Tag Archives: morning activities

Orange Class – Thursday 4th June

Good morning everyone.  Today is Thursday.

Lets start with out morning circle.



Today we have an extra special story time with Fiona reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar

That was fantastic! Thank you to Fiona.

Don’t forget Lorna’s Sign of the Day.  Click the link below.



On Thursdays we have P.E.  Today it is PE with Gerry.  Click the link below.



Now after all that fun how about some maths?

Time for some Art with David


How about some outdoors fun?

Thanks to Wendy

Let’s relax.

I hope you have a lovely Thursday.  See you tomorrow.


Orange Class – Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning to the Orange Class.  I hope you are feeling good today.

First, let us start with morning circle.

Don’t forget Lorna’s Sign of the Day.  



On Wednesdays we have music. Today it is All about the sea! with Connie.  Click below



Next it’s time for some maths.  It’s a bit different today.  Have some Bebot fun!

Thanks to Catherine.

Now story time. 

Now, time for jobs.  What will you do today?

Gardening: Today Scott has been planting garlic.   Let’s have a look!

Now it’s time for some Movement.


Now for some sensory fun outside.

Finally, it’s time to relax.

Have a restful Wednesday.


Orange Class – Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning one and all….  It’s Tuesday and the sun is still shining!

Morning Circle



Ilse has been busy and has made a fun, FAB challenge that you can try at home.  Give it a go!!


On Tuesdays we have Dance

Now for some Jobs.  What will you choose today?


Now for some maths!


Story Time with Kipper the Dog.


how about some Science fun!

Did you try it? Did it work?  Have a go and let me know!


Now for something very exciting the SPRINGWATCH Live Cams.

Coot chicks and mum!


See birds and other animals like you have never seen them before!

Click Here

Let’s try some relaxation to finish up today

Have a terrific Tuesday.


Orange Class – Monday 1st June

Good morning Orange Class. Welcome to Monday and welcome to June! Can you believe it is June already? I hope you all had a lovely weekend in the beautiful sunshine.  It’s going to be sunny again today – so don’t forget the sun cream!

Let’s get started with Circle Time


Next on a Monday we have P.E. with PedroToday it’s Yoga.

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend are enjoyed the Scottish sun.

Today we’re going to have a magic adventure; we are going to have a chance to go in to Harry Potter’s world, a world full of magic and adventure. Hope you enjoy it.

Remember to take in consideration your surroundings keep safe and have fun, also remember that with family is always more fun.

Just follow the link below and enjoy.



Phew!  After all that magic how about some maths?  


Next, Story Time!


Sensory Craft

Today you are going to make a face from things you can find outside.

If you can’t go outside you can find things indoors to make a face.

Have fun!

Thanks to Clare.

Finally, time to relax.

Have a wonderful Monday.
