Friday 5th June Group 6

Good morning everybody.

What is the weather like today?

There are lots of activities to keep you busy today but lets start with morning circle.

Did you say hello? Friday is Assembly. Head over now and see what exciting things have been happening this week.

Movement. Time to get moving. Today there is a choice you can choose to do one or to do both.

You can learn to move like Spiderman…

Or you do do a workout with Elsa…

That is morning circle finished. Lets look at what is on the timetable.

  1. Literacy-  Go and see what activities have been planned for you.
  2. Social studies. Go and see what has been planned for you today.
  3. Story. Did you like yesterday’s story? Today we have a choice of two – you can listen to them both or just choose one.

You might like to listen to Super hero adventures:

or you might want to hear Big Red Barn.

5. Sign of the day – Go and see what Lorna has planned for you.

6 Food technology – I wonder what activity is waiting – if you make something don’t forget to send in your photographs.

7 ICT/Technology – go and see what is waiting for you.

8.Music – head over to music.

As it is Friday I thought I would leave you some challenges. You can do one or as many as you want.

Challenge one – Can you make your own nature heads? If you do not have a printer you can draw your head template or ask someone to help you

Challenge 2 – Hidden among the minions are numbers – can you find them all?

Challenge 3 -Peppa Pig spot the difference can you find the differences between the two pictures?.

That is all for today – have a lovely restful weekend. See you Monday.




Orange Class – Friday 5th June

Good morning Orange Class.  I hope you are bright and breezy this morning.

On Fridays we have Assembly with Tracey and Connie.  Click on the link.

Circle Time for today

Dont’ forget Lorna’s Sign of the day – Click on the link.


What have your friends been up to?  Let’s see!


Let’s have some movement fun.


How about some maths?

What about a story? Today is a favourite story that I remember reading to my children.  Kipper


Now, how about an outdoors sensory activity that is FAB, fun and free?

Did you try it?

Don’t forget your reflection sheets for today.

Time for relaxation.

Have a fabulous Friday.


Gold Class 04/06/20




2, Time for some number work! Today we are counting to…20. Forwards and backwards! In jumps of 1, 2, 4 and 5 – but something odd happens when we count in jumps of 3!

Counting to 20 with Number Blocks

3. Fiddly fingers – Make your own’ soft as a cloud ‘ playdough

5. Snack time – don’t forget to wash your hands!!!1

6.  Once upon a time these Aliens visited Gold Class and they stole our underwear number line!


7. Over to Lorna for sign of the day!

8, I wonder what Connie has for Music today! Pop over and see.

9. Sensory – Make a feely bag 

  • You can use any small bag just so long as you can’t see what’s inside!
  • Gather some objects that can easily fit inside.
  • Make sure they all feel different – smooth like a pebble, rough like toast, squishy like a sponge, cold like an ice cube, soft like a teddy.
  • Hide them from your adult and, one at a time, pop them in the bag. Ask your adult to close their eyes, put their hand in the bag and tell you what they can feel. What words did they use? Did they guess what it was?

10. Let’s end today with a boogie! I’m sure Rachael has some fun plans for you today in dance.



Music with Gordon 4 June: Secondary

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Not all of the activities are for everyone, so just do the ones you enjoy and as many times as you like.

Play along using any kind of instrument or use body percussion – clapping, tapping, clicking, stamping your feet.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello Song
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Sing Charlie Over the Ocean. Watch the video first to see how to do it. Then you can get your own soft toys and join in or else watch and sing.
  4. Funga Alafia: Copy the actions in the videos and join in this song from Nigeria in West Africa. The words are in the Hausa language and mean “Give us peace/ thank you thank you”
  5. Instruments: Can you play along with your home-made instruments to Funga Alafia?
  6. Karaoke Corner: Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles. Look out for more Karaoke Songs in another blog post. Have fun!
  7. Time to move. Play the instruments along to the video or get up and dance. If you like, get a scarf to play with. This week’s classic is Shiny Happy People by REM, with guest vocals by Kate Pierson from the B-52s. Can you copy the dance everybody does together?
  8. Time to relax. This week we are listening to a piano piece called aisatsana by electronica and ambient pioneer The Aphex Twin.
  9. Goodbye Song

Hello Song

More ideas with this video

  • If you can’t tap along, maybe a friend can tap your arm or foot for you so that you can feel the beat of the music.
  • Can you stamp your feet to the music? Can you tap your shoulders or your head? Move your fingers
  • Maybe try playing along with a shaker, or tap something that makes a sound that you like. A box of cereal?

Bounce and Catch

Charlie Over the Ocean

Sing and join in: Funga Alafia

 Funga Alafia with home-made instruments

Sing: Here Comes the Sun

Time to move around or play your instrument

Chill and relax

Goodbye Song

Music with Gordon 4 June: Primary

What to do today

Please join in with the activities below. The more who can join in, the more fun, too. Not all of the activities are for everyone, so just do the ones you enjoy and as many times as you like.

Play along using any kind of instrument or use body percussion – clapping, tapping, clicking, stamping your feet.

Activities (links below)

  1. Hello Song
  2. Bounce and catch
  3. Sing Charlie Over the Ocean. Watch the video first to see how to do it. Then you can get your own soft toys and join in or else watch and sing.
  4. Ride a Horse. Get a teddy bear or favourite soft toy to bounce on your knee for this song. Maybe a grown-up will bounce you on their knee.
  5. Funga Alafia: Copy the actions in the videos and join in this song from Nigeria in West Africa. The words are in the Hausa language and mean “Give us peace/ thank you thank you”.
  6. Instruments: Can you play along with your home-made instruments to Funga Alafia?
  7. Time to move. Play the instruments along to the video or get up and dance. If you like, get a scarf to play with. This week’s classic is Shiny Happy People by REM, with guest vocals by Kate Pierson from the B-52s. Can you copy the dance everybody does together?
  8. Time to relax. This week we are listening to a piano piece called aisatsana by electronica and ambient pioneer The Aphex Twin.
  9. Goodbye Song

Hello Song

It’s a time to settle down for some music and there are lots of ways to join in. Use it on its own or before doing another music activity.

  1. Join in and sing, clap, tap and move along to the song!
  2. Maybe you can try using your voice
  3. Sign hello
  4. Tap fast and slow
  5. Sign “Stop” at the end
  6. Have fun!


Hello, hello
Very nice to see you
Hello hello,
How are you today?
Hello, hello
Very nice to see you
Hello hello,
How are you today?
We say “Hello”
We’re very pleased to see you
We say “Hello”

(can you say and sign hello?)

We say “Hello”
We’re very pleased to see you
We say “Hello”

(tap along with the music, sign “Stop” at the end)

More ideas with this video

  • If you can’t tap along, maybe a friend can tap your arm or foot for you so that you can feel the beat of the music.
  • Can you stamp your feet to the music? Can you tap your shoulders or your head? Move your fingers
  • Maybe try playing along with a shaker, or tap something that makes a sound that you like. A box of cereal?

Bounce and Catch

Charlie Over the Ocean

Sing and join in: Ride a Horse

Sing and join in: Funga Alafia

 Try Funga Alafia with home-made instruments

Time to move around or play your instrument


Chill and relax

Goodbye Song


Squeegee painting – Art

Materials needed: squeegees, poster paints, large sheet of paper


Dribble some poster paints onto a large sheet of paper. Then using a squeegee have fun spreading the paint. You get a lovely scrape effect and colours will mix also. Add more paint as you go along and as is required. If you don’t have a squeegee you could try using an ice scraper for a car or even a piece of cardboard.

Virtual Prom

Good Morning!

The post you guys have been waiting for!

It is time to work hard organising your virtual prom.

We need you to make Prom invites for your friends, family, and staff and pupils at Pinewood.

Send us pictures of them so we can show them on the blog.

Have fun, Kirsty and Hazel.