Rights Respecting Unicef Day for Change

Wednesday the 24th May is Unicef day for change and the Rights Respecting Committee are hoping to raise money for children in danger. We will be collecting as much loose change as we can from today so if you have any lying around your houses, down the sides of your sofas we would appreciate all coins you can spare. We want to inspire our classmates to help other children around the world who are not as fortunate as we are. We are having an assembly on Wednesday morning which you are welcome to attend. The pupils can pay a £1 for dress down or in blue and there are a few other activities which we hope will help us reach our target of £150 which could provide 6 malnourished children with a month’s supply of life- saving emergency food.

Thank you in advance and any coins you can spare will be greatly appreciated.

Outdoor Storytelling Corner

This week Mrs Alexander has been very busy setting up our new outdoor storytelling area, it looks fabulous. Mrs Alexander started by digging the holes for the logs to be place in and then secured them with postcrete. Next she inserted willow into the ground, for the frames of the chairs, and then weaved the willow around the base. To finish off our bespoke storytelling area Mrs Alexander created one large storyteller’s chair and added screening to the fence, to create the perfect storytelling setting for feeding young imaginations.

Westfield Nursery’s Storytelling Area

Some of the children helped a little by putting on gardening gloves and packing the willow chairs with wood chips and cuttings.

We are excited by the story area’s potential to help develop the children’s communication and literacy skills, as well as promoting creativity.

We have already started to witness the benefits it will bring with the children already using the area to share and listen to each other’s imaginative stories.

The Princesses sat on their seats, then they ran away. The Queen shouted “COMEBACK PRINCESSES!”.

Please feel free to thank Mrs Alexander, in the comment section, for all her hard work in creating our fabulous bespoke storytelling corner.

Maths learning outside

We decided to take advantage of the sunshine while it’s still here – despite a little gust of wind every now and then and go outside and succeed together in our maths. We demonstrated our understanding of equivalent fractions with sticks and consolidated our multiplication facts using leaves as inspiration for the calculations. We also explored some problem solving activities involving volume and shape. We all worked well together to try and meet each of the challenges.

P6 at Linlithgow Cross Country

We attended a cross country event with other P6 Pupils from schools across West Lothian. We ran completed a course around Linlithgow Peel and there were trophies awarded for first, second and third place for both boys and girls. The weather was nice and we had lots of fun taking part.

Outdoor Smiles!

Today, P1/2 were exploring our new vision: ‘Westfield, a place to smile’. After discussing the meaning of Succeed Motivate Inspire Learn Excel, they went outside and used materials found in the school grounds to create a smiling person, to represent our new vision.

Nursery Assembly

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have two extra helpers, we were joined by a granny of one of our morning children and a mum for the afternoon. We’d like to thank them for their support. If any other parents, grandparents or carers wish to come in and help please speak to a member of staff.

Our afternoon mum helped the children to plant onions which was one of their chosen vegetables for our vegetable patch.

On Wednesday our morning children presented an assembly on healthy eating to the school and parents.  They were amazing, sharing their favourite healthy food and singing in front of everyone. Well done!

Just a little reminder that in the nursery we are asking for donations of small sunhats/baseball hats. Donations can be handed in at the office or nursery.

P6/7 Learning about Food Labelling

Today we were discussing and researching the information contained on food labels. We discovered that certain information must be included by law and how the laws about this have changed. We will now go on to learn more about how we as consumers can use this information to help us make informed decisions about what we eat. We also measured out,as a group, what we thought was a recommended portion size of muesli….. we were quite surprised by what constituted a recommended portion compared to what we had served ourselves. #portioncontrol