Tag Archives: morning activities

Group 10 – 30th March

Good morning Group 10, I hope you have had a great weekend! Lets gets ready for a busy day.

Morning routine – 

Hopefully we are all getting into a routine – here are the visuals we use in class to help us:

morning routine

Maths – 

On the Group 10 challenges (attached) there are our maths activities looking at time.

How to make a clock face –


PE – 

check out the activities Gerry has for us in the PE section

Story – 


This is the link to this weeks story and here is the work to go with it. There are also activities in our Group 10 challenges for the week (these can be completed several times in the week)

peace at last

Art – 

look in the art section to find activities from Steve

Outdoor learning – 

check out the activities Gerry has for us in the Outdoor Learning  section

A busy day! Enjoy

Movement Monday

Happy Monday everyone,

I hope you enjoyed the previous 4 days of movement with Joe Wicks. Today we will continue with Joe for Movement Monday.

Again this will be a short 5 minute activity to set you up for the day. You still have the option of using the cards and you can download these to help with the video should you wish.

Today’s cards to match the video 5 min Move Workout Day 1

Its important that you do what you can and adapt any exercises where appropriate. Over the coming days we will add more videos and possibly some alternatives.

The objective is movement therefore don’t stress to much if it becomes a struggle. Just allow the children to move and do what they can for those 5 minutes. The clips uploaded are just a guide.

Have fun and lets get moving!

Group 4 – Friday fun

Circle Time

Find the link to our circle time.

What is the day today?

What is the weather like today?

Photo from my window this morning

Reflection time

This week we are looking at nurtured.

There is a reflection sheet included in your home learning pack – please complete this today to bring to school when we get back.

Choosing time

How has your week been?

  1. Have you listened to your mum/dad/gran?
  2. Have you been kind to all?
  3. Have you been polite?
  4. Did you have fun?

For good listening, being kind and polite, and being helpful you will get 5 min for each day.

How many minutes is your choosing time?

Make a good choice!

Today take action and practice an act of kindness for someone in your house (say something nice; smile, make someone laugh, say thank, make a card, help with something).


Read your favourite book or listen to this story “On a magical do-nothing day” (Link below)



A story about kindness.


Signs of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Food Technology

Could you help to make your lunch today?

Check for some ideas post by Hazel in Food technology.


Check on Easter singalong with Connie.

Enjoy your Friday!

Orange Class Friday 27th March

Good morning to the Orange Class!

As it is Friday we have assembly!

Primary Assembly 

Good Morning Every-one

Click on the link below this picture to see the power point for our NURTURE Assembly.  I have added the fischy music link for the ‘Welcome Song’ and the ‘We Can Make a Difference’ song below too (that’s all my tech skills allow at the moment – sorry!)

The signs are a little different from the Signalong we use in school, but it beats singing without the music!!

Hopefully I can learn how to improve this for next week!

Have a fab Friday!!


Here is our Friday assembly for this week (27.3.20)


Welcome Everybody – Fischy Music

Make a Difference – Fischy Music


After assembly at 10 O’clock we have a special treat.  You can go to Chester Zoo today!

Awesome from Chester Zoo. I and my kids will be joining in the fun. Enjoy everyone. And remember, don’t virtually feed the animals.
As you can’t come to the zoo right now, we’ll bring the zoo to you!
Join us LIVE on our Facebook page from 10am when we’ll be throwing open our ‘virtual gates.’

So, break up the boredom of being at home and, for the first time ever, enjoy a whole day of animal antics, live from your sofa! 🙌

We’ll be featuring many of your favourites…

10:00 👉 Red pandas 🐼
11:00 👉 Rothschild’s giraffes 🦒
12:00 👉 Asian elephants 🐘
13:00 👉 Butterflies 🦋
14:00 👉 Sun bears 🐻
14:30 👉 Sumatran tigers 🐅
14:45 👉 Humboldt penguins 🐧
16:00 👉 Aquarium* 🐠

Come and join the fun. The animals are waiting…

(*Running order may be subject to ever so slight changes… and there may be more surprises throughout the day!)


Link to Facebook here  Chester Zoo


Continuing on our animal theme how about a bit of movement??

The Singing Walrus is a firm favourite with the Orange and the Purple Classes!

Do you know I think I saw a Bear at my window this morning!  What ever will happen next?

Going on a Bear Hunt!

We usually go out for a walk on a Friday.  So if you go for a walk today maybe you could look out for Bears in windows and maybe send us some photographs.

Remember Lorna’s Sign of the Day.  You can search for it!

Do visit the Oxford Reading Tree free ebooks – Search Free Oxford Reading Tree eBooks.

Finally remember to carry on with the exciting Numberjacks – episode 2.

On Friday we look at the Reflection Books  in your pack.   Today on the reflection sheet you  can choose Nurtured.

Here is a little video to help with this.

Easter Singalong –

Connie has posted an Easter singalong. Some of our favourite spring and Easter songs can be found here. Can you teach someone in your family the songs, movement and signs?

Search for singalong

Have a super weekend.


Group 4 – Thurs 26th March

Good Morning everyone.

Circle Time

Today will be emoji day! We have created our emoji chart to communicate in the morning.

Are you ready to start?

What is the day today?

How’s the weather?

How are you feeling today?

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it is time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.


 Helping with laundry


 Making your bed

 Doing the dishes



Try this emoji code breaking.

emoji code breaking


Here is a story about feelings for you to watch. Follow the link below.


Sign of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Check for Connie and Gordon’s post or listen to your favourite song.


Make emoji faces with Play Dough

Click here for some ideas.


Go to the Dance section and choose one of the activities that Rachel has prepared for you.

Have a happy day!

Orange Class Thursday 26th March

Good morning Orange Class!

Some suggestions for today’s timetable.

Circle Time 

(search for Morning Circle Time on the right.)


Sign of the Day 

Check Lorna’s post! (search Sign of the day).

Remember to keep practising your signs of the day! Send me a picture of you signing.



For today’s PE lesson we are going to start with a warm up to a song.

Now that we are warmed up and ready, we are going to play a board play a board game “race to 100”. All you need is a bit of space, a dice and a family member to play with you.

Rules are simple:

Each player has their own 100’s sheet.

Players go at the same time.

Roll the dice, each person performs the exercise (you can use alternatives if are struggling or a wheel chair user), cross off that many numbers on the sheet (attached). See who gets to 100 first.


1= 7 Jumping Jacks (7 ab crunch)

2= 5 Push-ups (with knees on floor)

3= 5 Toe Touches

4= 4 Squat Jumps (4 elevations using chair arms)

5= 8 Mountain Climbers (8 lifts of leg alternately)

6= 10 Second V-Sit (10 second arms stretch up)

Can you get to 100 before your partner does?

Play the game as many times as you want and good luck.






Oti Mabusa at 11.30 online – Learn some new dance moves!



Carry on with the Jack and the Beanstalk story!  (Search Orange Class)


Jack and the Beanstalk

Link Jack and the Beanstalk Video Clips



The Orange Class love the Numberjacks.  Try watching the numberjacks and joining in!

How about an outdoor maths activity?

Find a puddle


Jobs around the house

Life Skills –

Can you help with the washing today. Count socks into the washing machine!  Pair up the socks when you hang them up to dry.


Health and Well being (HWB)


Emotions song

Now try Going on a bear hunt yoga!

Finally, what about some relaxation!

Have a lovely day everyone.


Alternative to Movement – Some New and Familiar Activities

Hi all,

I have added an alternative to Movement Activities for our children should you wish or prefer to use the below videos. All videos are from YouTube therefore you may be able to display them on your TV as opposed to smaller devices, should your home equipment allow this.

These short clips are representative of some of the short videos i used with our primary pupils last year. Many of our secondary pupils still really enjoy them and have been known to try to join in while they are passing Primary taking part in our PE hall. So please let them have a go and join in.

Please use them as you wish. You don’t need to do them all. This is just some alternative ideas which will provide some sense of recognition and familiarity to our children.

In particular some of these clips were used as opportunities to stretch and follow instructions for those children with particular movement limitations.

If i can help in any way in relation to PE, Movement and Outdoor Learning then please feel free to drop me an email.

Busy Feet <———– Click here for Busy feet as it doesn’t give the preview on this blog.

Take care, Be Safe, Keep Active and have Fun!