Our first week in December paraphrased by P6 (this will make sense if you read on!)

In P.E we have been working on basketball skills such as passing, dribbling, shooting and tackling.  We finished off with a big match which was fun!  We were hoping to finish our time at West Lothian College with some athletics on Thursday but we couldn’t because of the bad weather.  We look forward to catching up with that in January.

This week we have been continuing our work using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Dylan explained this as a ladder of skills. The first rung of the ladder is for ‘remembering skills’.  The second rung of the ladder is for ‘understanding skills’.  Abby says these skills are very handy in reading.  We learned that paraphrasing means putting things into your own words, much easier than we thought!

Miss Kennedy’s maths group have been learning how to use compass directions so now, we won’t get lost!

In science, we discovered that igneous rocks come from inside the earth, sedimentary rocks have layers or fossils in them and metamorphic rocks are rocks which have been changed by heat or pressure.  Next week we are going to teach the rest of the class about the kinds of rocks we have been researching…we thought we would give Miss Kennedy a rest!

There was much excitement on Tuesday as it was the Christmas lunch.  Shonee had turkey and ice cream (not at the same time) and said it was yummy.  Rian liked the steak pie with the jelly and ice cream and chocolate.

On Thursday the choir sang at the Lanthorn for the Good Neighbourhood Group.

With only 2 weeks to go until the holidays, we are now looking forward to the P6/7 Christmas party, Christmas art and craft activities, the P1-3 show and the Christmas enterprises from other classes.   Ho, ho ho from P6!

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