Tag Archives: life skills

Group 11 – Monday 20 April

Good morning Group 11!

I hope you had lovely holidays. We managed to chill out a bit.  We painted our shed and a bit of the fence before we ran out of paint. We got out for a couple of walks.  We made a cake for the Pinewood cake competition.  We decorated our window with an Under the Sea theme. We also did lots of singing and dancing.

It feels very strange not to be at Pinewood this morning.  I miss you all.   Lauren, Jackie and Rose Ann all miss you too.

You could try some of the following today:

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  We are going to use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvkvWqpS3LM and have a conga.

Life Skills:  Help sort out the washing.

Maths: See Steve’s blog or use https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/zrnbwty

PE:   See Pedro’s blog or try https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z2hs34j

Story: Read your favourite book or listen to one of these stories.  https://www.storylineonline.net/

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Art: See Steve’s blog or try drawing your own Superhero characters.

Outdoor Learning:  Use your phone or tablet to take pictures of outside.  Send your best ones to me.

HWB: Phone or video call your family or friends.


Have a lovely day, Kirsty

Monday 20th of April – Pink Class

Welcome back Pink Class! What shall we do today?


Calendar –

What day is it today? What day will it be tomorrow?

Let’s sing our favourite:


Have a look at the movement section, let’s get moving!

Life Skills – 

What jobs can you do to help around the house today?

Maths –

Can you make different amounts of money using some coins from your piggy bank. Get someone from home to make up some different amounts like below:

P.E. –

Check out the P.E section, Gerry and Pedro have posted some ideas to keep you and your family active.

Story –

I have been enjoying watching a huge variety of birds from my garden and on my walks in the woods. Let’s learn about birds.

Now let’s enjoy an action bird story.

Sign of the Day –

Check out the Signs of the Day section, what signs will we learn today?

Art –

As the weather is still lovely, what about some outdoor art?

Outdoor Learning –

What birds will you spot today? What are the birds doing?   

HWB – 

healthy eating sorting activitiy

Challenge of the Day –

Can you see a tiny creature camouflaged in the leaves? It’s a little caterpillar I spotted on my walk yesterday. Can you spot any clever little camouflaged creatures today?

Have a great day Pink Class!



Group 8 – Friday 3rd April

Good morning Group 8

Here are a few activities for today.

Why not make some jigsaws out of cereal boxes or any other box you can find

If you have some playing cards in the house, try putting the cards in number order, or sort them into the different colours or shapes.

Next is some yoga. Click on the link below to access an episode from Cosmic Kids Yoga

Cosmic Kids – Sleeping Dragom

If you have some paint in the house why not try some hand painting or paint a rainbow,

Lets get some exercise and have another treasure hunt round the house


Group 10 – It’s Friday!

Good morning Group 10.

Morning routine – What day is it today? What jobs can you help with around the house?

life-skills_photo.jpg (914×624)

Literacy- Look at Challenges for Group 10 from Monday to see what to do or have a look in the Literacy section and see some of the work Laura has been doing.

Social Studies –  Linda has lots to do about Easter in the Social Studies section. Have a look and see

Story – We have our weekly story. Find somewhere quiet to watch and share.

Signing – check out what Lorna’s sign of the day is.

Food Tech – The school recipe is now on the blog. Have a look and see what you can make

ICT – Kirsty has games and activities for all in the ICT section. How many can you do?

Music –  See Gordon’s blogs to find lots of music activities to do


It’s Easter break now, so have a chilled and relaxing break and I will speak to you in two weeks. Have a great day!

Friday 3rd of April – Pink Class

Good morning,

What day is it today………

Calendar –

Yesterday we looked at the four seasons. Can you name the four seasons? What season is it just now? What signs are there outside that help us to know that it is Spring?

Here is a little Spring scavenger hunt. You can use it in your garden or if you go for a little walk.

Movement –

Check out the movement section…….let’s get moving!

Life Skills –

How many of these things can you help with today?

Literacy –

Can you use lego or blocks to make your name? Can you make someone from your family’s name too? Can you make your full name? How many letters are in your name?


Social Studies – 

Go for a walk in your local area. Take some photos of some interesting things you find.      

Story – 

Here are some Spring stories:


Signs of the Day –

Check out today’s sign with Lorna. Can’t wait!

Food Technology –

Check out our new resources section, Lorna has posted Pinewood’s recipe book. There are lots of yummy recipes there to try. Get cooking or baking!

ICT/Technology –

Check out the ICT section – Kirsty has posted a fun selfie challenge

Music – 

Check out the music section, Connie and Gordon have put some fun ideas here for you to try.

Challenge of the day –

Here are a few challenges to keep you busy!


I’ll be back in touch on Monday 20th April with more activities, have a lovely relaxing Easter break.

Here are some ideas for things to do over the break:

I’ve also posted some links in today’s email.

Have fun!


Group 8 – Thursday 2nd April

Good morning Group 8

Here are some activities for today

Why not try some story massage. Use the guide below and while you are reading a story you can use the exercise on the young person.

How about some messy play.

For lunch today why not try making your own sandwich. Here are the instructions for a chicken mayo filling.

Make sure you are helping around the house too.

You can go on a treasure hunt around the house and find as many different colours as you can. Then why not try sorting them into different colours.

Time for some relaxation with some breathing exercises

Next click on the picture below to explore the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo

Hope you all have a good day and manage to get some fresh air too.


Thursday 2nd of April – Pink Class

Good morning everyone!

Let’s wake up! Get everyone to join in!

Calendar –

Can you name the four seasons. What happens outside during each season? Let’s see.


Movement – 

What will we do for movement today? Check out the movement section. How are you getting on with Joe Wicks?

Life Skills –

Mmmmmm! Can you help make lunch today? Let’s make some sandwiches.

Maths –

Today’s focus is MONEY.

Follow this link for sorting coins: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/coins-game

Follow this link for using coins to pay for items: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/money/toy-shop-money

Empty out your adult’s purse or wallet…what coins or notes can you spot?

Fiddly Fingers –

Let’s make some slime!!!

Story –


Have you seen any bears out on your walk? Have a good bear hunt next time, how many can you spot? Can you describe the bears you see? How many bears do you have in your windows for other children to spot.

Let’s go on a bear hunt!


Signs of the Day –

Yesterday I was learning the signs for some fruit. You will have to test me when we go back to school. Check out today’s signs of the day section. What signs will we learn today?

Music –

Check out the music section to make an instrument or to do some singing with Connie. Have fun!

Sensory –

Play with some shaving foam today. Can you practise your letters or numbers or impress someone in your family by writing their names in the foam.

You can also check out Tracey’s sensory section for some more fun ideas.

Dance –

How are you getting on with Rachel’s dance? I think I’ve got two left feet!

Challenge of the Day –

We have been looking at water in the Pink Class. Here is an outdoor water challenge. Challenge your family to see who makes the best waterproof shelter. Who will be brave enough to sit under it while you test if it is waterproof? Have fun!

Outdoor Shelter

Some of you have emailed some fantastic pictures of all of the hard work and fun you are having. Unfortunately, I can’t post these yet as our photo/picture capacity is full at present. However, keep sending me your great pictures, they put a huge smile on my face.





Wednesday 1st of April – Pink Class

Good morning,

A brand new month starts today.

Calendar – 

Do you have a calendar in your house? Explore the calendar. What do you see? Do you see the days of the week? Do you see the months of the year? Today is the first day of April. Can you find April on the calendar?

Movement – 

Check out the movement section or join in with ‘Shake your sillies out’

Life Skills –

I have washing to do today. Can you help sort the washing out?

Literacy – 

Sound work

If you don’t have magnetic or wooden letters you can write these sounds out on pieces of paper. Say the sounds. What words can you make?

Make these words – it, on, am, mum, dad, dog, cat, mat, pig, hen, mud – read them to a family member.

s a t p i n
m d g o c k
ck e u r h b
f ff  l ll ss


P.E. – 

See the P.E. section for some good ideas from Gerry and Pedro.

Story –

Today’s story is inspired by a little creature I spotted in my garden yesterday. What do you think I spotted?

Signs of the Day –

What signs will you learn from Lorna today? I learned the signs for colours yesterday.

Art –

David has posted a good idea about Picasso yesterday – check out the art page to have some fun or have a go at the colour wheel I posted yesterday.

Science – 

I found an interesting little creature in my garden today. I’ll post the pictures when I can. It was a caterpillar!

Let’s learn about it’s life cycle. What does a caterpillar grow/turn into?


What a busy day. Let’s take a breathe for a minute.

Challenge of the Day – 

Build the best living room fort.

Have fun Pink Class!