Language Skills (Secondary)

Good morning everyone,

This week we are exploring poetry!

Today’s topic is funny or nonsense poetry.

Activities to choose from:

Enjoy the following fun and nonsense poems (they may also give you some ideas for your own poems):

The Old Man Of Peru

 There was an old man of Peru,

Who dreamt he was eating his shoe.

He woke in the night

In a terrible fright,

And found it was perfectly true.



No Harm Done

 As I went out

The other day,

My head fell off

And rolled away.


But when I noticed

It was gone,

I picked it up

And put it on.



Danger Game

 Jessica was playing

On the escalator.

When suddenly she tripped

And the escalator ate her!

 John Walsh


Good luck!

Laura Leathem (Language and Communication Teacher)

Wednesday 3rd June

Good Morning Every-one

Hope you have had a good sleep?

Here are some activities for you to try today…….

Movement – Joe Wicks Wednesday! keep fit with Joe Wicks this morning.

Joe Wicks is helping house-bound kids stay fit with his interactive PE lessons (Photo: YouTube)

Literacy with Laura

PE with Gerry and Pedro – Or go outside and and do some activities you like…..trampolining, football, skipping, walking, bouncing a ball, cycling

Children jumping together

Story – Dave by Sue Hendra – a story to make you laugh out loud!!

Sign of the Day with Lorna

Art with Steve – what is Steve drawing today?

Science with Sarah

HWB – Respected Raggles – We can listen to our others.


Have a Wicked Wednesday!

Who likes Tom and Jerry?

Hello everyone.
What to do today.
Watch the cartoon and answer these questions? Email them to me at or leave a reply here in the blog.

What are Tom and Jerry pretending to be?
What is the stick that Tom and Jerry use?
Can you names 4 instruments, or more if you can, in the cartoon?
What is your favourite instrument?

Why don’t you use a pencil or a chopstick and be the conductor during this piece of music. Can you stay in time?

Time to relax.

PE – 3rd June 2020

Good morning everyone,

We hope you are having a good week and have enjoyed the great weather. Today is not going to be as warm so you can chose to do this activity inside or outside.

Remember before any activity we need to make sure it’s safe to play in that area. So today we might need to create a little space and need the help of an adult. 


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Today we are going to host the Pinewood Sock Golf Championship.

Equipment required:

  • 1 pair of socks
  • A target (this can be a basket, a basin, the sink or a bath (empty of course) or the Washing machine with the door open
  • Paper and a pencil to count and write down how many shots it took each player

How to:

  1. Roll 2 socks together and make them into a small sock ball.
  2. Decide on what the target will be. You can use a washing basket, a grocery bag, a washing basin, the kitchen sink (empty of course) or the washing machine with the door open.  Be creative, what else can you use?
  3. The idea of the game is to get the ball into the target in as few shots as possible.
  4. Try to create at least 3 different scenarios (Holes). Maybe starting one in the hallway, one in the living room or garden and the final one in the kitchen.
  5. if you want to really challenge yourself maybe start in one room and finish with the hole (target) in another room. For example start in the hallway and count how many shots it takes to get from your starting point until you get to the kitchen and finish with the sock ball in the washing machine.

Activity 1

  1. Clear some space to play
  2. Decide on the colour of your sock ball
  3. Make your sock ball

Activity 2

Practice the technique – Watch the video here

Find a safe space and practice your chosen technique below 10 times. Remember to count your practice swings.

  1. Technique 1 hold the sock in one hand and knock the sock out of that hand by swinging your other hand towards the sock ball and hit it out in front of you. (imagine your swinging arm is the golf club or bat)
  2. Technique 2 you can throw the ball or kick the ball (preferably throw if you can rather than kick)

Activity 3

  1. Agree on the target for hole number 1 then play and count your shots.
  2. Both players take their 1st shot and then the player furthest away from the hole goes next. This continues until both players have finished with the sock ball in the hole.
  3. Agree on target for hole number 2 then play and count your shots.
  4. Agree on target number 3 then play and count your shots.

Activity 4

  1. Add up the scores by counting how many shots each player took on each hole.
  2. The person with the lowest number wins and has become the Pinewood Sock Golf Champion.
  3. Say well done to the other players

Activity 5 – Optional

  1. Can you be creative and create your own trick shot. Maybe like the kids in their garden here?
  2. If you enjoyed this sock game you might want to try some of the other Sock Sports games.
    Sock Ball Games

We hope you enjoyed PE today!