Category Archives: Topics

Bowmore Primary Paints the Town Red!

Bowmore big paint 2At Bowmore Primary, we all took up the Big Painting Challenge thanks to the BBC! From Pre 5 to P7, we all followed carefully the live art lesson on Wednesday 25th February. It was a great opportunity and we created some spectacular illustrations alongside Tracey Beaker illustrator, Nick Sharratt.

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News from Strone Primary School

Strone PS Skills testStrone Primary enjoy the Marine Education Day
The P5-7 class attended the informative and creative Marine Education Day organised by the GRAB Trust in Dunoon. They enjoyed a variety of activities, having the opportunity to listen to sealife stories, find out about sharks and seabirds and even make their own jellyfish and marine mobiles.

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St. Joseph’s Helps Local Community Foodbank

St Joseph's Foodbank 1The SVDP (St. Vincent de Paul) representatives of St. Joseph’s Parish made a visit to St. Joseph’s School last term to ask if we could help advertise the new local Independent Voluntary Foodbank which had opened recently at the Red Cross Hall, 116 East Princes Street, Helensburgh. They informed us that no referral was necessary for anyone to benefit from this new initiative in the town and could we please let parents know of its existence via our next school newsletter.

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Tackling the Tour

Rhu PS tour de france 1Primary 6 pupils at Rhu took on a mighty challenge as they cycled their way around France, without even leaving the comfort of the classroom.
While Tour de France riders battle it out in the mountains for the much-coveted maillot jaune, the pedal-powered pupils each took a spin on a road bike, firmly secured to a turbo trainer, while scenes from last year’s race played on the whiteboard to bring the atmosphere to life. With a cycle computer attached to the rear wheel, the keen class were able to see how far they had travelled and how fast they were pedalling. Continue reading Tackling the Tour

‘Scottish X Factor’ Competition

Children of John Logie Baird Primary School entered into the spirit of Robert Burn’s Day when they participated in a fun and entertaining ‘Scottish X Factor’ competition. Our talented and very hardworking children learnt the Scots language and produced some extremely entertaining and convincing performances for the whole school to enjoy.

Out of all of our semi-finalists, Carla Gorman was surprised and delighted when she learned she was the best overall. The judges; Mr Foxx, Mrs Graham and Mrs Randall awarded Carla a lovely prize, part of which was a mug which said ‘I’m dead chuffed’ and Carla certainly was! It was a very hard decision and all our semi-finalists were awarded a special certificate.

Our thanks to Mr Foxx for his expertise and his recital of ‘To a Haggis’ at our wonderful event.

P3 The Big Bake Off at Dunoon Primary!

DPS Big Bake Off 1On Friday 20th February P3 held a Bake Sale in Dunoon Primary’s GP room. Having decided a few weeks previously that they wanted the opportunity to see a production of ”The Boy and the Bunnet’- a musical story they had studied last term, being held at the Queen’s Hall, funding the visit was a problem. £160 was needed to pay for the tickets. Hannah suggested we hold a Bake Sale and so the plan was hatched.

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Adventures in Space

Port Ellen Space 1P1/2 at Port Ellen Primary School have been learning all about Space. They have found out about the Sun, Earth and Moon, taking turns at being a Moon Monitor. They watched video clips of Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong’s moon landing and built their own rockets, complete with different stages. They have looked at the lunar landscape and have investigated how craters were formed using marbles and a tray of moon soil!

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Developing business skills at Strone Primary

Strone PS Social EnterrpiseP5-7 pupils have been developing their entrepreneurial skills this term. They organised a Bring and Buy Sale at school to recycle unwanted toys, games and books and raised £90.00 towards the transport costs of their residential trip to the PGL Centre at Dalguise in April. Pupils have also been running their own mini enterprises in school as part of the Micro-Tyco initiative. The idea of the initiative is to start a business with £1.00 and make as big a profit as possible in six weeks, which then gets donated to charity. The P5-7 businesses include selling soft drinks at breaktime, selling used books, and selling sweets at afternoon break.

We are GLOWing at Rothesay Primary!

RPS Glowing in RothesaySeveral classes at RPS are working on blogging in connection with John Johnston of GLOW. We are working through tutorials with the classes through GLOW Meet and having lots of fun getting involved! The pupils will learn more about GLOW during the process and work on their communication skills!

Park Primary is awarded 6th Green Flag

Park PS earth hour forPark Primary, Oban has recently gained a 6th Green Flag award for it’s work over the last two years on the topics of litter, health and wellbeing and waste minimisation. The school was commended for integrating the Eco Schools programme thoroughly into the curriculum and calendar through events such as One Planet Picnic, Earth Hour and our Apple Days and Green Days. Regular beach cleans and promotion of Fairtrade were also mentioned as was our support of charities such as WWF, MCS and Send my Friend to School. The pupils were described as “truly responsible, global citizens” and we are very proud of this.

Shake up your wake up

St Muns wake up your shakeup 1Primary 5/4 at St. Mun’s Primary School helped the whole school and Clyde Cottage nursery to ‘Shake Up Their Wake Up’ by taking part in The Big Farmhouse Breakfast week from 26th to 30th of January.

Pupils developed their organisational and communication skills by creating menus for each class; cooking different healthy breakfast options; carrying out surveys and devising a breakfast race to help everyone stay fit and healthy!
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p7 Beetle Drive at Dunoon Primary

DPS Beetle Drive 1Dunoon Primary School P7 pupils organised a Beetle Drive to raise funds for their Benmore Transitional Weekend.
The children organised everything from collecting raffle prizes, selling tickets, costing and making smoothies which involved the pupils visiting local shops to price local produce. They took a great pride in organising this event themselves.

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Scottish Literacy Week at Dalintober PS

Dalintober PS Who Am Ah SALPupils and staff of Dalintober PS worked together to plan and evaluate a whole-school Interdisciplinary Learning Task centring on the Significant Aspects of Learning relating to Scottish Literacy. Pupils were engaged in a range of activities focussing on the four organisers of Reading, Writing, Talking & Listening, whilst making links to other curricular areas such as Social Studies, Expressive Arts and Technologies.

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Wear It Beat It Fundraising Day at Strath of Appin

Strath of Appin Wear it Beat it Fundraiser 1Pupils and staff at Strath of Appin Primary School supported British Heart Foundation’s Wear It Beat It day, on Friday 6th February, by wearing red to school. Fundraising activities organised by Clan Leaders and Deputies, included the preparation of red fruit salads, skipping, red nail painting and a red-themed quiz.

The school also organised and ran a Beetle Drive, which saw a great turnout of children, family and friends. Continue reading Wear It Beat It Fundraising Day at Strath of Appin

Beetle Mania at Castlehill Primary

Castlehill PS Beetle Mania 1On Wednesday the 4th February Castlehill’s P7s held a Beetle Drive in the gym hall. All the classes came for a half hour to play games of Beetle. On Tuesday the P7s went round the classes and showed them how to play Beetle. Every pupil paid 50p and the total amount raised was £82.22 and will go towards the P7 trips to Ardentinny and Edinburgh.

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Rhu P4 Kelvingrove Art Gallery Trip

Rhu PS Ancient Egypt 1Rhu P4 recently visited Kelvingrove Art Gallery to find out more about Ancient Egypt as part of this term’s topic. We found out about the afterlife and what the Ancient Egyptians did to their dead kings, gruesome!!! We took part in drama activities and held some Ancient Egyptian artefacts. Later on we had a look around other parts of the gallery and found some interesting animals (can you guess whose feet these are?).

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A Safari round Africa -in Taynuilt!

Taynuilt Africa night 109A cold night in January became quite a bit warmer when Taynuilt Primary School invited family and friends to go on Safari around Africa!

This was the culmination of two weeks’ work learning about the countries, culture and problems of the African continent. Each class chose an aspect of Africa that they would like to learn about and, every morning they worked in groups and with their class teacher to research answers to their questions.
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Burns Supper at Strone Primary School

Strone PS Burns Supper 2On Friday 30th January Strone Primary School Parent Council organised their annual Burns Supper held in the Kilmun Younger Hall. The event was well attended by families and members of the local community, who were treated to a great evening of entertainment by the P5-7 class and a delicious meal cooked by Mrs Rodger, our school cook.

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Bowmore Primary is ‘Tapsalteerie’!

Bowmore Tam o ShanterOn Tuesday 3rd February at Bowmore Primary, an appreciative audience enjoyed a child-friendly performance of our famous bard’s ‘Tam O’ Shanter’. Robert Burns’ famous poem was given the BPS treatment, creatively led by ‘Tapsalsteerie Theatre’- a unique husband and wife team from Stirling. David and Jackie Smith spent from 9.20 to 2.15 (breaks excluded of course!) with our P6s and P7s from the English and Gaelic classes.

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Roman Week

Lismore PS Roman Week 1Sumus Romani!
26th – 30th January 2015 was Roman Week at Lismore Primary School. This term’s main focus is Myths and Legends and the children decided to take a closer look at one of the civilisations from which many of the ancient myths come. As part of the topic the children will be performing the Roman legend of Androcles and the Lion at the North Lorn Drama festival and this gave the children another reason to research these fascinating people. Continue reading Roman Week