P2/1 – Friday 29th May

Hello everyone

Here is the link to the last of the Story Time From Home minibeast stories – I do hope that you have enjoyed them.  If you haven’t seen them all, remember you can go back to the blog pages for this week and click on the link and watch and listen to them on any day.


I am back working in the hub school today, so I won’t be replying to any emails or messages until Monday.

Hope you have a good weekend and enjoy the super weather we are having.  Please stay safe and have fun!

Miss McDermott


Remember to check Twitter later on Friday for this week’s Awesome Achievers!


Good afternoon P1! Thursday 28th May 2020

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you are all having a nice week. I have been doing some packing in my flat each evening because my husband and I get the keys to our new house very soon and will have to move everything across – you might think that doesn’t sound like fun, but I have been finding all sorts of things I had forgotten about, like my high school year books and these old photos!!!

The first photo is our horse Jack who we had when I was very little and then there is my grandma and me in Shetland!

This week, we are practising the digraphs /th/ and /wh/ – BBC Bitesize has some great activities to help you practise your sounds at home. Visit the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zvq9bdm/articles/zk6f6v4 for /th/ activities. Alphablocks has a nice short video about the sound /wh/ that you can find here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPMDT-sL6l0.

We hope you are having lots of nice outdoors time in the sun this week – it has been so lovely and warm!

Take care,

Your P1 Teachers 😀

Good morning!!

As the weather has been so warm recently I wondered if you would like to help water the plants. This is one of our favourite things to do in our Nursery garden when the weather is warm. If you find any flowers in your garden or on your walk today why not take a picture of you giving them a big drink of water. If you don’t have a watering can at home you can use the helpful link below and ask an adult to help you make one. It’s super easy, lots of fun and helps the environment by watering the thirsty plants to help them grow. Hope you are all well and enjoying the sun ! From Miss Moore


(You may have to copy and paste it.)

P2A Thursday, 28.5.20

Good morning, everyone!

Today is Thursday and it’s going to be a lovely day!  I hope you all manage to get outdoors and enjoy our fabulous weather.  You might even spot some minibeasts!

Here is a new Mr Men story.  I wonder where you would like to go for a picnic?  Watch this to see where some Mr Men go for their picnic.

Have a lovely day.

Mrs Herbison

3a 28.5.20 Good Morning

Good Morning , 3a.

Another glorious, sunny day for us to enjoy.

This is my last day online for a week. I’m owed a week’s holiday. I had planned to go to Arran, but we’ve all had to change our plans recently. Instead I’m going to put up a new whirly gig , walk the dogs and if we’re allowed, visit family outdoors.

Mrs Bell will be online next week and we can catch up after that.

Just for fun – the dogs can be really naughty sometimes. This drives me nuts! I’m sure Hetzer and Katie Morag think they’re helping with the dishes…

Ms Occardi


Good Morning Primary 2B Thursday 28th May 2020 Mrs Boyle

Good Morning Primary 2B,

I hope you all had a lovely day in the sun yesterday. I went for a long walk along the canal. I saw lots of the ducklings who are getting bigger every day.

Today I am sharing some of your pictures of  amazing Robot models you have sent. Myself and Mrs Mills love when you send us your pictures of all the fun things you have been doing at home. We love to see your stories, models, maths work and crafts.


Have fun learning at home!

Mrs Boyle

P3B Thursday 28th May

Morning everyone!

Was anyone out in the sun yesterday? We went a lovely walk to a river near our house, we had never been before. It was beautiful even though we ended up on the wrong side of the river! We walked for ages through long uneven grass and bushes trying to find somewhere to cross the river as there was a path on the other side. If  only I had worn my wellies!! We need to figure out how to get on the other side. We still had fun, here are a couple photos…

Rounding has been the focus in numeracy this week. Here is a rhyme to help you remember whether to round up or down. I have also included a link for ‘Rocket Rounding’ a game to help you practise.


Here is a morning challenge for you all..

I have enjoyed looking at all the great work this week. Remember keep in touch!

Have a great day.

Miss Ross 😀



Good Morning Primary 1, 28th May 2020

I hope you had a lovely afternoon yesterday and enjoyed some of the sunshine. It got very hot. My boys and I had a water fight to cool down, which was lots of fun. We also made some delicious smoothies to keep hydrated. It is very important when it is hot or when you do exercise that you keep drinking lots of liquids.

Have any of you still been doing PE with Joe Wicks? Every morning he goes live at 9am to do a PE lesson with boys, girls and adults across the country and the world! Why don’t you have a look tomorrow if you don’t already have it planned to do. You don’t have to do it live with him, you can do it later in the day if it is easier. Remember grown ups you can join in too!


Staying on the subject of PE, here are some challenge cards for you to try. Maybe you could make your own fitness challenges up and send it to your friend to try, or even to us teachers.

Fitness Challenge cards



This week our story is The Gingerbread man.

Here is a game you can play to draw a Gingerbread man.

Roll a gingerbread man

Or challenge yourself. How many words can you make from the word Gingerbread?

Gingerbread words

Please remember you don’t need to print either of the sheets out.


Thank you for sending in  pictures of you work and emails telling us what you have been up to. Please keep in touch.

Have a lovely day. Stay safe.

Your Primary 1 teachers