Tag Archives: morning activities

Orange Class – Thursday 28th May

Hello everyone and good morning!

Lets start the day with our Morning Circle


On Thursdays we have P.E.

Here are some brilliant ideas of games that you can make and play at home using things in your house. Perhaps you could try some today! Get creative and have fun!

Did you try any?

Don’t forget sign of the day with Lorna


Now, Time for Maths.  Today a super fun shape sorting game!

On Thursdays we also have art with David

Now, story time.  Read Topsy and Tim Go camping, then watch them on a camping trip.


How about some movement?  Pirates with Go Noodle!

Sensory Bags at Home

Here are some ideas for making sensory Bags from our friends at OT – Thank-you!

Click on the link below the picture of sensory bags.

Sensory Bags Handout

OK. I hope the sun is shining because it’s time to get outside!

Outdoor Learning Games

A fun game to play outdoors. Alphabet Hopscotch!  I am sure you can do this with numbers, shapes or colours too.

Time for relaxation

Have a super Thursday!



Orange Class – Wednesday 27th May

Hello everyone!

I hope your feeling well and ready for Wednesday!

Lets start with Morning Circle

Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day


On Wednesday it’s time for Music


Lets do some Maths


Lets do some Jobs


Let’s get outside and do some gardening!

Thanks to Scott.

Let’s have some outdoors fun!

It’s Story time


Time to relax.  Some more Flower on the PS4 for you to watch.


Have a super Wednesday.


Orange Class – Tuesday 26th May

Hello to the Orange Class!

It is time for Morning Circle

Don’t forget to check Lorna’s sign of the day.

Today we have a new Orange Class Challenge!  This one has been set by Fiona.


Let’s do some maths.  Today we are learning about money.



Story time – The second of the Stories with out words.  I hope you like it!

On Tuesdays we have dance!


Now outside!

Thanks to Gina.

Now for some sensory Deep pressure!

Here are some activities from our friends at OT if you think that your child would benefit from deep pressure.

Just click on the link below the picture.

Heavy work and deep pressure CAMHS

Hopefully you can find some ideas that help at home.

Have you done your jobs for today?


Now, how about some cooking? Nachos any one?



Finally time to relax!

Have a good Tuesday.



Orange Class – Monday 25th May

Good morning to everyone in the Orange class.  I hope you had a good weekend.

Let’s get going with our Morning Circle



Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day!

On Mondays we have P.E.  with PedroToday it’s Yoga so let’s get started.

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend are ready for a new week.

Today we’re going to have a beach adventure, who doesn’t like a day in the beach? We are going to follow Moana to her fantastic island for our yoga lesson today.

Remember to take in consideration your surroundings keep safe and have fun, also remember that with family is also more fun.

Just follow the link below and enjoy.  Pedro.


How about some Maths?  Today we are learning about measuring!


Thanks to Clare.

Now story time!  Today a story without words…. One of my all time favourites!

I hope you liked it.


Time for some movement?  Let’s have a quick Dance and Freeze – an Orange Class favourite!


Lets get outside for some sensory fun.

Did you like that?

Finally time to relax.  A beautiful game first released on the PlayStation 3 and now on the PS4.

Have a great Monday!


Group 4 – Monday 25th May

Good morning everyone.

I hope you had a great weekend.

Here are some activities for today’s timetable:


Have a look at the Maths section to see what Steve wants you to do.


Check out in the P.E section for what Pedro or Gerry have in store for you today. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


Today’s story is “The Empty Pot” by Demi. This is a beautiful story about doing your best and always telling the truth. Enjoy.

Story challenge:

  • Why do you think Ping felt bad about his empty pot?
  • Have you ever tried something but it did not go well? How did you feel?
  • Do you do your best when you try something?

Sign of the Day


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.

Outdoor Learning

Check out in the Outdoor learning section to find out what is your challenge for today.


Do some relaxation with your family in the garden, using Chinese traditional music below. Enjoy.

Enjoy your Monday. Ana


Gold Class Monday 25th May

Morning everybody. I hope that you had a lovely weekend. It was very windy wasn’t it? I hope you enjoy today’s activities.


2. Maths

3. On Moday’s we have P.E. head over and see what has been planned for you in the PE section.

4. Story – The Rainbow Fish.

5. Sign of the day: Head over to see what Lorna has planned for you today.

6. Art. On Monday’s we have Art. Why don’t you head over to the Art section on the Blog and see what has been planned for you.

7. Outdoor Learning. Bees are very important to us, can you make a bee hotel?

8. Health and Wellbeing: What are you looking forward to doing in the future?

That is all for today. Pop back tomorrow and see what activities have been planned for you.