Category Archives: Primary 3


Hi P1/2/3 and welcome to the last week of term.

Can you believe that after this week the school year will be finished? Where has the time gone? Miss Hewit, Ms Gavin, Mrs Kean and Mrs Doolan want to say a huge WELL DONE to you all for all of your hard work at home over these past few weeks. You are all little stars. 😀

The theme for this week is Transition, so click below for this week’s grid with lots of activities to choose from. These will help you reflect on this year and prepare for next.

As always, we are all missing you very much and hope you have a great last week, and an amazing summer holiday when it comes. Take care guys x

P1-3 Transition Grid


All the children in Our Lady of Lourdes

Good morning everyone,

Whole school challenge…

Attached is a whole school challenge, which we thought would be good to support the new primary one children coming into our OLOL family.

Draw the OLOL school badge.

So all the new primary one children can spot them all over Blackburn, and feel connected to the school.

Thank you everyone.

We are looking forward to seeing the OLOL badges in your windows.

Stay safe everyone and take care. x

OLOL badge challenge



Primary 1, 2 and 3 Activity Afternoons – Disney

Good afternoon everyone we hope you had a wonderful weekend.

This week would have been the Gala day, but unfortunately this could not go ahead.  Therefore to bring a little bit of happiness back we thought it would be nice to have a Disney theme this week.

We have attached this weeks activities all around the theme of Disney!  We really hope you enjoy the activities and remember to send your pictures to us through the school email.

Stay safe and enjoy! x

Disney Activities

All about Walt Disney



Name that story …


Pumpkin Spice Playdough Recipe

Shimmer and Shine Playdough Recipe

Wholegrain Playdough Recipe

Primary 1, 2 and 3

Good afternoon,

Mrs Lang has sent through a really interesting link and I thought I’d pass this on.

NYCOS have now started a daily song at 11am each day.
Here is the first link for Monday’s song.

Have fun. x

Primary 1-3 Superhero and Health Activities

Good morning everyone,

Please find attached the Primary 1 – 3 afternoon activity grid.  You can do as much or as little as you wish every afternoon this week.  Remember to take loads of photos and email them to us.

Have fun. x

P1-3 Superhero and Health Grid

Cola Super Fountain Science

Experiment Comic Strip Template

Flying Superheroes Science Experiment

Magnetic Superhero Scene Science Experiment

Superhero City Instructions

Supersize Marshmallows Science Experiment



P1, 2 and 3 Entertainment grid

Good morning,

Mrs Brennan has decided to use different themes for learning over the next few weeks.  This week is Entertainment week!  Please find attached a grid with lots of activities you could do this week in the afternoons.

Remember this is just a guide and you can do as many or as few of the activities as you wish.  If you wish to share any of these things with us please send to the school email.

Enjoy x

Mrs Kean, Miss Hewit and Ms Gavin

P 1-3 Afternoon Activities – Entertainment

All children in Primary 1, 2 and 3

Good afternoon everyone,

Just to let you all know that at the Assembly on Friday Mrs Brennan would love to share some of your work, pictures, favourite lock down songs that you may have.  If you do have anything you would like to share, please send these to the school email (see below) and Mrs Brennan will add them to the assembly.

Not all will be able to be shown, but she will try to add as many as possible, the rest could be shared at the next assembly the following week.

Take care and stay safe.

Ms Gavin x

Music for Primary 1, 2 and 3

Hi everyone
Hope you are having a great day.   
Three things to do on Thursday for music.  Two songs that I have chosen and one of your choice.

Hope you have fun with the Spring Chicken song!  It’s one of my favourites😊 Living and learning.
Try joining in with the chorus of Living and learning.
And can you sing your favourite song, you can choose anything,  to someone else in your home?  Remember singing is good for you all.❤️
Love from Mrs Lang