Tag Archives: Morning Circle Time

Orange Class Thursday 14th May

Good morning.  We can have a lot of fun with bubbles and straws today so let’s get going!

On Thursdays we start the day with P.E.  Please see Gerry and Pedro’s posts for a very special P.E. today – Sports day!

Now its time for the morning circle.


Don’t forget Lorna’s Sign of the Day – category sign of the day.

Orange Class Challenge:

Alice has been busy again!  Is there no limit to her imagination!

Make a fantastic Bubble machine!


We also have Art with David Bennett on a Thursday.  David has some super ideas for      bubble art below and we know how much the Orange Class like bubbles!



Now, how about some maths?  Have a shot at this.  It is not as easy as it looks!



Today, lets sharpen up on our listening skills.  Try to identify the animal sounds – it’s fun!


How about some movement?   What about a class favourite? We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!

That was fun.
Story time!

Today’s story is ‘I don’t want to go to bed’.   Group 5 had a look at this yesterday.

Where did the Little Princess end up sleeping?


Sensory fun!

Did you try it?

Finally, some relaxation.  Follow the bubble……

Have a super Thursday!


Orange Class Wednesday 13th May

Good morning.  Happy Wednesday!

It is time for our Morning Circle.


How about a little science experiment?

Shaving Foam Rain Clouds

You can easily make a sensory rain cloud experiment for your children at home with just shaving foam.

picture of shaving cream rain clouds

Supplies for Shaving Foam Rain Clouds

  1. A Glass or Jar
  2. Shaving Foam
  3. Water
  4. Food Colouring
  5. Dropper or Straw

How To Make Shaving Foam Rain Clouds

Fill your glass or jar 3/4 of the way full with water. Add shaving foam to the top. This is our fluffy cloud.

Mix a little blue food colouring with some water. Again, this is option, but it makes the rain much easier to see.

Have your child add drops of the blue water to the cloud. As the water gets heavier and heavier it will start to fall out of the cloud and make rain!

This is what happens with real clouds. The water droplets get heavier and heavier until they fall down as rain. Fun fact: The average cumulus cloud weighs 1.1 million pounds!)

This activity works fine motor skills as your child manipulates the dropper or straw to add the droplets. You can also enjoy the sensory fun of playing with the clouds too.


Rachel has a new sensory dance Sway on the Blog.


Now it’s time for some maths



Which job will you choose today?



Time to get outdoors!


What about a story for today?

Did you manage to answer the questions?


Yoga time!


Finally, time for some relaxation……

I hope you enjoy your Wednesday.



Orange Class Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Orange Class!

Let’s start with our morning circle.


On Tuesdays we have dance


How about a quick look at photographs to see what your friends have been up to?


Don’t forget to check out Sign of the day  and the Orange Class Challenge Video!

That’s all for today!  See you tomorrow!


Orange Class – Monday 11th May

Good morning to the Orange Class!

It’s Monday, it’s sunny and we’re raring to go.

Morning Circle.


Let’s start with a story.


Did you manage to spot the five differences in Kipper?


Let’s do Lorna’s Sign of the day  (Category sign of the day).

Now for some some movement!  Get Moving with GoNoodle – Boom ChicKa Boom!


Now for some Maths for today


How about a super fun sensory activity?

    1.  Ball Roll
  1.  Find a suitable cardboard Box and get an adult to help you cut it.
  2. Find a suitable ball.  Ask an adult to make the hole.
  3. Get rolling!

Watch the video here


Time to do some Jobs.  Today the most important job of all – Tidy your bedroom!

Tidy your room!


Time to do some cooking!  Today we are making Cranachan.


Check out Pedro’s P.E.  for this week.

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend are now ready to start a new week full of energy.

Today we’re going for an adventure in space, a star wars adventure, hope you enjoy it.

Remember to take in consideration your surroundings keep safe and have fun, also remember that with family is also more fun.

Just follow the link below and enjoy.


Finally time for some relaxation.

Have a lovely Monday!


Orange Class Friday 8th May

Good morning!  Friday today and we all like Fridays!

Today is a very special day.  It is the anniversary of Victory in Europe day.   World War II ended 75 years ago today.


At 11.00 am today the Edinburgh Castle Big Gun will fire and on the BBC television there will be a fly past of two Spitfire planes.  If you want to find out more about V.E. day then go to the Pink Class Blog for today, (thanks to Wendy) or the Group 6 Blog (thanks Tracey).


Scroll down for Assembly with Tracey and Connie!

Don’t for get Reflection Time with Lorna.  Scroll down.

Now time for Morning Circle




Now for Maths – Just Numberjacks today!

Story Time!  Today it is the three little pigs.

I hope you enjoyed that story.  Can you answer the questions below?

Don’t forget sign of the day with Lorna – category sign of the day.

Time to get outside!

How did you get on?

Now some fiddly fingers fun!

For lunch today why not try making your own sandwich. Here are the instructions for a chicken mayo filling.  If you don’t like chicken how about some grated cheese?

Make sure you are helping around the house too.

You can go on a washing hunt around the house and find all the dirty washing.  You can then try sorting the washing into different colours!







Now Time for some relaxation.

I hope you have a good Friday!


Group 5 Circle Time Wednesday 6th May

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely long weekend and that you were able to spend some time outside in the sunshine.

Today I feel like Mr Bounce. The nice sunny weather makes me feel like bouncing about in the garden to get some exercise.

Mr bounce GIF on GIFER - by Shaktitaxe

How do you feel today?

This sunny weather means there are lots of insects in our gardens. For movement today why not go outside and see what you can spot.

Can you find a butterfly or a ladybird? Use this spotter sheet to help you.


For life skills choose an outside job like washing the car, watering the plants or tidying up the garden.

Cartoon Man Garden Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

First lesson of the day is Literacy so go to the Language section of the blog to find out what Laura has posted for the day.

For PE check out what Gerry and Pedro have arranged for you in the PE section.

Have a break and then come back for a story at 10.30. Today’s story is Owl Babies.

Owl Babies: 1: Amazon.co.uk: Martin Waddell, Patrick Benson ...

Then check out Sign of the Day with Lorna and get creative with Steve in Art.

After lunch it is time for Science and today we will be learning about trees so check out my post in the Science section.

The last lesson of the day is Health and Well-being. Why not find your favourite spot in the house or garden and have a relax for 10 minutes. Close your eyes and have a listen. How many sounds can you hear as you relax?

Have a lovely day.


Orange Class Thursday 30th April

A very good morning to the Orange Class!   How are you today??

Shall we have our Morning Circle?


On Thursdays we have P.E.  first thing in the morning so let’s get going!

Here is a fun activity to get you moving, if you have limited mobility then you can adapt the exercise or repeat one from another letter.

Ask an adult to help you spell your name and do the exercise for each letter. What other words can you spell.

How about some reading?

I hope you enjoyed that story.  Dads always get a hard time of it!

Can you answer the questions?

Did you like the story?


Jobs:  Can help to wash the dishes today?

Time for some zoo work!  Thanks to Sophie in the Red Class.


Then have a look at these,


How about some cooking?  An Orange Class favourite!


Time for Yoga 


And finally time for relaxation!

Enjoy your Thursday.



Wednesday 29th of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class!

Please follow the sway below to find today’s activities.

Have fun!

Please find below a little follow-up task for science.

Can you make a flower?


Also, can you create the life cycle of a flower?




Group 5 Circle Time Wednesday 29th April

Hi Everyone

Today I am feeling like Mr Clumsy because last night I knocked my drink onto my laptop! Today I think I am going to have to find someone who can fix it for me!

What I ate Wednesday | Little miss, Accident prone, Mr men little miss

Who do you feel like today?

Today’s weather is going to be a bit cloudy and a bit sunny but quite chilly so perhaps have movement time inside today. How about some sofa stretches

or some yoga disco

Once you have warmed up how about helping in the house for life-skills?

What will you help with today?

House Chores GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

For Literacy check out Laura’s posts in the Literacy and Language sections and then for PE find out what Pedro is up to in the PE section.

After break it is time for a story. Today’s story is

Room on the Broom By Julia Donaldson

After that check out Sign of the day with Lorna.

Steve has some great Art activities for you to do again. I wonder what you will draw today?

After lunch it is time for Science so catch up on my posts from last week or check out today’s new posts.

Finally for Health and Wellbeing I think we all deserve a chill time. Find somewhere comfortable to relax and listen to some calming music. I will be listening to this …

Have a great day and let me know what you are up to by replying to this post or be sending me an e-mail.


Monday 27th of April – Pink Class

Good morning Pink Class! I wonder what fun we will have this week!

What day is it?

Calendar –

So it’s Monday 27th of April! What day will it be tomorrow? What day was it yesterday?

How many days are left in April now? Let’s look and see.

April 2020 Calendar Printable Template in PDF, Word, Excel – Free ...

Movement –

Let’s get moving. What does Pedro or Gerry suggest we do today?

Life Skills –

Choose 3 jobs you could do today to help around the house.

Maths –

Go on an environmental number hunt.

Numbers are everywhere! On your walk today, how many numbers can you spot?

Have a look at traffic signs, lampposts, doors, bus numbers, number plates. Where else do numbers appear in your local area?

P.E. –

I wonder what Pedro and Gerry have planned today. Have a look at the P.E. section to find out.

Story – 

We are looking at plants this week. I love this story about a little seed and how far it travels.

Signs of the Day –

What signs will be learning from Lorna today? Have a look at this section to find out.

Art –

On your walk today take some paper and some crayons or pencils.

Look for some trees with different barks.

Use your crayon to make some rubbings.

Can you see the different textures of tree bark?


Outdoor Learning –

Go on a seed scavenger hunt.

Look closely at the trees and plants in your garden or when you are out on your walk.

Can you find any seeds? What colours are the seeds? How big are the seeds?

Take your seeds home for further activities this week.


Seeds we eat – cut open some fruit or vegetables, can you find the seeds?

Some fruits and vegetables have the seeds on the inside e.g. apples, pears and some have the seeds on the outside e.g. strawberries. Where are the seeds that you find?

  strawberry seeds

Challenge of the Day –

Give someone in your family a big hug – hugging someone close has very positive effects on our body and makes us feel good. Do it every day this week to get maximum effect.