Author Archives: A Hipolito

Spring on a farm

Hello everyone,

It is Springtime. Spring is the busiest season of all on a farm.

In spring:

  • Snow melts and fields and roads flood.
  • Weather warms and animals get outside.
  • Young animals are born.
  • Fields are prepared for planting crops.

Spring is here, the leaves on the hedgerows and trees start to grow and they are transformed from brown to green. The crops also change, the oil seed rape starts to grow and later in spring, it will flower and go bright yellow.

One of the best but most tiring parts of spring for the farmer is lambing time! It is brilliant to see all the new born lambs.

Have a look at this video about spring on the farm.

Spring activities

(You can find in here activities for iPad or netbook) – Drawing, colouring, matching games, puzzle – all about spring.

Why not try to make this craft below– woolly peg sheep.

Have a look at this excellent idea from David, art teacher.

Create an Easter Garden

Have a lovely Easter Break. Linda & Ana

Group 4 – 3rd April

Here are some activities for your timetable today:

Circle Time

It’s Friday!!!

What is the weather like today?

Photo from my window this morning

Reflection time

There is a reflection sheet included in your home learning pack – please complete this today to bring to school when we get back.

How has your week been?

  1. Have you listened to your mum/dad/gran?
  2. Have you been kind to all?
  3. Have you been polite?
  4. Did you have fun?

Choosing time

For good listening, being kind and polite, and being helpful you will get 5 min for each day.

How many minutes is your choosing time?

You can choose a favourite game on the device or game console of your choice.

Make a good choice!

Life Skills

Choose your job to help clean your house today.


Have a look in the language section to find out what Laura has planned for you today.


Today our story is “We’re going on a Bear Hunt”. Have you been outside for a walk? Have you seen any bears out in the windows? Do you have any bears in your windows for other children to spot?

Enjoy your story!

Social studies

Linda has planned something for you today in the SOCIAL STUDIES section.

Signs of the day

Check out Lorna’s sign of the day video. Today is all about Toys.

Food Technology

Check for some ideas post by Hazel in Food technology or you can use our Pinewood Recipe Book and try your favourite recipe.


Check on Easter singalong with Connie and Gordon.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter break. Keep helping at home, be kind and spread smile and happiness around you. Enjoy the time with your family.

Happy Easter!

Group 4 – Thurs 2nd April

Good Morning everyone.

Here are some activities for your timetable today:

Circle Time

How are you feeling today?

Do you remember the months of the year?

Look at the window to find out what is the weather like today.

Life Skills

After morning routine it is time to help around the house. What about helping to sort the washing?



Have a look at the Maths section to see what Steve wants you to do.

Fiddly fingers

Excellent idea again from Tracey which I would like to share with you:

When the clothes are washed take them out and hang them up to dry using pegs.


Here is a beautiful story about peace and mindfulness. Relax and enjoy.

Sign of the day

Check for Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Go to the music section to have fun singing with Connie.


You could ask an adult to do story massages with you.  Nicole (Blue Class’ teacher) has posted a comprehensive guide and a story for today.

Or if you want you can make a tactile road.


Go to the Dance section and choose one of the activities that Rachel has prepared for you.

Have fun!


Group 1 & 2 – Science Wed 1st April

Hi everyone,

Today we are going to learn about the sense of taste (I can taste with my tongue)

1- Start with Five senses song

2 – What have you tasted at breakfast/lunch today?

How did they taste?

  1. Sweet (like honey)
  2. Sour (like a lemon)
  3. Salty (like crisps and sausages)
  4. Bitter (like dark chocolate and cocoa powder)

3. Easter nest activity

Tracey had this great idea about cooking Science and I thought I would share it with you.  Can you make an Easter nest? Find the recipe below or use your own.


  • 200g milk chocolate broken into pieces
  • 85g shredded wheat, crushed
  • 2 x 100g bags mini chocolate eggs
  • cupcakes case


  1. Melt the chocolate in a small bowl placed over a pan of barely simmering water.
  2. Pour the chocolate over the shredded wheat and stir well to combine.
  3. Spoon the chocolate wheat into 12 cupcake cases and press the back of a teaspoon in the centre to create a nest shape.
  4. Place 3 mini chocolate eggs on top of each nest.
  5. Chill the nests in the fridge for 2 hrs until set.

Taste it! Yummy!!!

Does it taste sweet or salty?


Group 4 – Wed 1st April

Good Morning everyone.

Today I’m feeling

How are you feeling today?

We started a new month. What is the month today?

You’re right. It’s April.

What is the day today?

It’s April Fool’s Day. Wednesday.

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.


Read your favourite book or choose a book from the website below.


Check the blog for ideas from Gerry. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


Today we are going to listen to a story about a monkey that wakes up in a grumpy mood. Grumpy monkey is a cute book about great friends and a lesson on emotions.

Are you feeling grumpy today?

Sign of the day

Check Lorna’s sign of the day video.


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.


Check out in the Science section to find out what is your challenge for today.


In the story the other animals try to convince the monkey to do different things to feel better. Talk to an adult about things you can do to feel better when you are sad or angry.

Choose your 8 favourite activities from the list below. Select ones that make you feel good, that bring a smile to your face, or relaxes you.

  Deep breaths   Tell a joke
  Make a snack   Give a hug
  Pet an animal   Dance
  Count to 10   Share a toy
  Sing a song   Play outside
  Read a story   Exercise
  Play a game   Quiet time

Have a lovely day!


Group 4 – 31st March

Good Morning everyone.

Today we are going to start with our morning routine.

Circle Time

What is the day today?

How’s is the weather?

How are you feeling today?

Life Skills

Why not help mum or dad to make breakfast or lunch today?

Or choose a job  to help around the house today.



Have a look in the ICT section to see what Steve has put up for you.


Check out in the dance section for what Rachel have in store for you today.


This is a cute simple story about an unusual friendship.

Sign of the Day

Click on Lorna’s sign of the day video.

Fiddly fingers

Do you have LEGO at home? Use them to do this challenge.

Tuesday LEGO challenge


Check out in the gardening section and watch Scott’s video to find more ideas about how to take care of your mung bean. Have they sprouted?


This week we are focus on NURTURE. You can talk with an adult about people who help and look after you. Who helps you at home? How do they help you? You can draw pictures of home life and the people who help you. Who helps you at school? Think about who helps people when…someone is sick or hurt, has sore tooth, they are lost…

Have a nice day.

Out. Learning – We’re going on a Bear Hunt!

Good afternoon everyone.

Are you ready for our Outdoor learning today?

You can choose one of these activities below to have fun.

Activity 1

Today we’re going on a Bear Hunt.

Pam thought it would be a good idea to start a “Going on a bear hunt” walk.  Have a look at this Facebook page We’re going on a Bear Hunt West Lothian to find more information about where you can spot the bear.

Let’s get outside and find out how many teddy bears and rainbows can we see in our walking.

Find below this sheet to help you in your activity.

We’re going on a Bear Hunt

My daughter has been busy. Look at our window.


Alesha is waiting

Activity 2

Build a teddy bear cave

Build a teddy den

If you choose to build an indoor cave, you can use blankets, chairs and pegs (to stop the blankets coming off the chairs).

Take your teddy with you and have fun!

I would like to see your photos about your adventure today.



Group 4 – Monday 30th March

Good Morning everyone. I hope you have had a lovely weekend.

Have a look on your tasks for today.

Circle Time

What is the day today?

Days of the week

How’s is the weather?

Weather board

How are you feeling today?

Emotions board

Life Skills

Once you have completed your morning circle it’s time to get the day started choosing your job to help around the house today.

 At 11 O’clock what about trying the Fischy Music Assembly!


Have a look in the maths section to see what Steve has put up for you.


Check out in the P.E section for what Pedro or Gerry have in store for you today. If you want, you can join in with Joe Wicks live at 9am.


This story is about using your talents to help others. What can the magic paintbrush do? Watch and find out!

Sign of the Day

Click on Lorna’s sign of the day video. It’s all about colours.


Have a look at the art section to see what Steve wants you to do.

Outdoor Learning

Check out the outdoor learning section to find out what is your challenge for today.


Today’s focus is about how to keep your teeth clean.

Have a look at the brushing teeth sequencing below.

Brushing teeth sequencing

What do you need to clean your teeth. Find out in this activity.

Brushing teeth activity

Group 4 – Social studies

Hi everyone.

What an achievement in our social studies topic – Romans.

Have a look at your final work – Roman villa project.


Floor plan by CM

Colour palette by AS

Veranda plan by CMcG

Garden plan by BS

Labels by LE

Roman villa

Details – garden, fountain and mosaic

Talk to a member of your family about our Roman villa project. What have you learned? What was your job? Did you enjoy working as a team?

Well done everyone!