Hermitage Primary – Technology Challenge

Bringing their interdisciplinary topic to a close, Primary 7 pupils at Hermitage Primary School took part in their Technology Challenge presentation evening on Thursday 4th December.
Incorporating Technologies, Maths, Language, Science and PSD, the Technology Challenge required pupils to work in cooperative groups to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. Their progress had to be recorded in form of a booklet and Keynote presentation.
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Colgrain Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party

On Wednesday 3rd December the Primary 7 and Primary 6/7 pupils at Colgrain Primary hosted a Christmas party for the senior citizens of Helensburgh. The pupils and staff organised Ceilidh dancing, Christmas presents and teas and coffees for their invited grandparents and other senior citizens in the community.

The ladies and gentlemen were then treated to highlights from the Primary 1 Nativity and Christmas songs from our pupils in the nursery. Continue reading Colgrain Senior Citizens’ Christmas Party

World Aids Day

Pupils at Lochgilphead High School were exceptionally fortunate to welcome Katrina Mitchell from Waverley Care into school to provide HIV awareness sessions on December 1st, World Aids Day.
Katrina is a very experienced trainer and facilitator who has been involved in developing materials relating to Sexual Health and Awareness that are used across Argyll and Bute. Her presentations and workshops are tailored to suit individual schools. This work is fully funded and supported by NHS Highland. Continue reading World Aids Day

Book Week Scotland

To celebrate Book Week Scotland, team members from the Early Years Service and CAST have been out and about in Argyll & Bute hosting pirate themed Bookbug events for 730 children, aged 0 to 6 years, in Oban, Mid Argyll and Islay. The team performed action songs and rhymes in both English and Gaelic alongside the children who had been given CDs and booklets to practice in advance. They were joined in each location by local storyteller Alasdair Satchell who told the highly entertaining tale of Seumas and the pirate, Captain Gilly White.

Continue reading Book Week Scotland

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at St Joseph’s!

A great day was had by all at St. Joseph’s School as St. Andrew’s Day was celebrated in style. Everyone had been invited to come to school wearing some tartan at a charge of £1 per person – an initiative which helped raise funds for the school. Then everyone packed into the assembly hall to watch each class perform a Scottish song or dance. There was quite a genre of singing on offer from ‘Ali Babi’ by the pre-5 children to ‘The Song of the Clyde’ by P6.

Continue reading St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at St Joseph’s!


Following a competitive selection process, S6 Rothesay Academy School Captain, Marjorie Hogarth has gained a place on the prestigious Euroscola visit to Strasbourg and the European Parliament in March 2015. Marjorie will spend a week in Strasbourg and will have the opportunity to attend multilingual presentations in the parliament building alongside students from other European countries. In addition to attending debates, the students will have the opportunity to vote on European issues and gain a deeper insight into topical issues. For Marjorie who has been offered a place at university to study French this is a wonderful opportunity to develop her language skills and prepare for her future studies.

USA Week report

At the end of November, Lismore Primary School held a USA themed week. The children had suggested this following the success of China Week at the end of January. The week was chosen so that the children could celebrate Thanksgiving in true style on Thursday 27th November. The children were challenged to make another film about their week and discussed ways to improve their camera and presentation skills before beginning to present their findings.
Continue reading USA Week report

Tobermory High School celebrated Book Week Scotland

Tobermory High School celebrated Book Week Scotland with a range of quirky, paper-related, activities. S1 used old books to create a stylish ‘Dress for a Booklover.’ Meanwhile, over the course of the week, the decking area was transformed to a wintry Narnia. Students tried their hands at origami and cake frosting, and primary pupils joined the Lady in the Green Kirtle for a storytelling session. Back in class, S6 students took some of their favourite books into primary. They talked about what they liked to read when they were in P7, and demonstrated that no-one is too old to enjoy a story, especially when it involves audience participation!

Lochgilphead Primary’s ‘Night at the Movies’

P7 and P7/6 pupils are shown here on the morning after a very successful ’Night at the Movies’ which was the final outcome for their Very Important Bear interdisciplinary learning topic. Pupils worked in groups of four to produce their own movies. They wrote the scripts, made props and then filmed using iMovie on our recently acquired iPads. Finally pupils edited their work, added titles, music and credits to produce the finished movie. The Assembly Hall was packed as parents and friends were treated to twelve very entertaining movies. The cakes and popcorn also went down well!

Health Week at Rosneath

Last week, 24th – 28th November, Rosneath Primary School enjoyed an action packed Health Week. Pupils experienced a range of activities and workshops, including: Stramash, Heartstart, SOS Fitness, Community Police and Community Lollipop Lady. The health week coincided with the free school lunch pilot for P1-3 and we were delighted to see a large number of pupils tucking into healthy school lunches, yum yum! P1-7 parents were also invited to join their children for a school lunch.

Continue reading Health Week at Rosneath


Dunoon Grammar School pupil Robert Miller receives a call-up to the Scotland National Disabilities Senior Squad. Dunoon Grammar School’s Robert Miller is preparing himself to take on this best footballers in the world, having gained his first ever call-up to Scotland’s National Disability Senior Squad. Robert, who had previously played for the Development Squad received the all-important letter on November 7 informing him of his inclusion in the senior squad. Continue reading ROBERT’S CAP CALL FOR SCOTLAND

Bookbug Bags at Kilcreggan

P7/6 pupils at Kilcreggan Primary school shared the Book bug bags and stories with P1 pupils before pupils took their bags home to share with parents. P7/6 pupils showed great leadership skills when they read the stories to their buddies and guided them through discussion about each book . They also helped P1 pupils to complete some of the activities in their workbooks. P1 pupils showed excellent listening and talking skills during the sessions which have taken place over the past three weeks in preparation for Bookbug week. P1 pupils will now vote for their favourite book from the bag and submit their votes online. Continue reading Bookbug Bags at Kilcreggan

Prestigious National Award for DGS Gaelic Teacher

Pupils and staff at Dunoon Grammar School are celebrating the news that Gaelic teacher, Laura Howitt has scooped this year’s Daily Record Scottish Gaelic Awards for Innovation in Education. Now in its second year, the Daily Record Scottish Gaelic awards, sponsored by Bord Na Gaidhlig, was held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow on Wednesday, 19 November. The event is a celebration of Gaelic culture in Scotland. Continue reading Prestigious National Award for DGS Gaelic Teacher

John Logie Baird pupil designs Xmas card

Amirah from Primary 7 has been awarded Second Place in the competition to design a Christmas card for Jackie Baillie MSP. Amirah’s design will be featured on the back of the Christmas card and will be sent out to around 3000 people. A presentation ceremony has been arranged for all the prize winners and certificate winners. Jackie Baillie sent a letter of thanks to our P7 teacher Mrs McMullan and the children of P7 for their great efforts. Continue reading John Logie Baird pupil designs Xmas card

Port Ellen gains 5th green flag!

On Monday 24th November Paula Love from Eco Schools Scotland came to our school. She came because she was chosen to assess our school for its next green flag. All of the Eco committee showed her round the school grounds and she said that our school is very tidy and eco friendly and she would like to come again. Down in the hall we had a display set up so that she could see what we were doing in the school for learning about the environment. Continue reading Port Ellen gains 5th green flag!

North Bute Primary Beach Clean

All of the pupils of North Bute Primary School were out at their local beach to clean it up and make their local community a litter free place to be. Beachwatch Bute got us organised and with some parent help, the pupils made a huge difference to the sea shore. We spotted local biodiversity whilst we cleaned, and yes, we did whistle while we worked!

Kilmartin P.S. Children Charity Success

Over recent weeks, the children at Kilmartin P.S. and Nursery have been working hard and having fun raising money for some very important charities. Porridge Day in the Woods raised £35 for Mary’s Meals, Wear Pink Day for Breast Cancer raised an amazing £86.69 and £65 was raised for the Earl Haig Poppy Appeal. Altogether that makes a grand total of £186.69 given to charities this term. Not bad at all for a ‘wee’ school! Thanks to all of the parents and members of our local community who gave so generously. Continue reading Kilmartin P.S. Children Charity Success

St Columba’s Young Writers

The pupils of P5/4 and P6/7 recently entered the Young Writers ‘Out of this World’ poetry competition. They were asked to create an imaginative poem on any theme which demonstrated a command of ambitious vocabulary, imagery, similes, alliteration and other poetic techniques. P5/4 chose to base their poems on Space while P6/7 chose the theme ‘Fireworks.’
We were absolutely delighted to return from the October holidays to the news that Continue reading St Columba’s Young Writers

Charity boxes from Lochgilphead.

Lochgilphead High School 5/6 PDA gave 19 shoe boxes to charity. They chose a variety of age groups and collected items to fill the shoe boxes. Well done to Lorne Harvey, Nicola Ellis, Ben McGlyn, Lewis King, David Hatton and special thanks to Ewen White, Margaret Morrison from NHS Highland and Raymond Flanagan from Youth Services for their help. Continue reading Charity boxes from Lochgilphead.

St. Mun’s Primary Scoop Prestigious Eden Award!

St. Mun’s Primary School were awarded the prestigious Rolls-Royce Science Prize Eden Award, at the 10 year Anniversary Award Ceremony, held on 10th November at London’s Science Museum. The Rolls-Royce Science Prize is an annual awards programme that helps teachers implement science teaching ideas in their schools and colleges. The Prize recognises and rewards excellence in Science teaching across the full spectrum of teaching, from special education needs to high ability pupils. It also promotes innovative and sustainable strategies for teaching science which addresses a specific need in the schools or colleges and at the same time contributes to teachers’ continuing professional development. Continue reading St. Mun’s Primary Scoop Prestigious Eden Award!