park and Ardenconnel Woods. Eco Scotland were particularly impressed by our work on anti-dog fouling which was greatly appreciated by our local residents. The pupils are busily making plans to celebrate this great achievement in the New Year and we look forward to sharing this soon.

Strachur Primary 6 Young Leaders

strachur-young-leaders-2016Primary 6 pupils were trained as ‘Young Leaders’ on Wednesday 23rd November. They will be able to organise games for the younger children at playtimes and run a lunchtime activities club too. Well done Primary 6 and thank you Ruairidh at Active Schools for running the training.

Kirn Primary School

kirn-new-primary-school-planting-1The Contractor building the new Kirn Primary School, Morrisons, invited pupil to design posters which would be enlarged and placed on the hoardings outside the building site. Last Thursday the winners, accompanied by the nursery pupils, visited the site to see their pictures being displayed. While there, the pupils helped plant bulbs at the front of the Site Office.

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Furnace and Minard Pupils Go Gruffalo Hunting

furnace-and-minard-gruffalo-2Last Friday, while the ‘bigger’ pupils were off learning how to become Digital Leaders, Furnace and Minard ‘littler’ pupils decided to go off on a Gruffalo Hunt to Ardkinglas Gardens to have some outdoor fun and learn some more Scots words. The crispy cold day added to the sense of adventure, especially as we had recently read The Gurffalo’s Child. We followed the little mouse’s directions past Tod’s ‘deep-dooon hoose’, Hoolet’s “tree-tap hoose” and Snake’s “log-hoose”.

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Minard PS Win CRNS School Challenge

minard-crns-4-conference-2016This month Minard Primary fought off stiff competition from across Scotland to win a national competition for its innovative ways of making waste go for further.
Instead of using traditional recycling methods for disposing of waste paper, pupils at Minard Primary School have been turning it into recycled paper briquettes which can then be used in the community as fuel. As a result of this ingenious idea, Minard Primary was crowned the winner of the Community Resources Network Scotland (CRNS) School Challenge Competition.
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Willow Lantern-making twilight session

The Oban & Lorn satellite group of Argyll OWL (Outdoor & Woodland Learning) Group are hosting a willow lantern making session at Barcaldine Primary School this week.

Anyone interested in the workshop and outdoor & woodland learning is invited to come along at 4.30pm to have a chance not only to make lanterns but discover what the OWL group can do to help promote outdoor learning.

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Carradale Primary – Golf Sessions

carradale-golf-sessionsThis is an article written by Catriona Newman, P7

The P4-7s from Carradale Primary School have recently attended a 4 week golf session run by Dr Abernethy and Mrs Margaret Campbell. They were split into two groups, the ones that hadn’t played golf before and the ones that head. They had great fun playing on the field, chipping and putting.

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Strachur P1-4 ‘Trees’ Topic

strachur-tree-topic-1Wow! Primary 1-4 have been learning everything there is to know about TREES! We went a big walk into the forest to collect conkers recently. We also made collages in the playground with various other interesting things we found, for example pine cones and strange shaped twigs!

We made crowns decorated with different shaped leave and petals from wild flowers. Our teacher, Mrs Leyland, told us what trees the leaves had come from.
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Early Level Activities at Park

park-ps-forest-schools-2Park Primary 1 and Early Learning and Childcare Centre share learning experiences in Early Level activities. This term the activities took the children to Dunollie woods where they chose to learn about trees. Each group made friends with a tree and got to know their new friend really well(its name, shape of leaves, type of seeds, parts of a tree, bark pattern).

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JLB Harvest the Seeds of Success

jlb-harvest-the-seeds-of-successChildren at John Logie Baird Primary School have been working with Waitrose to develop Enterprise and business skills across the school. Following the pupils planning, measuring building and filling their own raised beds, Waitrose donated seeds to the school. Each class divided them up and planted them. Over the summer term, each class tended to their crop, and to their astonishment, after returning in August, a huge crop was ripe and ready to harvest.

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4th Green Flag for Furnace

sept%20gardens%20031On Sunday 25th September 2016 the pupils, parents and staff of Furnace Primary celebrated being awarded our 4th Eco-Schools Green Flag. Our celebration morning started early on Sunday with a garden taskforce made up of parents and pupils setting about clearing our wildlife garden and pond, cutting back bushes, making bottle sides for our plastic bottle greenhouse and generally tidying up our school grounds and gardens. We found some interesting marine life in our pond in the process. Our volunteers were rewarded for all their hard work with a picnic lunch and a fantastic “Green Flag” cake made by Mrs Baird. Continue reading 4th Green Flag for Furnace