Category Archives: Primary 7

All the children in Our Lady of Lourdes

Good morning everyone,

Whole school challenge…

Attached is a whole school challenge, which we thought would be good to support the new primary one children coming into our OLOL family.

Draw the OLOL school badge.

So all the new primary one children can spot them all over Blackburn, and feel connected to the school.

Thank you everyone.

We are looking forward to seeing the OLOL badges in your windows.

Stay safe everyone and take care. x

OLOL badge challenge



Our Girls Our Game Festivals News for P5, P6 and P7

Due to the success of the first West Lothian Girls Football Festival, we are running a further two Girls Football Festivals in partnership with West Lothian Youth Foundation and Blackburn Untied.

Information on the upcoming, Our Girls Our Game Festivals are detailed below:


·         Friday 31st May at Livingston Football Stadium 2pm-4pm

·         Friday 21st June at Blackburn United 3G 2pm-4pm


The girls football festivals are open to all primary 5,6 and 7 girls in West Lothian.

·         If parents are taking their child, then it is the parents responsibility for their child at the festivals.  When parents register for the festival we will ask for the child’s emergency contact details and emergency contact number.

To register for the festivals please email –