Tag Archives: Art design

Well done to P5….

they have all made a fabulous start this week. Settling into new class routines, meeting and sharing ideas and resources during activities ,reconnecting with their class family -it has all been really positive.Mrs C and Mrs Robertson are really looking forward to helping you achieve your goals and targets talked about in class this week and hearing a few jokes from our new writing activity. Michal its your turn for Week 2 and many thanks to Jasmine for her great idea of compiling a Joke of the Week Book and decorating it so artistically today!

P3 as the snow falls are you remembering…….

This week we are hoping to create our own whirry bangs for our Visitor Centre so you need to collect some recycle items to use in small groups to create a whirry bang model of your own! Be ready to share these items with your class family as we will be working in small teams and Mrs C has been collecting packaging from around school to help us in our challenge-Good Luck!

Reminder for all P3 P4 and P5 Titanic Cabins…….


………….all pupil cabin shoeboxes are due in on Monday 20/2/2017.

All the classes and the teachers are looking forward to seeing your designs -remember to look in your blue recycle bin for bits and bobs you can create furniture and accessories out of!

Good Luck we look forward to displaying all boxes in our Titanic Corridor..

Calling all Titanic Passengers in P3 P4 and P5….


On Monday 30th January we are going to be doing lots of sinking and floating experiments so make sure you have your paint shirts with you to keep you dry!

You also need to start collecting recycled items from home to help you with your model boats( and furniture for your Titanic Shoebox Cabins.)….get collecting this weekend and bring in things to make your amazing model boats on Monday!