Tag Archives: rounding

This week in P6 by Ollie and Sophie Mc


Last week we learned about BODMAS (Brackets Order Division Multiplication Addition Subtraction). It was important to do our problems in this order because otherwise we could all have different answers! In Number Talks this week our strategy was ‘Adding up in chunks’. When we break down our calculations, it makes it easier to solve difficult problems.

This week we also did rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and  thousand. We also challenged ourselves by rounding to the nearest ten thousand and hundred thousand. Furthermore, we took a look at decimals. This was tricky and it is something we will work on again in our next maths focus, which is money.

Language and literacy

In language and literacy we revised similes and metaphors. We also learnt about personification which is when you describe an object or thing with human characteristics. For example:

The wind whistled through the valley.

The trees whispered secrets.

Last week, we learned all about synonym and antonyms.


In PSD, we have been learning about gender inequality and we have made posters of what people think girls should like and another one that they think boys should like. We also wrote a traditional fairytale but we changed the gender! We are learning to respect each other and not to show discrimination.


We have  recently been learning about the Victorians so we are doing an assembly to show you what we have been learning and we found out that we are doing a local show and it’s Oliver Twist!


Image result for victorians