Maths Guest Speaker Visit

As part of Dunoon Grammar School’s aim to improve attainment and to promote mathematics as a subject that provides enjoyment, a guest speaker, Professor Adam McBride OBE visited Dunoon Grammar School today in order to give a series of talks to selected S1, S3 and Senior pupils. Professor McBride, having taught at the University of Strathclyde for over forty years, has recently retired but still visits schools around the country. He has given countless lectures and masterclasses to pupils from P6 upwards. In 1999 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and was awarded an OBE for services to the understanding of mathematics in schools. Today’s talks generated interest and involvement from pupils and were well received.  Problems that have remained unsolved in the maths community were explained along with the importance of maths in everyday life and possible future careers.

Wildlife Watch Group at Innellan Primary

The Royal Horticultural Society and Keep Scotland Beautiful presented Innellan Primary pupils with a 2014 “It’s Your Neighbourhood Award of Level 4: Thriving”.  Councillor Mike Breslin presented the pupils with this prestigious award in recognition of their hard work in their school community.  Obtaining this award would not have been possible without the commitment and dedication of Eleanor Stevenson and Vicky Walkingshaw who worked tirelessly with the children.  Congratulations to everyone involved.

Scottish Cup winner Kara Called Up for West of Scotland.

Kara Chalmers an S2 pupil from DGS has been chosen to play for the West of Scotland U15 girls football team. Kara, who is a member of the U13s Celtic side that achieved Scottish Cup success earlier this month, has been playing football for three years and was delighted with the call up to the West of Scotland squad. Kara who plays right midfield for ‘The Hoops’ was surprised when her dad received an email informing him of Kara’s inclusion in the squad – a squad that is mainly made of girls from the greater Glasgow area and who are a year older than Kara.
Kara stated: “I skimmed over the email and at first thought I had not been included in the West of Scotland squad. I was then exstatic when my dad pointed out that infact I was part of the squad! I’m just ready to get playing!”
Continue reading Scottish Cup winner Kara Called Up for West of Scotland.


Dunoon Grammar School song for War Child a hit on Social Media
Pupils in Dunoon Grammar School are celebrating the success of a song released to commemorate the centenary of World War 1. (see below to hear the fabulous song)
Arlene MacKechnie (15) and Abigail Pryde (17) from the Argyll and Bute school published a version of Eric Bogle’s iconic song ‘No Mans Land’ on Social Media on Remembrance Day, 11 November, 2014 – a version of the song that Eric himself has described as ‘truly truthful and emotive’.

RNLI sale at North Bute Primary School

Primary 6,7 at North Bute Primary School organised a Bring and Buy sale to raise money for the RNLI. They had a wonderful day and parents and members of the local community came to support the event. We had a book stall, a toy stall, bric-a-brac RNLI souvenirs, nail painting, loom band creations, face painting and competitions. All of the pupil’s enterprising ideas and efforts were rewarded with a grand total of £800 for the RNLI.

Continue reading RNLI sale at North Bute Primary School


On Thursday 25th September 2014, over 700 pupils and staff of Dunoon Grammar School participated in the Karra Downie charity fun run. Pupils across the school collected sponsors, Alana Scott, Claire Black, Caitie & Sam Esler and Lee Sharp all raised the most amount of money and will be receiving a medal for their efforts.

All the money raised was collected to make an exceptional total of over £9,500.


DGS Success at Inverclyde Cross Country Championships

Pupils at Dunoon Grammar School are celebrating success at the recent Inverclyde Cross Country Championships held earlier this month in Birkmyre Park, Kilmacolm.
Second year twins Nuala and Cliona McCheyne finished first and second in the S2 race, with Niamh Doherty winning the S1 girl’s race and Alan Mollins claiming second in the S1 boys race.

Continue reading DGS Success at Inverclyde Cross Country Championships

Achahoish Primary visits Bank of Scotland

Pupils from Achahoish P.S. had a wonderful visit to the Bank of Scotland in Lochgilphead, on 6th November. They were given a well-planned and very informative tour round the Bank by Lynn and Claire. Both the adults and the children enjoyed the visit and we all learned about the role a Bank plays in keeping money safe.

The most popular area of the Bank was the Safe! Lynn and Claire were very patient and answered all the children’s questions!

Continue reading Achahoish Primary visits Bank of Scotland

Dunoon Grammar School Race Night

Pupils at Dunoon Grammar School are putting the final touches to what will be a fun and exciting night on Saturday 22nd November at their race night taking place in Cowal Golf Club.
There are many opportunities for success on the night with prizes to be won on the races, raffle and other competitions that will be available on the night. Entry is free and DGS would like to extend the invite to everyone in the whole community.
The event will help to raise funds for the Gaelic trip to Canada in March 2015.

DGS No-Smoking Film Claims Two National Awards

In June 2013, a number of pupils from Dunoon Grammar School joined together to create a short film to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking. The film was called ‘The Last Cigarette’ and was made by passionate drama students along with the help of David Hayman’s film company, Shooters and NHS Highland. The film originally came about because the NHS had asked the Charity Spirit Aid, also operated by David Hayman, to come up with ideas for an anti-smoking video that would be aimed at young people and would encourage them to not only stop smoking but not to start in the first place. Continue reading DGS No-Smoking Film Claims Two National Awards

Barcaldine Pupils help fell the Oban Christmas Tree

Last week pupils from Barcaldine Primary School were in Sutherland’s Grove setting up their Sgoil na Coilltean (School in the Woods). While they were surveying the woodland with Rory MacLean (Forestry Commission Scotland) for trees that could be felled, they were invited to assist with the Health and Safety operations for the felling of the Oban Christmas tree with Rory and Argyll and Bute Council.

Continue reading Barcaldine Pupils help fell the Oban Christmas Tree

Friday Fourteenth Fundraising at Dalintober PS

Pupils, staff and parents of Dalintober PS donated generously for two charities on Friday 14th November. A ‘Superhero’/Non-uniform day took place for ‘Children In Need’, with several classes holding additional individual fundraisers, including a P7 Talent Show won by the Boys’ Macarena Movers.

Continue reading Friday Fourteenth Fundraising at Dalintober PS

Pudsey Fun for Children in Need at Kirn

The Assembly Hall was the place to be to take part in Pudsey Day activities and raise money for Children in Need.

Kirn School was bursting with Super Heroes! Some you may have heard of like Wonder Woman, some you may not have, but Super Swimmer, Brainy Girl and Rugby Boy are all definitely Super.

Continue reading Pudsey Fun for Children in Need at Kirn

Third Green Flag for Dalintober PS

There was great news for Dalintober Primary School last week when an Eco-School Scotland assessor visited and, following thorough inspection, awarded the school our third Green Flag. Obtaining the flag would not have been possible without the commitment and enthusiasm of all our pupils, staff, parents and the many partner community organisations who all take great pride in our school and its locality. We are so pleased that this has been recognised by Eco-School Scotland and their efforts rewarded.

Indian Food Tasting at Kirn Primary

Well done to Kirn Primary’s P2 class who tried a range of delicious Indian foods, prepared by our talented catering team. P2 have been studying India as part of their topic, and what better way to find out about Indian food than to come and taste some.

Continue reading Indian Food Tasting at Kirn Primary


October is Breast Cancer awareness month and one of the suggestions to raise money is to hold a Pink Friday. The staff in Argyll House rose to the challenge, and paid a pound to wear something pink. The staff baked and contributed prizes to help support the day. As well as a bake sale, there was a raffle and lots of other prizes to be won, including a large food hamper. The amount raised was over £500. A fun day had by all while an incredible amount was raised for this worthy cause.


Managers and Head teachers from Early Learning and Childcare settings across Argyll & Bute welcomed a recent conference on ‘Building the Ambition’*. The document’s writer, Liz Paterson, an adviser with the Scottish Government, delivered presentations and workshops on this new National Practice Guidance. The conference was held in the Three Villages Hall, Arrochar. Parents with their children joined the conference for a short period as Bookbug made an appearance, all attendees and visitors joined in with the singing.