Digital Learning Week!

Last week was Digital Learning Week where the children were given lots of opportunities to work on lessons using ICT.

We used the iPads to create digital books using the app Book Creator.







We used the iPads to create mind maps on the Aztecs using the Popplet app.







We worked with Mr Grant on our Forces project looking at Acceleration. We put a chip inside a sponge ball and then took turns throwing and kicking the ball. The results of how fast the ball was going were shown on the computer.







We worked hard on our Aztec reports.











We enjoy reading with our P1 Reading Buddies.








We had fun with the P7 Sports Leaders on Friday afternoon.

National Digital Learning Week

Every week the children undertake ‘Digital Learning’. This week however has been identified nationally as a Digital Learning Week and P4/5K have continued to develop their skills and understanding in this way.

Monday: Video clips on interactive whiteboard

Tuesdsay: i-Pads and interactive whiteboard

Wednesday: Online collaborative story and interactive whiteboard

Thursday: Laptops and power points

Friday: Laptops and Digi Maps for Schools