Winter Woolly Wackiness at Achaleven

The pupils and staff at Achaleven Primary had a wonderful time raising awareness and money for Save the Children on Christmas Jumper Day on 12th December.

Everyone brought in a jumper or t-shirt that could be decorated and after taking some time to perfect our designs, we glued, tinselled, glittered, painted and baubled, whilst singing songs and feeling very festive.

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Dalintober P5 Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale

P5 pupils at Dalintober PS held their annual Oxfam ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale last week and raised over £300. The class sold goods and acted as personal shoppers for the younger children. One of the highlights was the nail bar that parent helpers and Campbeltown Grammar School pupils helped with.

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Southend Annual Christmas Concert

Last Thursday, Southend Primary held its annual Christmas Concert. Pre 5 children and Primaries 1-3 performed “Our First Nativity” and Primaries 1-7 performed “Aladdin.” There were also woodwind and chanter instrumental performances. This was followed by Coffee and Mince pies, then parents were invited into the classrooms where the pupils sold their Christmas crafts.

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A Very Merry Kirn Christmas

There was Christmas spirit aplenty at Kirn Primary School on Friday as the whole school and particularly Primary 6 pupils hosted the Annual Kirn Christmas Community Lunch.

Specially invited guests from the Kirn community were treated not only to the wonderful lunch prepared by Lynn Stirling and the incredible staff in the Kirn kitchen but to an even more wonderful Christmas Concert.

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Christmas is a time of happiness and coming together. At Rosneath Primary School Staff and Pupils recently, courtesy of Mrs Johnson and the ladies in the kitchen, sat down to a delicious Christmas Lunch. Lots of festive cheer – background Christmas music, crackers being pulled, lots of happy smiling faces and…………………………clean trays and plates!

As Slade sing, “MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY” from all at our school
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Rosneath Primary pupil Ellie Capon travelled to Dumbarton (Frankie & Benny’s) recently to meet Jackie Baillie, MSP. Ellie, along with other P7 pupils from Jackie’s Constituencies, was there to receive a certificate (Highly Commended) and prize for entering Jackie’s Annual Christmas Card Competition. Jackie said it was a very difficult job to judge (she does it personally with her Assistant) as the standard of entries was so high.

Colgrain Primary Christmas Fayre

The Primary 6 and 7 pupils at Colgrain Primary School held a very successful enterprise event on Friday 12th December. As part of their enterprise education they planned and ran a Christmas café and crafts morning in the school hall. Pupils in the school had been busy making a range of Christmas decorations and crafts which sold out on the day. As well as the crafts there was a table heaving with delicious home baking, a very popular tombola, competitions and a second hand book stall.
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Hermitage Primary and Parklands School Taste of St Andrew’s Event

Primary Five pupils at Hermitage Primary School and Parklands’ pupils have been having a great time. They were fortunate enough to secure funding from the Scottish Government’s ‘Food For Thought’ programme.
This enabled them to plan, prepare and deliver a ‘Taste of St Andrew’ dinner for their parents on the evening of Thursday 27th November in the Victoria Hall, Helensburgh
The planning started even before school broke up in summer as they had to plant potatoes which would be ready to harvest later in the year.
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An Early Christmas Present

Our p7 pupil, Colin, was delighted when a parcel arrived for him at school.
As part of his personal challenge work Colin has been researching ferries in the UK.
He recently wrote a letter to Caledonian Macbrayne asking for information on how to become a ferry skipper. He was very surprised to receive a package of goodies and a very detailed letter explaining the career path and even sharing some trade secrets!
We would all like to say a very big thank you to Cal Mac for this lovely early Christmas present.

Dalintober PS Allotment wins ACHA ‘Garden In Boom 2014’ Competition

Dalintober Primary School pupils and staff were delighted to hear that they had been awarded first prize in Argyll Community Housing Association’s ‘Garden In Bloom 2014’ competition, for a second year running. Members of the Mid Argyll & Kintyre Area Committee scored allotments independently and Dalintober’s allotment was judged the best. Members of the Eco-Group, staff and parent and partners have all helped to maintain the allotment, growing a wide range of fruit and vegetables which has been used in school meals and for ‘Green Days’. Dalintober PS would especially like to thank Chris Holden and Judy Martin for all their assistance.

A Very Special Visitor…..

Primary 1 pupils at Rosneath Primary school couldn’t believe their eyes when a very special visitor arrived in their classroom…it was Ziggy!! The boys and girls have been learning about road safety and how to stay safe at night when out and about in their local area. The children were very excited to meet Ziggy and share their learning with him

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Rich World, Poor World at Tobermory High School.

S1/2 spent the day considering the topic of”Rich World, Poor World” in their latest RME conference. Over the morning they looked at some of the issues facing those in the world today. They started by dividing the world’s wealth between them (some had a lot more than others) and considered some of the factors which determine whether or not you have enough to eat. The group explored human rights and made a quilt to illustrate them . Paper chains were created to show what barriers there are for some and how these could be broken.
Continue reading Rich World, Poor World at Tobermory High School.

‘Lots’ of News from St Andrew’s!

St Andrew’s Primary School’s Third Green Flag!
St Andrew’s Eco Committee met with Paula Love, the Eco Schools Assessor, and informed her of all the hard work put in by the pupils, staff, parents and community members to maintain the Eco School status. After an initial meeting to discuss what has been happening in our school, from weekly litter picking duties to organised days like UNICEF’s Day of Change, the Eco Committee sang our Eco Code; complete with the newly choreographed actions.
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P7 Dragons Den at Rothesay Primary 2014

Primary 7 pupils at Rothesay Primary wowed the ‘Dragons’ with innovative inventions at their Dragons’ Den event on Friday 5th of December. Each pupil designed a product, composed a pitch and made a model. These ideas were presented to a panel of ‘Dragons’ – local business people who gave up their afternoon to grill each pupil on their product, and choose the award winners.

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Speech Contest Success for Dunoon Primary!

Dunoon Primary School pupils were presented with the winning star at the final of the Association of Speakers Club final at Dunoon Grammar School on Friday 5th December. Aidan was the proud winner with Lily joint runner up. The quality of all the speeches on the night was amazing as the pupils from various other local primary schools took part. The judges commented on all the children’s varied speech topics and that the pupils had worked so hard achieving high standards overall. Well done!

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Kirn Primary Presents Cheque to EnviroKirn

Pupils at Kirn Primary presented Mrs. Marion Morrison of EnviroKirn with a cheque for £60. This money was raised by pupils at Kirn on their recent “Green Day”.

Kirn’s Eco Committee is made up of pupils from P2 to P7, who meet regularly to think of ways to raise awareness of environmental and community projects which are ongoing in and around Kirn.

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Christmas Carol Singing at Blairmore

Strone Primary School pupils entertained the local community as part of the Blairmore Christmas Lights Switch On last week. During the day members of the Blairmore Village Trust came into school to decorate cupcakes with the children which were then judged at the event, and the children got everyone, including Santa, in the festive spirit by singing a selection of carols and playing Christmas tunes on their clarinets and fiddles.


On the evening of Thursday 4th December, Bute Rotary Club held its “Young Musician of the Year” competition. We are delighted that two pupils from Rothesay Academy won their respective categories. S3 pupil, Layla Templeton won the vocal section after performing two well-known songs: “Ae fond kiss” and Abba’s “Thank you for the Music”. Meanwhile S5 pupil, Michael Sweeney won the instrumental category for saxophone. Michael’s chosen pieces were “Myopic Mice” and “Strimpellata”. We wish both our musicians well for the next stage of the contest.