Author Archives: Mr Stewart

Orange Class – Friday 3rd April

Hi to the Orange Class!

It’s Friday so it is time for Assembly  – (Tag assembly).

Story Time  – David has recorded another video story. Check it out below.

Chester Zoo  have another Virtual Tour this morning starting at 10.00 am.                                    It was great last time so I know I’m going to watch it!

We are opening our VIRTUAL GATES for the second time!
On Friday 3 April, you are invited to JOIN THE FUN, as we take you on virtual tour of of our zoo for a whole day of ANIMAL ANTICS, fun facts, and exclusive behind the scenes knowledge from our AMAZING zoo keeper team!

10:00 Meerkats (WARNING: There may be new babies!)
11:00 Eastern black rhinos
12:00 Beautiful birds (feat. weaver birds building nests and lilac breasted rollers swooping for insects)
13:00 Poison dart frogs
14:00 Jaguars
15:00 Okapi

Available on Facebook and YouTube…os/…ive


Check out the movement section (tag Movement) and choose your favourite ,or join in with ‘Shake your sillies out’ below.

Time to help around the house.

Have a look at your room, can you tidy it?

Reflection time

There is a reflection sheet included in your home learning pack – please complete this today to bring to school when we get back.

How has your week been?

  1. Have you listened to your mum/dad/gran?
  2. Have you been kind to all?
  3. Have you been polite?
  4. Did you have fun?

Sign of the day

Check out Lorna’s sign of the day video (Tag sign of the day). Today is all about Toys.


You can use our Pinewood Recipe Book and try your favourite recipe. Resources Pinewood recipe book – menu on the right hand side.


Go for a walk in your local area. Take some photos of some interesting things you find.      


Easter Singalong with Connie

Category Music

It’s nearly Easter holidays time so I’ve added another link with ideas to do indoors from the scouts.  Did you know that david is a Scout leader??There a lots of fun things to do so have a look!.

and finally

Happy easter rabbit with eggs decoration - Download Free Vectors ...

Take care everyone and enjoy your Eater egg (if you haven’t eaten it already!)

The Orange Team are all missing you!





Orange Class – Thursday 2nd of April

Good morning everyone.

On Thursdays we start the day by doing PE.

How about three of the action songs for warm up?

Alphabet Exercise

Hi all,

Here is a fun activity to get you moving.

Ask an adult to help you spell your name and do the exercise for each letter. What other words can you spell.


Good morning song:


The days of the week song:


The weather song

What’s the weather?

Don’t forget Lorna’s sign of the day!  Search for sign of the day.

Time to get outside!

What about a walk?

Walking is a great exercise for your body and mind and it’s not every day we have this good weather in Scotland. To make it more interesting we can agree some challenges with our family like, count the trees we see, count the birds, look for bears and rainbow in windows, we can even make it a competition who can see more birds, trees, red objects etc. Just remember you should always walk close to home (no driving) and keep social distance.

Another great idea would be to Join Vicky community group page we’re going on a bear hunt, just follow the link:


Now for something new.  Why not try Nicole’s Story Massage.

Today’s story massage will be ‘A Monster Surprise’

Please remember to ask permission before starting a story massage.

The Strokes

Story Massage Strokes handout

You can do it as you please but here are the strokes I have used

  • The downward fan
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The bounce
  • The walk
  • The claw
  • The semi circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The claw
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The walk
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The circle
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The drum
  • The semi-circle (upside down)
  • The squeeze
  • The sprinkle
  • The walk
  • The wave
  • The claw
  • The bounce
  • The calm
  • The circle
  • The drum
  • The squeeze
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The calm
  • The sprinkle
  • The semi- circle (right way up – smiley face)
  • The circle
  • The walk
  • The circle
  • The squeeze

If there are strokes your child does not like then miss them out and replace with ones they do.

If you want to access the book, it can be found here


Maths  –  Time to look for some shapes in your house!

 There are 2 sheets for you to try on 2D and 3D shape. ( Just click on the link at the bottom) Have a search in your house or garden for these shapes.

What shape did you find most of?

What is your favourite shape?

Can you make a pattern with 2D sahpes?

Can you build something with 3D sahpes?

You can practice some pattern work with shapes at TopMarks

How many 2D shapes can you find                 

How many 3D shapes can you find

Let me know how you get on or send a picture.

Time for some numberjacks!

We are on episode 4

Finally time to chill with some Yoga.  We’re going on a bear hunt

Click on the picture below to explore the webcams at Edinburgh Zoo.  Just like Augustus!

Hope you all have a good day and manage to get some fresh air too.

Have a great day!




Orange Class – Wednesday 1st April

Good morning everyone!

Don’t forget it’s the first of April and you can April fool your family today.

Circle Time 

(search for Morning Circle Time on the right.)

Sign of the Day 

Check Lorna’s post! (search Sign of the day).

Keep your pictures coming in.



Time for a listen to David reading “Augustus and his SMILE”.

Watch out for a special visitor near the end.

If you like me reading stories for you let me know and I will record some more!


On Wednesdays we have music with Gordon.

Search for  Music Monday with Gordon: Primary

Phew!   Wasn’t that great.
Time for some Maths

Try counting the spots

Helicopter fun!

Now time to get active and make a tactile road.  The orange class love a tactile road!

Here is a challenge for you. Can you find lots of things that feel different. You can then lay them on the floor to create your very own tactile road.

Next put on one your your favourite songs and get your socks off.  What are you waiting for??

Finally, time to relax:  One of our all time favourites.

Have a super day!

Orange Class Tuesday 31st March

Hello, How is everyone today?

Sleepy?  David forgot to change all of his clocks and slept in!

Some suggestions for today’s timetable.

Circle Time 

(search for Morning Circle Time on the right.)


Sign of the Day 

Check Lorna’s post! (search Sign of the day).

I would love it if you could send me a picture of you signing.


Time for some numberjacks!

We are on episode 3


We always have dance on a Tuesday.  Time for Dance with rachel!

Here is a warm up, a just dance song and a chill song for sleepy lions. Here are today’s choices:

Warm up song: be prepared to have this song stuck in your head all day 🙂


Now time for some Sensory Play

Try making some Cloud Dough.  All you need is cornflour and conditioner. Click on photo.


Story Time:

Have you watched and listened to any of Sarah’s super stories?  Now is your chance!


Craft and Movement:

Alice would like you to have a shot at making Juggling balls!


Finally time to try a Barefoot Safari


Have a go and let me know!

Have a good Tuesday

Orange Class – Monday 30th March

Hello to the Orange Class!

We’re really glad that you are all well and hope that you have had a super weekend.                   Did anyone watch the animals at Chester Zoo?

If you send in photos of your activities we’ll pop them up on the blog.

Timetable for Monday

Morning Time Routine

Morning Tasks


Days of the week

What’s the weather?

Fischy Music  Pinewood loves Fischy Music and they have kindly allowed us to share our Fischy log in details with everyone.                                                User name: graeme.spence
Password: pinewood123

Click here for Fisch Music Online and use the log in details above

Click here for Fischy Tunes, our music website.


Remember to try Lorna’s sign of the day.

The theme for today’s signs is COLOURS! How many colours can you see and sign?


Circle time is finished!

Now time for some movement!  Try to do three songs!


Outdoor Challenge

Let’s get outside into the garden if you can.  What about an outdoor shelter?  You could use washing poles and a sheet or rug.  Good luck.  Take your teddy.  You could make a shelter inside if you can’t get out.

Outdoor Shelter

File here Outdoor Shelter

At 11 O’clock what about trying the Fischy Music Assembly!

See you tomorrow morning at 11am on YouTube for our Fischy Music Assembly! We’ll help you get the week off to a great start by singing and moving from our own homes.

Click here for Fischy’s you tube channel, where every Monday at 11am there will be a live assembly.

Dance with Rachel

Dance – Sensory Lights and Chill Music

Hello everyone,

Anyone in need of some chill time? turn the lights off and make the room as dark as possible, pop this video on and relax…

Reading Time:
username: OrangeClick on the ebooks links
or you could choose your own book!

Can you see me?

Why not try an Indoor Treasure Hunt, you could even have a small reward once you are finished?

Finally what about ending the day with some standing yoga?
Please find below a link to the full programme document with notes.                                       CAMHS Standing Yoga Programme Level 1Alternatively, here are easy to follow pictures for you to try!MountainStand still, feet slightly apart and arms by your sides.  Slowly stretch arms out to the side, then raise them above your head.                                                                                                                      Hold the stretch for count of 5. Slowly lower arms back by your side. Mountain


Stand still with feet spread apart, arms by your sides and point toes to the front for a few moments.  Take a deep breath and raise arms out by your side.  Palms facing forward.          Hold for the count of 5-10.



Stand still at the top of the mat with feet side by side.  Place your hands on the mat, on either side of your feet.  Take a step back with your left foot and place it sideways on the mat, toes pointing to the side of the mat.  Keeping your right knee bent and lift your chest and the rest of your body upwards.  Straighten your arms and raise them arms overhead.                               Hold for the count of 5-10.  Repeat with other side.



Stand with your feet spread far apart.  Turn your left foot sideways and turn your right foot forward.  Raise your arms.  Turn your head to the right and bend you right knee.                    Hold for the count of 5-10.  Repeat on the other side.



I hope you really enjoyed standing yoga and had lots of fun!

Thanks to CAMHS Claire Wakefield, Alexia Mitchell & Sarah MacFarlane .

CAMHS LD Occupational Therapy Standing Yoga Programme                                                              Adapted from Yoga Ed.’s Resource:   Gruber, T. and Kalish, L., 2005. Yoga Pretzels. London: Barefoot Books Ltd.

I’m looking for signs of shoots in our runner beans.  There might be something happening.  We’ll know more in a couple of days.

Can you send me pictures of spring flowers in your gardens or from a walk for the blog?

Have a super day.
