Please find below the link to the PowerPoint for Flashback 4 for Summer block 1. These are revision questions for each day of the week and cover areas we have already looked at. The questions may be challenging for Primary 1 but they normally give them a go in class.
Category Archives: Primary 2/1
Day 2 Challenge for any Lego Lovers Out There
Please find below the link to day 2 of the 30 days of play Lego challenge.
Another Reading Badge for P2/1 – 150 Books Now Read
Well done P2/1, another reading badge earned. We have now read 150 books.
Miss Maclachlan x
Health and Wellbeing Challenge
Please find below a link to a Health and Wellbeing challenge that you may want to take part in.
Primary School Meal Survey
Please find below a link to a survey about school meals. It would be very much appreciated if you could find time to complete this survey with your child.
Thank you.
P2(P2/1) Learning grid resources
Here are the resources from the learning grid. The hyperlinks are not working for some reason. Sorry for this.
I can see under the sea poem template Under the sea – Habitats
Here are the White Rose Maths worksheets.
Miss Maclachlan x
Well done P2/1
Well done P2/1. We have now read 100 books on EPIC! Keep up the hard work and keep reading.
Miss Maclachlan x
Primary 1, Primary 2/1 and Primary 2 Science from Miss Whigham Week Beginning the 11th May 2020
Please find below the links to this week’s science activities from Miss Whigham.
a hotel fit for some bugs investigation activity
P2(P2/1) Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 11th May 2020
Good Morning. I hope you have had a good weekend. Please find below the link for this week’s learning grid.
P2 learning grid week beginning 11th May 2020
Have a good week.
Miss Maclachlan x
P1 Weekly Learning Grid Week Beginning 11th May 2020
Good Morning. We hope you have had a good weekend. Please find below the link for the learning grid and resources.
P1 Learning-Grid-week-beg.-11th-May
I can see under the sea poem template
Have a good week
Miss Maclachlan, Mrs Clyne and Mrs Smith