Tag Archives: sign of the day

Tuesday 16th June Group 6

Good morning everyone. How are you feeling today? Did you manage an act of kindness towards somebody yesterday?

I forgot to ask yesterday if you had managed to complete any of the Friday challenges?

Lets start today with morning circle.

Movement – I am feeling like I have a lot of energy today, will you help me shake my sillies out?

On a Tuesday we have ICT and Dance – go to the pages and see what has been planned for you.

Story: The sunshine makes me feel happy, What makes you feel happy? Today’s story is all about feeling happy.

Sign of the day: Go and see what Lorna has planned for you.

Fiddly fingers

On Tuesdays you have Gardening or CDT – head over to those pages and see what has been planned.

HWB: Today we are looking at what or who makes you happy.

That is all for today. Pop back tomorrow and see what has been planned for you.


Thursday 11th June Group 6

Goodmorning Minions GIF - GoodMorning Minion DespicableMe GIFs

Good morning Group 6 how are you today? Let us get started with our morning circle.

Movement: Put your favourite song on and spell out your name in exercise. You can spell out the names of other members of your family too. (click to enlarge picture)

On a Thursday you have Maths go and see what has been planned for you.

Fiddly Fingers: Can you help in the house and make your fingers strong by pairing socks today?

Story: Today we hear about a boy who goes on a wonderful adventure.

Sign of the day go and see what Lorna has planned for you.

On Thursday we have Music go see what has been planned for you.

Sensory:  I hope you enjoy this activity – I certainly did!

Finally on a Thursday it is Dance. Go see what has been planned for you and see you tomorrow.

Porky Pig GIF - Porky Pig LooneyTunes GIFs