All posts by Miss Glencorse

Primary 4 Learning (28.4.20)

Good morning Primary 4 and welcome to Tuesday! It’s not as sunny today but hopefully our learning today can make you feel sunny! Enjoy the activities and have a great day! Looking forward to speaking to you at check in time.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 27.4.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In


5 11am – H&WB with MISS HEWIT

6 Converting 12 and 24 hour time – Blue and Red Group

6 Telling the Time to Half Past – Yellow Group

7 Reading

8 RE – The Ten Commandments (part 2)

9 1.15pm – LIVE ART LESSON

10 Topic – designing a T Shirt

11 Check Out

Primary 4 Learning (27.4.20)

Good morning Primary 4. Welcome to Monday and the last week in April already! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend in the beautiful sunshine and you’re raring to go for another week! Here is today’s learning. I hope you enjoy the challenge. Have a great day. I’ll speak to you at our check in and out.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 27.4.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In

4 Spelling Week 4

5 Reading 6 11am – French with Mrs Doolan

7 Converting Time – Blue and Red Groups

7 Days and Months – Yellow Group

8 RE – The Ten Commandments (part 1)

8 The Ten Commandments

10 P.E.-Home Activity Board 11 ACTIVITY AFTERNOON

12 Check Out

Fruit word mat

P4 French 27th April

Primary 4 Learning (23.4.20)

Good morning Primary 4 and welcome to Thursday already! We have some great activities planned for today and I hope you enjoy them. Have a great day and I look forward to speaking to you all on Teams.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 20.4.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In

4 Book Review – Blue & Red Group

4 Book Review – Yellow Group

5 Analogue to Digital – Blue & Red

5 I hour more & Telling the time – Yellow Group

6 RE – Making Sacrifices


8 Check Out

Primary 4 Learning (22.4.20)

Good morning Primary 4. Welcome to Wednesday! Here is today’s learning and I hope you enjoy it. Remember to do the learning in a way that suits you and your family and please remember to take breaks and get somefresh air. Going outside is so important. Have a great day! Looking forward to our check in at 9:30am.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 20.4.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In

4 Comprehension Instructions

4 The Story of Easter

5 Reading


7 Topic – Instruments

8 Check Out

Primary 4 Learning (20.4.20)

Welcome back Primary 4. I hope you all had a lovely, relaxing and safe holiday with your families. Thankfully the weather was good so you could get out to your gardens. It’s lovely to have you back at school to start our 4th and final term together. Here are your learning activities for the day. I hope you enjoy what you are being asked to do.

1 Timetable outline wk beg 20.4.20

2 Prayers

3 Check In

4 Spelling Week 3

5 Reading

6 12 to 24 hour time – Red & Blue Group

6 Quarter Past – Yellow Group

7 Easter Sunday

7 RE Easter Sunday

8 PE – Fitness Monopoly


10 Check Out

Primary 4 Learning (1.4.20)

Good morning Primary 4. Happy April Fools Day! Can you believe it’s April already? Here is your learning for today. I hope you enjoy the fun and challenge of today’s tasks. I am looking forward to speaking to you at Check In this morning. Have a great day! Remember, I am here if you need me.

1 Prayers

2 Comprehension Instructions

2 Easter Comprehension Blue and Red

2 Easter Comprehension Yellow

3 Reading


5 Topic Character profiles

6 RE The Last Supper

7 The Last Supper

8 Check Out