Dalintober PS & ELC Elect their Councils

Pupils from Dalintober PS & ELC elected their peers on to this year’s Pupil Council, Eco Council, Sports Council and Rights Respecting School Committee.

Thank you to our all our new School Councils members for committing themselves to their roles with such enthusiasm. Continue reading Dalintober PS & ELC Elect their Councils

Maths Week 2017

Maths Week Scotland starts on the 11th September and we cannot wait to hear about all the fantastic activities that will be going on in Argyll and Bute!  Have a look at SALi for some great ideas that you can be using in your classrooms and don’t forget to send your ‘How Many?’ selfies in to activeinlearning@argyll-bute.gov.uk.  Why not tweet about it as well using #MathsWeekScot?  There is also a competition running on Sumdog and all our schools still have their full subscription so test those numeracy skills and win some prizes!  Most of all – have fun!

Dunoon Primary Vote for Clan Council

This week, the Primary 7 and Primary 6 pupils put themselves forward to be nominated for Clan Captain or Vice-Captain. This involved writing a short speech explaining why they wished to be nominated and what they will do this year to improve the school and support the children in their clans.  On Thursday afternoon, we had a Clan Afternoon to carry out the vote.  All of the children spoke very well and there were lots of good ideas to support the school. Continue reading Dunoon Primary Vote for Clan Council

Astronomy for Remote and Islands School Project

Today marks the launch of the ‘Astronomy for Remote and Island Schools’ (AfRIS) Project. With generous support from a Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) public engagement award, the AfRIS project will create and manage a mobile science-outreach team that will deliver astronomy related workshops and activities to schools located in some of the UK’s more remote and island communities. Continue reading Astronomy for Remote and Islands School Project

DGS Learning Centre at Kirn Gala

On the 23rd August 2017. The Learning Centre from Dunoon Grammar School went to Kirn Gala to raise money for Learning Centre trips and Activities. They sold Home Baking, Vegetables, Marmalade, Lavender and Candles all of which had been handmade by the Learning Centre Pupils or Home Grown in the School Garden expect a few vegetables. Not only did they manage to raise more than £200 but the pupils have also had the Experience Towards their Youth Achievement Awards

Outdoor Maths at Minard

Collaborative work on the times tables through active learning in class.

Minard’s P4 led the outdoor addition and subtraction treasure hunt for pupils of Minard and Furnace by giving clear instructions before we began and used up loads of energy racing round making sure everyone understood what they had to do! We worked together in teams to get the answers and follow the clues.

North Bute Primary School Highland Games 2017

Despite the dreich and dreary weather on Monday the 12th of June the spirits of the pupils of North Bute Primary School were not dampened as they made their way along to the Port Park for their annual school sports day. The theme this year was the Highland Games and Mrs Gillies had a plentiful supply of activities to keep everyone busy!

Continue reading North Bute Primary School Highland Games 2017

Lochdonhead Primary School Nature Trail

Lochdonhead Primary School was selected as the Regional Winner 2017 in the Better Energy School Awards. The school have won a cheque for £500.00 “Congratulations to the pupils and staff of Lochdonhead Primary School – what an ambitious project you have embarked upon and you have adopted an extremely professional approach. We were very impressed by the way you have sought detailed information and knowledge from experts and the way that you have involved your community in the development of your nature trail.

Continue reading Lochdonhead Primary School Nature Trail

Regional Art Competition Winner – Lochdonhead Primary

Alex Geddes of Lochdonhead Primary fought off stiff competition to win the regional stages of an art competition, run by Gas Distribution Network (GDN), to raise awareness of the dangers of carbon monoxide.

The primary seven pupil produced and performed a lyrical poem which saw her win £300 for the school and £150 for herself.

Continue reading Regional Art Competition Winner – Lochdonhead Primary

Toddle Waddle

The children at Dalintober ELC had a fun day out while raising money for Barnardo’s. The children walked from Dalintober Primary School to the ‘Donkey Playpark’. They had their snack and a wee play there before heading back to the school. They were very good at following road safety rules and kept us all in check! We raised £423.60. A big thank you to all who sponsored and help us on the day.

Isle of Gigha School wins My Favourite Pocket Garden Award at Gardening Scotland 2017!

Isle of Gigha School and Community are very proud to announce that Bailey Bannatyne’s Gigha Garden, inspired by our beautiful island has won the My Favourite Pocket Garden Award at Gardening Scotland 2017!

Visitors who voted convincingly for Bailey’s design were entertained and inspired by her creativity and attention to detail. They especially enjoyed how the garden encapsulated the children’s love for their island and its beautiful natural heritage.
Continue reading Isle of Gigha School wins My Favourite Pocket Garden Award at Gardening Scotland 2017!

Skills Week at Achaleven.

Achaleven’s Got Skills!
12th – 16th June was a very busy time at Achaleven Primary!

We packed in a lot in a short space of time starting with tag rugby with Allan and Ellie who put us through our paces, kept us active and we worked together well to achieve great results. We planned a trip to Glen Nant for the Wednesday so this involved creating a risk assessment.

Continue reading Skills Week at Achaleven.

Prestigious Scottish Education Lifetime Achievement Award goes to………

Pupils, staff and parents are all delighted that Miss MacVicar has won the prestigious Scottish Education Lifetime Achievement Award held at the Hilton Hotel, Glasgow on 7th June.
Sine has devoted her working life to the pupils and parents of Dunbeg Primary School. She has been described as someone who always goes above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that every detail is taken care of.

Continue reading Prestigious Scottish Education Lifetime Achievement Award goes to………

Healthy & Active at Kirn Primary

Kirn Primary has had an amazingly active Health Week, with a huge range of fun activities to take part in. Instructors have visited to run workshops for children to learn about Basketball, Swimming, Karate, Tai Chi, Keep Fit, Highland Games events, Baton Twirling, Indoor Bowls, Golf and Rugby. P7 children held a sponsored walk and the iCycle Programme has continued during this week.

Continue reading Healthy & Active at Kirn Primary

Drumlemble Primary School – Skipping Sponsorship for The British Heart Foundation

The children at Drumlemble have been taking part in skipping lessons in the school as part of The British Heart Foundation – Healthy Heart program.

The children from, Primary 1 – 7, took part in a sponsored skipping event called Jump Off, on Friday 9th June, to raise money to help fund BHF research which will help to prevent, predict and try to cure heart disease. The charity relies on the generosity of sponsors to help them continue this life saving work.

Continue reading Drumlemble Primary School – Skipping Sponsorship for The British Heart Foundation

Gardening with Mrs Cairns P3B

The Topic in P3B this year has been to improve and care for our School Environment. We cleared out the raised beds, went to our local supermarket and selected suitable plants to brighten our School playground. We are going to have a lot of building work going on very soon and we thought the gardens would cheer people up in the midst of the major refurbishment. P3B enjoyed every minute of their gardening activities and met some snails, which they then wrote wonderful stories about. They then thought of very interesting ways to discourage them from our beautiful garden!

Continue reading Gardening with Mrs Cairns P3B