Welcome to all our new P1 pupils!

Good morning to all our new P1 children! Soon your P5 buddies will be sending you a message to say hello and introduce themselves. They are all excited to meet you and help you to settle in to Linlithgow Primary School. In the meantime, some of them have been making short videos of themselves reading you a story. We hope you enjoy these over the summer holidays.

P2A Monday, 22.6.20

Good morning, everyone.

I can’t believe this is our very last Monday in Primary 2!  We have enjoyed reading so many different stories this year, especially Mr Men and LIttle Miss stories.  I wonder if you can spot the 10 differences in these Mr Men and Little Miss pictures.

Here is a gravity experiment by Little Miss Stubborn.  You could try this at home with an adult.

Some more healthy cooking with Mr Strong.  These frittatas look yummy!

This Mr Men character likes to put his nose into other people’s business.  I hope you enjoy this story.

Have a lovely Monday, everyone!

Mrs Herbison


Good Morning Primary 1, Monday 22nd June 2020

Good morning, I hope you had a lovely weekend. It was nice to see some sunshine, but gosh those were some heavy rain showers yesterday. I was out for a walk and had to take cover, it was so heavy.

Well primary one,  this is our last week of term. I can’t believe how quickly it has gone. It has been a very strange time learning from home, but you should all be so proud at how well you have done.

To celebrate that, have a think and discuss with a grown up what your star moments at home have been.



Mickey Mouse - Wikipedia

With it being our last week we have a special weekly plan.

                                  Week 12 plan – Virtual Disney holiday

Go on some rides, meet some characters, dance and watch some fireworks.

                          What will you take?                    What will I pack

Numeracy –                         measuring





You will find activities on the powerpoint that you can do either in your jotter or on a piece of paper, or you can talk about them.     These are just suggested activities, please feel free to think of your own ideas too.


Boys and girls Free vector in Adobe Illustrator ai ( .AI ...

As this is our last week of term we thought it might be a nice for you to do an all about me for your next teacher.

To do this, please email your teacher with a photo of you, with a few facts or words to describe yourself underneath. We can then pass it onto your teacher for next year. I know they will love to find out a little about you.

We also have this all about me sheet that you could fill out (please only print it out if you can or want to) or make your own, using this as an idea, to bring with you when school starts back after summer.



Hope you have a lovely week.

If you have any questions please send a little message or email. Remember we love to hear from you, even if it is just to say hello.

Your Primary 1 teachers

The Girl and the Dinosaur

Hi Primary 3,

This week my story for you is ‘The Girl and the Dinosaur’. It is my last story for you and I chose it as a reminder of what your very first topic in P3 was. Doesn’t that seem a long time ago now!

Here are some files which will help you complete your tasks:

Book Review

The Girl and the Dinosaur Comprehension

Dinosaur Colouring Just For Fun

Mary Anning fact page

Mary Anning powerpoint

And below are the follow on activities you can do. Try to do at least two over the week. This week your handwriting task links to the book, so make sure you complete that task as well.

The Girl and the Dinosaur Reading Comprehension

  1. How is the pier at the seaside described?
  2. What does Marianne slide down?
  3. What mythical creatures do they see in the night?
  4. Why is the dinosaur described as brave?
  5. Can you name three of the dinosaurs they meet in the sky?
  6. Do you think the land in the sky is real? Why or why not?

Wonderful Writer In the story the girl makes a wish that comes true. Write your own story about a wish that comes true.

Book Review Print out the book review and complete (or create your own version)

Artistic Ace Draw a picture to represent part of the story and write at least 2 sentences to describe your drawing.

Question Master Design your own Girl and the Dinosaur quiz or a quiz about dinosaurs

Rocking Researcher Find out about the real female fossil hunter ‘Mary Anning’ and write down some facts about her. You could create an information poster.

Handwriting Find out Copy out the following passage in your neatest handwriting. Remember to think about the letters sitting on the line, being the correct shape and size. Then add an illustration.

There’s a town beside the sea,

Not so very far from here,

With golden sands and rock pools,

And a tattered battered pier.

And there’s a girl upon the beach,

Her name is Marianne,

She’s digging for a dinosaur

Just beneath the sand.


P3B Monday 21st June

Good morning,

First a highlight from my past week: Father’s day was great. The girls got me a special takeaway platter of cheeses and cold meats, along with a drink. They also gave me some lovely handmade cards. We went on a lovely walk, although we did get rained on a few times. I can’t believe that after all the exploring I have done in the last few months that I am still discovering new places around the town.

Remember, I would love to hear about your highlights too.

Please, check out the school website for the P3 resources for home learning this week. Again there is an emphasis on health and well-being and we would like you to design your own at home sports day!


As it is the last week of term, spelling this week is a revision of the last four rules.

There is a new Sumdog competition that the class has been entered into for the week.

Check out my post about this weeks story ‘The Girl and the Dinosaur’. It’s my last one! During the week let us know how you are getting on by emailing myself and Miss Ross.

Have a great day,

Mr Brice

P2B Monday 22.6.20

Good Morning, everyone.

Can you believe this is the last Monday of Primary 2. You have all done so well over the last 12 weeks when you have been  learning at home. Mrs Boyle and I have really missed you all but are very proud of you and appreciate the great effort you and your parents have made.

It is a very strange end to Primary 2. It is particularly strange for me and Mrs Boyle as we are going to be retiring on Friday. That means we will not be back after the Summer holiday so it is a bit sad that we wont get a proper chance to say goodbye to you all. We will definitely  pop in and see you for a visit when you are in Primary 3.

Here is our last set of learning activities for this session. We have included lots of Health and Wellbeing activities and some challenges that you can choose from and try.

Week 12 Learning Grid

Last week we were thinking about looking after our teeth. It reminded me of this story about a crocodile who had a very sore tooth. I like this story because it is also about being kind. I wonder if you can guess who helps the crocodile  to learn a very important lesson about being kind to others?

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Mills


P3A Monday 22nd June

Good Morning 3A!

I hope you all had a good weekend.  On Saturday I went with my family to Muiravonside Park.  The play area and farm are still closed but we had a nice walk and we took a picnic lunch.

The week 12 resources are ready for you on the website.  I know lots of you continue to enjoy Sumdog.  We did very well in the last contest so I have entered the P3 classes into the new West Lothian Maths Sumdog challenge. Like last time, your answers count towards your individual and class scores.  The challenge is live now until this Friday.  Good luck!

Congratulations to those who were featured in Friday’s Celebrating Success.  Also, if you placed in our P3 Sumdog challenges from last week, you’ll find your reward coins waiting for you.

Have a great day.

Mrs Bell




P2/1 – Monday 22nd June

Hello P2/1

I hope that you are all well and had a nice weekend.

This is  our last week of home learning before the summer holidays and I am very proud of how well you have all been doing.

Here is the link to Monday’s Story Time From Home.  There is no special theme this week as there is no writing activity.  I have chosen all the stories just because I like them and I hope you will like them too. Remember, if you missed any of last week’s stories you can still go back and watch them.


It has been good fun making the videos but it not the same as reading stories in class and this is one of the main things I am looking forward to about going back to school – after seeing and chatting to all the boys and girls again!

Please do stay in touch this week before the holidays begin and let me know how you are getting on.

Miss McDermott


Story Time From Home – Monday 22nd June

Hello everyone,

I hope that you had a good weekend.

I can hardly believe that it is the last week of term and the last week for Story Time at Home.

There is no special theme this week.  I have chosen all the stories just because I like them and I hope you will like them too. Remember, if you missed any of last week’s stories you can still go back and watch them too.


I am sure that lots of you will know this story  – it really is disgusting and I do feel sorry for the poor badger. But like lots of stories it does have a happy ending.

Have a good day and if you’re having a sandwich for lunch, I do hope it’s a nice one!

Miss McDermott