Gold Class 03.06.20

2. Literacy

Today we are thinking about the sounds we can hear in words.

  • What is the first letter in your name? What is its sound? My name is Catherine and the first letter is C, what sound does it make? 
  • Can you think of another word that starts with this letter sound? (cat/cup/car)
  • Can you hear the sound at the end of this word? sun. Hang on to the last sound as you say it.
  • Can you think of another word that ends with this letter sound?  (man/ tin/bun)

Now try these…

3.It’s time to pop over to Pedro and see what’s happening in PE

4. Time for a healthy snack!


6. Lorna has a new sign today – I wonder what it is?

7,Now have a look at what’s happening in art today.

8. This is a super science experiment and it shows how the flower draws water up through the stem. If you can’t find any carnations try using daisies  – they’re everywhere at the moment – just make sure you choose some with long stems. If you don’t have any food colouring, you can always use Irn Bru or Coca Cola…I won’t tell anyone.  I’d love to see some photo’s if you manage to create a rainbow of flowers.

Science – Dying flowers

9. Time to relax while your flowers have a drink. Lie down somewhere nice and comfy and listen to some relaxing music.


Group 5 Circle Time Wednesday 3rd June

Hello everyone,

How are you today?

Today I am feeling like Little Miss Neat because I am going to take advantage of this cooler weather to stay inside and do some tidying.

Little Miss Neat (With images) | Little miss characters, Mr men ...

Who do you feel like today? Remember to ask the people in your house how they are feeling too.

Import Posters MR MEN AND LITTLE MISS – Characters – Wall Poster ...

For movement today try this Disney dance challenge to wake you up.

For life-skills why not do some tidying like me? You could fold clothes, put away toys or help tidy the kitchen after breakfast.

A Smarter Way to Clean Your Home - Smarter Living Guides - The New ...

Your fist lesson today is Literacy so check out Laura’s posts in the Language section.

Then it’s time for PE again so check in with Pedro in the PE section or if you are getting lots of exercise doing the tidying just carry on doing that!

Take a break and then come back for story-time at 10.30. Today’s story is

Carla's Sandwich by Debbie Herman

Then check out Sign of the Day with Lorna and Art with Steve.

Have a nice lunch, inside today I think.

Then it will be time for Science with Sarah. Today you have a choice of lessons, you can find out about something that happened at Cape Canaveral over the weekend or you can investigate pushes and pulls.

Last lesson today is Health and Well-being. Try some simple yoga exercises to help you relax and unwind.

Have a lovely day.



Orange Class – Wednesday 3rd June

Good morning to the Orange Class.  I hope you are feeling good today.

First, let us start with morning circle.

Don’t forget Lorna’s Sign of the Day.


On Wednesdays we have music. Today it is All about the sea! with Connie.  Click below


Next it’s time for some maths.  It’s a bit different today.  Have some Bebot fun!

Thanks to Catherine.

Now story time. 

Now, time for jobs.  What will you do today?

Gardening: Today Scott has been planting garlic.   Let’s have a look!

Now it’s time for some Movement.


Now for some sensory fun outside.

Finally, it’s time to relax.

Have a restful Wednesday.


Group 11 – Tuesday 2 June

Good morning Group 11


You could be working on your transition passport today

Movement: put your favourite song on and dance like no one is watching.  Choose a party song

Life Skills:  You could tidy your bedroom today

ICT: See my blog or use

Dance:   See Rachel’s blog or dance to your favourite tunes.

Story: Read your favourite book or one from here

Signing: check Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Fiddly Fingers:  Play with playdough.

Gardening/CDT: See Scott’s blog or play with lego, Minecraft or anything else you can use to build with.

HWB: phone or video call your friends or family


Have a lovely day, Kirsty