Category Archives: Creativity

Our Primary Writing Competition is OPEN!

booktrustIn 2011 CAST renovated and relaunched an important art collection held within our schools and every year we run a successful writing competition using the collection as inspiration. The competition for 2016 is now OPEN and we are delighted to announce it has continued support from Scottish Book Trust. There will be first, second and third prizes of books for pupils. The winning pupil’s school will also receive £250 worth of books. Winning pieces will be posted online as part of the Argyll Collection website and on SAL. This year’s theme is ‘Getting Up To Mischief’ and we are focussing on four paintings. These paintings are held within different Scottish collections and represent children at play. Click TAC competition 2016 for full info and TAC writing competition images for the paintings on their own. GOOD LUCK!

National Galleries of Scotland/Tesco Bank Art Competition for Schools 2017

Art Competition Flyer 2017_Page_1The competition is open for entries with great new themes to get you started in this fourteenth year of the competition. With lots of prizes to win and fun inspiring themes for nursery, lower and upper primary, secondary and special education schools we hope you enjoy looking at, talking about and finally making your own art. You can download details of each category, entry forms and applications for vouchers for free art materials or workshops from the categories on the website. All winning artworks will be framed and exhibited at the National Galleries of Scotland and feature in a colourful calendar posted to every school in Scotland. Continue reading National Galleries of Scotland/Tesco Bank Art Competition for Schools 2017


Rosneath RME Topic 3 June 2016Recently, as part of their R.M.E. Topic on Celebrations, P3/2 at Rosneath Primary School decided to make then send 90th Birthday Cards to the Queen. The children had great fun putting their own personal touch to their cards.
Never in their wildest dreams did they think the Queen would remember their cards out of all the millions that were sent.


Scottish Education Awards 2016

JLB Scottish Education award June 2016John Logie Baird Primary School and Pre Five Unit have been celebrating their success at the Scottish Education Awards 2016. They were delighted to be a top 3 finalist in the Learning through Technologies category at this year’s event. Judges from Education Scotland visited the school back in April and spoke to pupils, staff, parents and members of the community who were involved in their hugely successful Oscars Night and their innovative new Improving and Achieving report –

Continue reading Scottish Education Awards 2016

Rocket Science in Cardross Primary’

Cardross Tim Peak Rocket SciencePrimary 5 recently applied to the Royal Horticultural Society to take part in a very special experiment. British astronaut Tim Peake sent down a bag of seeds from outer space in April and asked the boys and girls to grow the seeds to see if being in an area of zero gravity affected the way that the seeds grow! After many weeks of watering, measuring and following Tim’s journey, Mr Henry sent the collected data to be entered into the ‘Rocket Science Database’, with some very interesting results! There certainly could be life on Mars in the very near future!

Solar Ovens for use on the Moon!

Kilcreggan Solar 1 OvensPrimary 5/4 pupils at Kilcreggan Primary have been creating Solar Ovens from everyday materials. Pupils had been looking at how technology has developed over the past 90 years and thinking about designing some technology for the future. Their discussions led them to think about how people might cook in the future.

Continue reading Solar Ovens for use on the Moon!


Port Ellen Junior Saltire WinnersLast week Joe, Bronagh, Kaya and Murray traveled with Mrs Clark and Mrs Leask to Glasgow and Edinburgh to take part in the Celebration of Science and Engineering run by @scdiYESC at the Glasgow Science Centre. They were finalists in the Junior Saltire Awards with their Wave Islay design, made with help from Bronagh’s dad Gus, an excellent boat builder. They tested their devices at the Flowave facility in Edinburgh along with 6 other primary schools and 5 secondary schools, before attending the event and presenting to the judges.


S3 art pupils get protesting!

IMG_0366S3 art and design pupils in six secondary schools have recently had a day off timetable to work with two professional artists and Fiona Blakey, Cultural Coordinator. The project was inspired by a recent visit from the Travelling Gallery and supported by Argyll Youth Arts and Education Scotland through the Creative Learning Network scheme. Coordinated by CAST, the artists, Rob Walker, Amy Whiten and Gillian Steele, worked with pupils from Oban, Lochgilphead, Tarbert, Campbeltown, Dunoon and Helensburgh. During their time with the artists pupils tried a variety of printing and urban contemporary art techniques each producing a large protest placard. Please see below for a Youth Arts film about the project. Continue reading S3 art pupils get protesting!

Primary 2/3 iPad puppet shows

Kilcreggan p2-3 puppets b I June 2016P2/3 had a fabulous afternoon videoing their puppet shows this week and then watching all of the masterpieces. The show was the culmination of weeks of work; creating a character and a storyboard. Making the puppet and scenery then writing the play. They rehearsed their plays using the ‘Puppet Pals’ app on the school’s new iPad after which they were ready to use their puppets and be videoed. Well done P2/3 for all your hard work. What Successful Learners you have been this week Mrs McGuire.

Continue reading Primary 2/3 iPad puppet shows

New creativity documents available!

Jenny cast map 1Please visit SALi for a list of documents on creativity and expressive arts that you can download including a suite of eight infographics which explain why creativity is integral to Curriculum for Excellence.
Click HERE and then enter the ‘CREATIVITY’ section.
The following is included:
Creativity, The Big Picture: Shows how creativity relates to each of the four capacities. Defines creative learning, teaching and environments. Continue reading New creativity documents available!