Tag Archives: Health & Wellbeing


As part of our Health & Wellbeing, Primaries 2 and 2/1 have been getting in touch with their emotions.  We had a chat about all the different emotions that we may experience throughout our lives and had a Circle Time to discuss what might make us feel a certain way.  We realised that our faces can let others know how we are feeling.  We then looked at Edward Munch’s famous painting ‘The Scream’ and decided to recreate our own interpretation using oil pastels.  Our character’s show different emotions using facial expressions.

The importance of hand washing – By Primary 2/1

Today we were learning about the importance of washing our hands.

We agreed that we must wash our hands…

* Before eating

* After going to the toilet

* After playing outside

* After touching money

* After touching pets

* When you cough or sneeze.

We learnt HOW to properly wash our hands.. Have a look at the pictures! Mrs Deas said that she has never seen such sparkly, clean hands!

Well done Primary 2/1 – Let’s keep the germs away by following our hand washing rules 🙂