P3A Tuesday 9th June

Good Morning 3A!

Thanks to those that emailed yesterday.  If you are able to keep in touch once a week that’s great.

Today’s extra activity is a fun one! Mr Brice has made a spelling hunt challenge again for P3 this week.  Look at his blog post from today to find the map.  If you are out walking you could try to spot your words.  Fingers crossed the rain stays away and you can find them all!

Send a photo if you try it 🙂

Mrs Bell

P3b Tuesday 9th June

Hi, after lots of positive feedback from last weeks hunt, I loved the photos of you with them, I’ve made a new spelling hunt for the day.  There are 18 words to find ‘ow’ words and ‘wa’ words, all written with chalk. Use the map below to help, or print out the attached sheet. Each black cross indicates where a word was written. It’s due to rain this evening which will probably wash the words away.

P3 Spelling Hunt

Yesterday I caught up with a couple of the programmes from World Ocean Day. I loved the short video about hammerhead sharks, the photography was stunning and I learnt lots. And I made a shark out of a toilet roll. Meet Pete the Hammerhead Shark:

Here is the video and the instructions:

Shark Craft


Good Morning, everyone!

How are you today? I hope you are all well and enjoying your activities this week.

Here is another French song to start the day. It is a bit trickier than yesterday’s song but we have sung it in class before so you might remember it.

Here is a story that I know some of you will recognise. It has two ar words in the title.

I found this fun song to help you practise your sound for this week.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Mills

P2/1 – Tuesday 9th June

Hello everyone,

Today is a very special day as it is the 50th Story Time from Home! It’s hard to believe that’s how many stories  I’ve read  – I wonder how many you’ve watched and listened to?

As well as this, today I have included a special story for you to read that was written by one of the girls in our class.  It is not only a super story but has lots of fantastic illustrations too.

I hope you enjoy reading it and listening to today’s cat story!


Miss McDermott




Good morning P1! Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning everybody,

I hope your week has been nice so far. I made some flapjacks last night and they were tasty – I put cherries in them! What do you like to cook or bake? Here is the recipe that I used. It says to use dairy-free spread but of course you can use regular butter or margarine if you have that in your fridge.

They are nice and sticky and you get to lick the syrupy spoon after measuring it in… YUM! I hope you enjoy them!

Game time!

You have all been doing such a fabulous job practising reading at home – here is a silly game you can play at home to practise reading some sentences with an adult or older sibling.

Print or write the following sentences on separate pieces of paper (feel free to add your own ones in as well if you want more) and turn them face down but not on top of each other. Take turns to choose one to read. Read the sentence and see if the answer is YES or NO. If it is YES, you get a point, if the answer is NO, the other player gets a point. Read all the sentences and count up your points!

If you don’t want to print or write these out – you could play the same game, but just take it in turns to read a sentence from the screen!

Have a fabulous day everyone and remember just do what you can and let your teacher know if you need any help or support with anything – we will be delighted to hear from you and will always try and help with anything we can!

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers



Good afternoon P1! Monday 8th June 2020

Good afternoon everyone,

Today is World Oceans Day so I wanted to share a PowerPoint with you that talks about Plastic Pollution in the Deepest Ocean.

Plastic Pollution in the Deepest Ocean

This power point explores a science news story showing that plastic has reached the lowest point in our planet 11,000 metres below sea level. The language in the PowerPoint is quite tricky, but it is a great starting point for a conversation about how plastic pollution is hurting our planet. 

I would also like to share a link with you that might help with your learning about time and clocks this week – https://www.topmarks.co.uk/time/teaching-clock. It is a great way to explore analogue and digital clocks. Perhaps take it in turns to be the teacher and ask the other person to make a certain time on the clock.

Have a lovely week P1, we miss you!

Your P1 Teachers 😀

Good Morning Nursery!

Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all safe and well! I have been enjoying my daily walks in the sunshine and when I was out I saw some lovely daisy’s. When I was a little girl I used to love making daisy chains so I decided to sit down and make myself a daisy chain necklace and I wondered if you would like to make one too. I look forward to seeing some of your pictures.
Mrs Fyfe x

P2A Monday, 8th June

Good morning, everyone.

I hope you all had a super weekend.

Here is this week’s Learning Grid and Time Activities sheet:               Learning Grid week 10

  Time Activities

This week’s digraph is   ar   and here is a short video to help you.

I know lots of you enjoy being outdoors walking and running and cycling.  Here is a story about the Mr Men being active.

Have a good Monday.

Mrs Herbison

Good morning Primary one, Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. It was nice to see the sun come out for a while again. Hopefully we will see more of it this week. I went for some lovely walks this weekend. One was down at the loch and we saw some ducklings. They were very cute.

Our story this week is Cinderella, a well known fairy tale that I think all of you will have heard. Here is a link to listen to the story.

Walt Disney's Cinderella Little Golden Books Random House: Amazon ...


There are lots of different twists on Fairy tales. Maybe you could have a little look and see what ones you find. Here is a twist on Cinderella. It is called Prince Cinders.

Prince Cinders by Babette Cole


Week 10

Here is our learning grid for this week – Home Learning wb 8.6

Here are some resources that might help you with this week’s learning:








Health and Well-being:






P1 Tricky Words

Tricky word activity ideas

Expressive Arts:



We would love you to send us a little email this week to tell us how everything is going or just to say hello and let us know you are keeping well. If you need any support or have any questions, let us know and we can try and help however we can.

Take care everyone,

Your P1 Teachers 😀

P3A Monday 8th June

Good Morning 3A!

I hope you had a good weekend 🙂

Well done to those who were featured in Friday’s Celebrating Success Sway.  Looking forward to seeing more of your work this week and Ms Occardi and I will choose more Awesome Achievers.

The Week 10 grid and resources are ready for you on the LPS website.  I’ve also set new games and challenges on Heinemann Active and Sumdog.  You might find extra Sumdog coins when you next log in.  If you placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the P3 challenges from the past two weeks I’ve sent a coin reward!

Today is World Ocean Day.  This links up well with our P3 Oceans topic.  You might want to have a look at this website and watch/try some activities. https://worldoceanday.school/ 

I also wanted to share this competition about the Marches.  Unfortunately Marches day is not going ahead this year but there are still some fun events happening.  You might want to take part in the ‘Design your own Bunting’ competition.  It closes on Friday so you’ll need to be quick! No photo description available.

Mrs Bell

P3B Monday 8th June

Good morning,

First a highlight from my past week: As lock down has eased a little’ we went on our first family car ride for 2 and a half months. We went to Blackness Castle for a stroll down by the Forth. What a beautiful view of the bridges we had.

While we were there, we found out lots of little shells. It inspired me to read ‘Sharing a Shell’ for this weeks story.

We also managed a trip to the ice cream shop earlier in the week after our home schooling bell and rung. I had a cookies and cream ice cream milkshake. It was delicious!

Remember, I would love to hear about your highlights too.

Today, it is World Oceans Day. This fits in very well with lots of the tasks we have been giving you. There is a range of programmes you can watch/ take part in today. We will be watching the opening programme at 9.00am and watching a couple more over the course of the day, including the rockpool ramble at 9.30am.  I think I might try and make a hammerhead shark out of a toilet roll this afternoon! Follow the link below to take part.


Please, check out the school website for the P3 resources for home learning this week.


Here are this week spellings. If the weather is kind I plan on setting a new spelling hunt for tomorrow.

During the week let us know how you are getting on by emailing myself and Miss Ross.

Have a great day,

Mr Brice

Sharing a Shell

Hi Primary 3,

This week my story for you is ‘Sharing a Shell’.

And below are the follow on activities you can do. Try to do at least two over the week. This week your handwriting task links to the book, so make sure you complete that task as well.

Sharing a Shell Reading Comprehension

  1. Why did the crab need to find a shell quickly?
  2. How did the anemone scare the big fish away?
  3. What does the bristle worm love to do?
  4. Why did crab not want to hang out with the anemone anymore?
  5. What words are used to describe the storm?
  6. Bristle worm uses the word ‘whelkome’, this is a pun. These are often used in jokes. Can you think of another example of a pun?

Wonderful Writer In the story 3 friends fall out with each other and the bristle worm helps them make friends again. Write a story about friends falling out with each other. How can they fix the friendship to have a happy ending to the story?

Book Review Print out the book review and complete (or create your own version)

Dynamic Designer Design and make a poster about how you can be kind to your friends.

Word Wizard Find out the dictionary definition of the following words and write them in your own sentence: scuttle, proud, share, shy, ungrateful

Artistic Ace Draw a picture to represent part of the story and write at least 2 sentences to describe your drawing.

Question Master Design your own Sharing a Shell quiz or a quiz about seashore animals.

Rocking Researcher Find out some facts about the animals in the story and perhaps some other animals that live on the sea shore

Handwriting Find out Copy out the following passage in your neatest handwriting, you could try joining the letters. Remember to think about the letters sitting on the line, being the correct shape and size. Then add an illustration.

Listen! A voice! And out pokes a head

From the whelk shell washed up by the foam.

“It’s ready, I’ve done all the housework.

Climb on and come in – whelkome home!”

Three fishes sharing a shell,

Happy as housemates can be,

Rocketing all round the rock pool

In their wonderful home for three!

Here are some files will help you complete your tasks:


P2/1, P2A and P2B MINIBEASTS 8.6.20


Good Morning, everyone!

This week Primary 2 and P2/1 are learning about Slugs and Snails.

Here are some resources to help you with your learning this week.

The following Powerpoint and videos will help you to learn some facts about slugs and snails.

slugs and snails



You could try this worksheet to see if you can label the parts of a snail.

snail labelling

Why don’t you listen to the story of The Snail and the Whale.

You could practise writing your tricky words and phonics using a water bottle (a little bit like a snail’s trail).


It’s always fun to try something creative. We thought you might like to design  some colourful snails. These examples were inspired by a famous artist called Kandinsky. He loved to paint using lots of different colours and shapes.

We have attached a Powerpoint that will help you to learn about colour mixing and will tell you all about Kandinsky.


We would love to see all your colourful snails.

Have fun learning and if you are outside keep a look out for any slugs and snails.

P2/1, P2A and P2B Teachers