Author Archives: Miss Gillespie

Thursday 2nd April

Good Morning everyone.  Hope you are all having a lovely day.  It is almost the school Holidays.  Lets start the day with the wake up song!


If you missed it, here is the link to help you learn to sign ‘April’


Remember to complete your morning circle and calendar and then move on to life skills

Life Skills

Remember for the rest of the week you have been challenge to see how many of these tasks you can assist with in the home.  Let me know how you get on 🙂



In class we were learning about measure.  Why not join the Monster Math Squad on a measuring adventure as a nice little introduction and reminder on how to measure.

Complete the animal measuring pages in your monthly maths pack that was sent home.

You can then practice your counting on topmarks  and play the games below as well as your favourite teddy bear counting game.


Fiddly Fingers

Can you thread some pasta on to string to make a pasta necklace?  Are there other things you can thread?

or why not download the app below and draw some pictures using your fingers




Today’s story will be a story massage. The story I am reading is called ‘A Monster Surprise’ and  can be accessed below if you want to read along to the story or see the pictures.

Remember to ask permission before starting the story massage


Sign of the Day

Remember to check in with Lorna to practice your signing!



Visit same boat music to access some free songs and sing along. There are some FANTASTIC videos and all for free! Link below – you won’t be disappointed.

Also check out Gordon on the music page – he has uploaded a standard primary lesson routine, including our favourite ‘bounce the ball’.



Here are some sensory ideas – choose one or two each wee and let me know what you have done.  You could print this chart off and tick off the ones you have completed.


Check out dance with Rachel on the dance page and learn her dance – video yourself doing it and sent me it if you want to be part of the video – I know I am doing it



A reminder of this weeks STEM challenge (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths)

I can’t wait to see your videos and/or recipes


Calendar of Fun

You will be on day 2 now.  Have fun

Have a Wonderful day everyone

Wednesday 1 April

A new Month already!

Let’s learn how to sign ‘April’.

Make the letter hand shape for ‘a’ followed by letter hand shape for ‘p’

This month it is time to start the timetable of fun.  Below is a 30 day grid with a different activity to do each day (click on to make bigger).  Have a go

Morning Circle

Remember the morning circle can songs and routine can be found here

Morning Circle Time

Today we can continue to practice our French.  Lets learn the number and colours today.

Hello – “Bonjour”


Life Skills

For the rest of the week I am setting you a challenge to see how many of these activities you can complete throughout the week.  Let me know how you get on.



Today we will be listening to the story of Dr Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham

There are lots of different ideas you can do with this story.

  • Upper and lower case letter matching –  Can you make some green eggs from paper and on the back write the letters of the alphabet. The write one letter on a paper plate or a piece of paper and place in a bowl or on the ground spaced apart until you have all the letters you want.  Decide for this game what letters you are focusing on – all the letters of the alphabet or just the SATPIN letters and maybe add in the letters of your name.  Have the egg facing up (letters hidden). Use a fish slice or your hands to turn them over one at a time and match the to the same letter on the paper plates/bowls/tubs/paper by placing on top/in the tub/bowl.  example found here
  • Letter sound and picture matching –  an alternative to the above can be found here (printer required).  Matching the picture to the sound.
  • Food Tasting –   We all know our kids can be quite fussy eaters.  Why not try the fun activity to get them to taste new foods and rate them i sent to you by email (would not let me upload to the blog).
  • Green eggs and ham cookies  You could try baking some green egg and ham inspired cookies.  They look super yummy an easy to  make.  Maybe you can link this to the above food tasting activity. Get the recipe here.



I think after all that work you deserve a movement break.


Have a look at what Pedro and Gerry have posted in the P.E part of the blog or try Joe Wicks P.E sessions



Choose a book to read together or have a look at the story below from vooks about an Easter unicorn. (remember it is free to sing up)


Sign of the Day

Remember to go and see what Lorna has planed for sign of the day.  Can’t wait to see all of your signing.



Wendy from the Pink class had this great idea and I thought I would share it with you.  Can you make a colour wheel? Send me your pictures on here so we can share our learning with everyone at Pinewood.

examples below



Your science for today is to try and make some slime.  Find some good recipes online and let me know how you get on.



Here is a reminder of your weekly STEM challenge (this also counts as science)

or if you are (also) doing the lego challenge see below



Have a feelings check in

The finish the day with some yoga


Story Massage

Good Morning

A lot of interest in Story massage so here is a ‘How to Guide’ and some stories you can try at home.  (click to make them bigger) You can do story massage to any story.  There will be a live story massage on facebook at 2pm – search Story massage and it will take you right to their page.

What is Story Massage?

  • Story Massage combines the benefits of positive touch with the creativity of words – whether as story, rhyme or song. Ten simple massage strokes form the basis of the programme, each with its own name and symbol to make it fully accessible for all ages.
  • Can be shared as a child to child or adult/parent to child activity
  • All strokes can be used on any area that is accessible and appropriate for the person so it can be applied to the shoulders, back, arms, head, face, legs, hands and feet, all areas which are non-intrusive. No oil is used so clothes do not need to be removed. The movements are safe and adaptable to the individual.  All strokes and story massage activities are given with permission.

Please watch the ‘How to guide’ below before if you have not done story massage before.


repeat the movement at least 2 times for each stroke.

Here you can access the written version of the massage strokes.

Story Massage Strokes handout


Benefits of Story Massage

  • Improved calmness and concentration
  • Increased self-confidence, self-awareness and self-esteem
  • Improved social skills
  • Increased engagement in activities
  • Better communication


Enjoy & have a lovely day

Tuesday 31st March

Good Morning Everyone.  Hope you have woke up ready to learn and in a great mood.

Let’s see what the plans are for today after your morning circle


Let’s start the day off with some dancing with our favourite movement and zumba songs

Life Skills

Can you help to do the dishes at home?  Can you count the dishes?  Can you sort the cutlery?  Can you name the colours?


Today I would like you to practice your typing skills.  Can you type your name and your families/friends names?

You can also access some maths/general learning sites and play some games:

The San Diego Zoo website has lots of amazing videos, activities and games for kids

You can access your favourite maths counting game here



Today have a look at the dance tab – Rachel is uploading a dance to learn over the week and is uploading a different part each day – go and have a go – record yourself and send them in to me if you wish.  Have fun



Today we will do a story massage.  I have uploaded a video below on how to do the massage techniques. Please watch before doing this if you have never done a story massage before.

Here are the stories to chose from today

if you click on the pictures they will become bigger.


Sign of the Day

Remember to go to the sign of the day tag to watch Lorna signing – I wonder what we will learn today?


Fiddly Fingers

Complete a jigsaw today as independently as possible



Enjoy the sunshine outside with your family.  If there are any leaves in the garden why not help to clean them up and put in the compost bin?  What colour are the leaves? Are there any flowers in your garden?  If so what kind and what colour?


STEM Challenge

A reminder of this week’s STEM Challenge

Or the next part of the lego challenge


Have a feelings check in

Task for Today: Can you use all 5 of your senses….?  Choose one or a few of these challenge cards and see how you can use your senses:

Finish off your day with some mindfulness.

After this you are finished for the day!  Enjoy the rest of your day with your family

Monday 30 March


Good day!  Hope everyone had a lovely weekend.  Lots of outdoor activities today seeing as we have such nice weather 🙂


Today for maths have a look at these counting songs.  Can you count to 100?  Can you count up in 2’s?

If you want to do more maths after the videos see how high you can count up to and let me know.  Can you count backwards from that number?  complete a sheet from your maths book (lion on the front).


Have a look and see what Gerry and Pedro have posted today under the P.E tag


Can you make your own healthy snack and send me a picture either in the comments here or over email?  You could make a fruit salad, a sandwich or maybe you have an even better idea.  Nicole needs some inspiration.

an idea below

Sign of the Day

Remember to watch Lorna to see what signs we will be learning today on the ‘sign of the week tab’

Story and Outdoor Learning

Today’s story will be ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. Read this before outdoor learning

For Outdoor learning  today why don’t you go a walk with a family member around your area and see how many bears and rainbows you can see in the windows of the houses.  I know there is one up in my house and a lot of people and parents from pinewood and all over West Lothian have been putting these up.  Take some photos or count how many you find and let me know (lots of good skills to be developed here – numeracy, listening, looking, keeping safe)


Make a bear picture and some flowers to put up in your windows for lots of boys and girls to spot on their walks.

Or just make a picture of your favorite part of the bear hunt


Have a feelings check in with your family

To make sure everyone if happy why don’t you have a movie marathon with your family or a little dance party?

STEM Challenge

If you only ever do one thing from the blog a day I would recommend it be these challenges as they develop sooooo many important skills. (and BONUS – lots of fun)

This weeks challenge is

Send me your video or recipe book by the end of the week if you can 🙂

or if you are doing the lego challenge here is the next challenge

Thursday 26 March

Late post today from me as I have been working very hard at HUB school.

I am glad to hear that many of you have been making your breakfast today and you are all behaving.

Today’s STEM Challenge 

We are going to focus on a creative task today (see grid).  Can you design your own blanket fort and send in pictures on email to me?  How will you make it stand?  What will it look like inside?  Lights? Space?

As a family in your blanket fort you could

  • read a story
  • have a teddy bears picnic
  • have a movie marathon
  • sing some song (you could even make some home made musical instruments as well)

taking part in these challenges will develop your language skills and thinking skills as well as allowing you to develop your creativity and imagination.  Maybe Nicole will make one too!


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Wednesday 25 March Day Plans

Good Morning.  I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Circle Time

Don’t forget to do a circle time (songs can be found on this link or start of blog)

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started and what better way to start the day than by helping to make breakfast! Maybe you can help your parents to make some toast? Can you spread the butter/jam by yourself primary 2? What shape are you cutting the toast in to?  How many slices are there?

If you are feeling adventurous why not make some scrambled eggs?  If you don’t like these then maybe you can help by pouring your own cereal.

Remember to help by setting the table and clearing away all the dishes afterwards.  Let me see some photos of your breakfast 🙂

Below is a few ideas of other things you can do to help around the house over the next wee while.


For P.E have a look at the P.E tag or join in with Joe Wicks live or just dance on youtube.


We will start by singing and signing the ‘abc song’.  Join in with me below.

Remember we have been learning about the letter sounds ‘s’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘p’ ‘i’ ‘n’ through our letterland book.  Now Nicole did want to read the stories to you but the book is in the classroom (silly me) but I will get it as soon as I can.

Practice your letter sounds today and you can use these letterland songs if you wish

Keep practicing these sounds throughout the week.  Can you find any items around your house that start with the satpin letter sounds?  Send me a picture if you find anything.

Practice writing these letters.  You can use salt, paint, playdough, chalk, pen and paper, shaving cream or rice.  Take a picture and show me – have fun with these activities.

EXTENSION TASK – challenge yourself… can you write some words beginning with either ‘s,a,t,p,i,n’ in any of the above materials or your name?

Hand Washing

At snack time, don’t forget to wash your hands.  Can you help prepare a healthy snack for you and your family?

Story Time

Today why don’t you develop your listening skills and tune in to David Walliams reading one of his stories.  Relax and shut off from the rest of the world and be immersed into the story.  link found here

Don’t forget to tune in with Lorna for sign of the day posted later today too – wonder what signs we will learn today.


For art today I would like you to all make a rainbow picture to place in your window to brighten up a lot of people’s day, including mine.  Let me see your beautiful rainbow pictures please.



I have emailed you all my STEM challenge grids and every day I am going to select one or two for you to choose from to complete and if you can tell me about the end results from the creative challenges or the STEM challenges.  The most important thing is about having fun with this and talking about everything you are doing to develop language and higher order thinking skills.

TODAY’S CHALLENGE is about floating and sinking (see STEM Challenges Grid).  Using the fruits and vegetables you have at home, predict which ones you think will float/sink – can you give reasons why?  What will happen if you half it or take the skin off?


Daily Challenge 

try this lego challenge (will post new challenge each day)

or why not challenge yourself and your family to learn some french like we have been doing in class.


Time to have a feelings check in with everyone in the family.

discuss what these feelings mean and what you can do if someone is in the blue, yellow or red zone.  Maybe you can have a family sing song and dance. It may be a good idea to have a mindfulness session at this point too and relax for a bit, practicing some deep breathing.

Tuesday 24 March

Good Morning Blue Class 🙂

Hope everyone is keep safe.  If you are starting to do some distance learning today then here are some ideas for today.  If you’re not, don’t worry, take time to adjust to what is going on in the world.


Today for dance we will be joining in with some kidz bop kids dancing to dance monkey.  Let me see you dancing boys, girls, mums and dads 🙂

if you then really want to get moving then don’t forget to join in with the boadycoach live on youtube at 9am.


Today for ICT the lesson will be a virtual tour of some of the animals at Edinburgh zoo…

here’s the link


Today the story will be your favourite – Groovy Joe ice cream and dinosaurs.  You can sign up to vooks now for a free month trial for lots of animated books here to watch Groovy Joe or you can watch it below on youtube.


Sign of the Day

Don’t forget to be practicing the sign of the day – if you want to send me a video then feel free

Fiddly Fingers

Today why don’t you make some playdough (if you can – recipe in home learning pack) and have a dough disco – practicing pinchng, squeezing, rolling – maybe you can make a model of something.

If you can’t do this then why not help mum or dad use the clothes pegs to hang up the washing.

Daily Challenge 

Today your challenge is to set the table for yourself and your family with with as much or ittle help as needed.  Make sure everyone has a cup/glass, plate, knife, fork and a spoon if needed.


Have a lovely day everyone and hopefully see you soon

Morning Circle Time

Hello Blue class 🙂  Hope you are all doing well.  As promised here is the songs we use for circle time.

We would start by going around everyone in the class and saying good morning.

We would then sing the good morning song

We then talk about what day it is and sing the days of the week.

We also use the singing walrus days of the week song too.  If you wish you could also introduce the months of the year at this point and use a song on youtube.

After this we would sing

“what’s the weather, what’s the weather,

like today, like today,

look outside the window, look outside the window

can you say, cay you say” (To the tune of frere jacques)

Then we would discuss how we are feeling using our feelings charts which have been sent home.  You can then listen to one of the songs below.

We would then have a movement break using one or a few of the following videos.  Feel free to use any you can find or use Joe Wicks P.E (the body coach) live on youtube  at 9am.