Primary 4 had a busy day on no pen day. We still completed lots of work. This morning after P.E we worked on Maths games to deepen our knowledge.
After playtime, we had NYCOS then we played VCOP games and made an oral story by adding a sentence each to the opener. It was a funny story.
After lunchtime, we had a turn on Sumdog then we did some drama freeze framing images from Harry Potter. Look at us in action.
Finlay – No pen day was fun , we did lot of educational things without writing.
Finn – It was fun and I really liked Maths and the drama was awesome.
Hana – I had fun doing the drama about Harry Potter.
Fraser – I enjoyed lots of tasks on no pen day.
Sterling and Karolina – I enjoyed playing maths games.
Ollie – I enjoyed no pen day as it was good not doing any writing.
Callum – I liked doing drama as it was fun doing the freeze frames.