Nursery Assembly

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have two extra helpers, we were joined by a granny of one of our morning children and a mum for the afternoon. We’d like to thank them for their support. If any other parents, grandparents or carers wish to come in and help please speak to a member of staff.

Our afternoon mum helped the children to plant onions which was one of their chosen vegetables for our vegetable patch.

On Wednesday our morning children presented an assembly on healthy eating to the school and parents.  They were amazing, sharing their favourite healthy food and singing in front of everyone. Well done!

Just a little reminder that in the nursery we are asking for donations of small sunhats/baseball hats. Donations can be handed in at the office or nursery.

P6/7 Learning about Food Labelling

Today we were discussing and researching the information contained on food labels. We discovered that certain information must be included by law and how the laws about this have changed. We will now go on to learn more about how we as consumers can use this information to help us make informed decisions about what we eat. We also measured out,as a group, what we thought was a recommended portion size of muesli….. we were quite surprised by what constituted a recommended portion compared to what we had served ourselves. #portioncontrol

Art Exhibition

We are delighted to announce that, on Wednesday 17th May, there will be art exhibition in the school hall from 0900-1200 then 1.30-3.00. You can pop in at any time, during these hours, to admire the work and perhaps make a purchase.

On display will be art from each class and the nursery, and the art is for sale! All proceeds will go to school funds and pupils will be involved in deciding what will be purchased as a result.

The framed examples of quality artwork will cost £5.

We look forward to seeing  you there!