Category Archives: Topics

World War 2 Day for Dalintober PS P7’s

Dalintober PS WW1 MemorialP7 pupils of Dalintober PS rounded off their interdisciplinary learning task on World War 2 by dressing in clothes of the time and being pupils in the very strict Miss McCallum’s (Mrs Elise Glendinning) class, using slate boards and participating in a traditional street party. A group of pupils also discussed their learning experiences with Head Teacher, Miss Caroline Armour, and were able to talk articulately about their knowledge and understanding of their chosen theme. A great success!

Holocaust Memorial Day at Tobermory High School

Tobemrory Holocaust Memorial Day 2Holocaust Memorial Day took place on Tuesday 27 January. This world-wide event remembers not only the victims of the Holocaust but commemorates those killed in the genocides in Bosnia, Cambodia, Rwanda and Darfur.

S3 worked in RME to plan a memorial in Tobermory High School. The gym was transformed by displays, lights, music and candles to become a temporary Holocaust Memorial. Display boards gave information on the genocides and Holocaust. Continue reading Holocaust Memorial Day at Tobermory High School

‘A Night at the Oscars’…continued!

JLB PS Oscar WW1 ScriptDear Diary,
Day One
I’m looking forward to our Oscars award ceremony. I’m excited about making a film and I can’t wait to write a script and make props and backdrops because I love the thought of making a film as it’s something I’ve always wanted to do. I’m not really worried about anything. I think the thing that will challenge me most is writing WW1 style as I struggle to write about things that have already happened.
Continue reading ‘A Night at the Oscars’…continued!


boomThere are still spaces available on these afternoon CPD sessions. Come and learn how to facilitate effective drumming sessions. Drumming rates as the most satisfactory and inclusive musical experience children can experience in school. Participants will receive boomwhacker packs (tuned percussion tubes) for their school.

Continue reading BIG RHYTHM SESSIONS Funded music CPD

Rosneath Primary School – Burns Supper

Rosneath Primary School, P7/6 held a superb Burns Supper on the evening of Monday 27 January 2015.

After a supper of Soup followed by Haggis, neeps and tatties, then some of Mrs Johnson’s famous Shortbread, the pupils gave us an excellent evening of entertainment in true Burns fashion, from their ‘toasts’ (how witty the toast to the Lassies and also Rhys’s reply from the Lassies), to poetry, singing and dancing for all. Continue reading Rosneath Primary School – Burns Supper

Happy Memories in P4 at Kirn

Kirn PS memories 3Recently we read a story called Wilfred Gordon McDonald Partridge by Mem Fox. The story told how a young boy (Wilfred), helped an elderly lady find the memories she thought she had lost by finding objects which help her remember her own childhood so long ago.

Continue reading Happy Memories in P4 at Kirn

Rothesay Primary: Outstanding P7 Burns Supper!

RPS Burns Supper 1What a fantastic afternoon at Mount Stuart for the P7 Burns Supper. The children led the whole event from the Selkirk Grace to the Vote of Thanks. We had recitations, songs, instrumentalists and highland dancing… a full afternoon celebrating the life and work of Robert Burns. Miss Henry and Mrs Watson wish to thank Mrs McKirdy and Mr Briggs for their efforts, Mount Stuart for the use of their premises, MacQueen’s Butcher for donating the delicious haggis and local farm Birgidale Butts for the tatties and neeps!
Continue reading Rothesay Primary: Outstanding P7 Burns Supper!


Following on from the successful end of term BBQ in which the pupils wanted to taste different exotic types of animals, which became known to the children as “Eating Round the Zoo”, Kilchrenan celebrated the end of the term by Eating Round the Christmas World.


St. Joseph’s host event for Strathclyde University’s Post graduate VIP experience

Friday 16 January saw 7 postgraduate students and their tutor from Strathclyde University visit St. Joseph’s in Helensburgh to begin their VIP (Vertically Integrated Project) approach, focussing on schools’ Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects. This new pedagogy, adapted from that which originated in Georgia Institute of Technology in the USA, is an approach used to further students’ authentic STEM study in Higher Education.

Continue reading St. Joseph’s host event for Strathclyde University’s Post graduate VIP experience

Lochnell Primary Fundraising for Mary’s Meals

The boys and girls from Lochnell School and Nursery presented a cheque to Mrs MacDonald for Mary’s Meals. The Children had learned that Mary’s Meals could feed one child for a year for £12. They decided to get busy! They organised a Silver Collection at the school Nativity Play.Mrs Kerr donated a lovely knitted snowman and the children raffled this.
The boys and girls were delighted to raise the total of £247.66 and realised that this would feed 20 children for the year!

Beach Schools

Clachan and Skipness Primary School have recently taken part in a six week block of Beach Schools with the Grab Trust. They carried out a beach clean and had a treasure hunt. The children made mobiles using different types of shells which they learned to identify. They also listened to a brilliant story-teller and made pictures on the beach. They really enjoyed building shelters, making fires, having hot chocolate made in a kelly kettle and toasting marshmallows!

Rhunahaorine Christmas Concert

Rhunahaorine primary and pre-5 Unit performed ” A Midwife Crisis” in Tayinloan Hall on the 18th December.
Thank you to all who came along to support us and to the parent council for all their help and lovely baking!
We raised £200 for school fund.

Continue reading Rhunahaorine Christmas Concert

Road Safety Calendar Competition

We are extremely pleased that 2 of our 4 pupils got recognition for the entries into the annual Road Safety Calendar Competition.

Connor Coombes won 1st place in his P4 category and Abi MacCorquodale received a Highly Commended in her P5 year group. June Graham, A&B Road Safety Officer popped in to hand over their pictures with certificates and a £25 voucher for Connor to spend at Amazon. Well done to both of you

A Night at the Oscars!

John Logie Baird Goes Where No Other School Has Gone Before!

Exclusive and prestigious awards were presented to the children of John Logie Baird Primary School for their innovative and very professional films. A sell out event, and being the first school to utilise Helensburgh’s wonderful Digital Arts Centre ‘The Tower’, the children showcased their films to an enthralled audience of over 600 – the largest the Tower has hosted to date.

Continue reading A Night at the Oscars!

Lochgilphead P5’s History Mystery

Lochgilphead Primary 5’s have been learning about life in 1914 and the First World War. They planned to turn their classroom into a museum for a day, but due to its success, it remained open for a second day! In the collection, there was some amazing memorabilia from home, alongside wonderful models made by the children. There was even a World War I trench dugout complete with bed and cooking stove. During the topic the pupils were learning to ask good questions, make notes and use their notes to create all the information panels for the museum. Continue reading Lochgilphead P5’s History Mystery

An Enterprising Christmas

The Primary 4 class at Lochgilphead Primary School have had a busy term working on their Enterprise topic. The children worked in co-operative learning groups to choose a Christmas craft to sell at the school’s annual Christmas Fair. The children surveyed pupils, researched ideas, sourced materials, created and sold their craft. The class made a fantastic profit of £161.07! They are now working on presenting their ideas on how to spend the profit on educational resources for the class.

Dalintober P5 Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale

P5 pupils at Dalintober PS held their annual Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale last week and raised over £300. The class sold goods and acted as personal shoppers for the younger children. One of the highlights was the nail bar that parent helpers and Campbeltown Grammar School pupils helped with.

> Continue reading Dalintober P5 Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale

Colgrain Primary Christmas Fayre

The Primary 6 and 7 pupils at Colgrain Primary School held a very successful enterprise event on Friday 12th December. As part of their enterprise education they planned and ran a Christmas café and crafts morning in the school hall. Pupils in the school had been busy making a range of Christmas decorations and crafts which sold out on the day. As well as the crafts there was a table heaving with delicious home baking, a very popular tombola, competitions and a second hand book stall.
Continue reading Colgrain Primary Christmas Fayre