Assembly 17th January 2022

At this week’s assembly, pupils discussed the small changes they had made to improve their physical and mental health.

Some children were trying to be more active by keeping their steps up or getting outside more; some children were thinking more about the type of food they were eating. Quite a few children mentioned that they were trying to use their digital devices less frequently to improve their mental health.

We also discussed the right of the month, Article 19: You have the right to be protected from being hurt or mistreated, in body and in mind.

We thought about ways in which the adults in school help to ensure all children in Chatelherault Primary School are supported in experiencing this right.

Room 13 carried out a Learning Walk around the school last week. They saw children engaged in their tasks and learning in ways which looked fun and enjoyable. The children said they saw activities that they would like to have joined in with. They saw children learning about their rights.

We also celebrated achievements by giving out Gold Awards, you can see the children who achieved Gold Awards by clicking the link below.

Gold Awards 17.1.22

The winners of the Anti-Bullyimg competition were shared  with everyone in school.

Finally, we heard about a range of Out of School Achievements.

Darcey joined the Scotland Development Squad for gymnastics, Daniel moved up a level in tennis Danielle achieved 2 medals in boxing and Ava & Zara passed their karate grading a to achieve purple and white belts.

Christmas Wishes

The pupil council were working hard to prepare Christmas cards to share with our neighbours as part of our Christmas wishes program.

A google form will be used to collect names of people in our local community who will be receiving a special delivery from the children.

Pupil Council meeting minutes 24/11/21


Group: Pupil Council

 Date: 24/11/21


Points from previous meeting:

Mr Gilligan has spoken to the park rangers at Chatelherault Country Park and they will be coming to speak to us in January.

Main discussion points from today:

·         We reviewed the different members of our community with a focus on neighbours in the wider community.

·         We launched our campaign of Christmas wishes were we deliver kind messages to different people in our local school community.

·         We agreed that we would make Christmas cards to deliver before the Christmas holidays.

·         We discussed the idea of a small gift such as a Christmas decorations.

·         The children will make these as part of Christmas crafts.

Focus Article:

Article 15

You have the right to be with friends and join or set

up clubs, unless this breaks the rights of others

Action Points:

·         Christmas cards and gifts to be completed

·         Date of delivery to be set at next meeting.

Minute Taker: G Gilligan

November Minutes 24.11.21

Chatelherault Primary School

Pupil Groups


Group: Maths


 Date: 24.11.21



Leo Campbell, Caitlin Leiper, Connor Watson, Darcy Queen, Lewis McQuade, Ollie Spence, Jordan Lefeuvre, Max Cassidy, Riley Sandilands, Emelia Sandilands and Mrs Bear (minute taker).


Points from previous meeting:


·        Lunch time club – Mrs Bear has still to discuss with Mr O’Neill.


Main discussion points from today:


1.   Welcome to the Maths Group


2.   We discussed the article of the month (42) and all children were aware of it and what it means to them


3.   We discussed learning maths outdoors and what we could do to promote it. We decided to make posters of ideas of different activities, especially using the woods.


4.   Darcy suggested making a times table hopscotch game in the playground.


5.   Jordan suggested using different natural materials from the woods to make maths/number games.



Focus Article:


Article 42 – Every child has the right to know their rights.

Action Points:

1.    Children to display posters around the school to promote learning maths outdoors.




Maths Pupil Voice Group Minutes – October


Chatelherault Primary School

Pupil Groups


Group: Maths


 Date: 20.10.21



Leo Campbell, Caitlin Leiper, Mila Flaherty, Connor Watson, Darcy Queen, Lewis McQuade, Ollie Spence, Jordan Lefeuvre, Max Cassidy, Callum, Luke Murphy and Mrs Bear (minute taker).


Points from previous meeting:


·        Maths Week Scotland now complete and classes participated in various activities


Main discussion points from today:


1.   Welcome to the Maths Group


2.   We discussed the article of the month and how all children have the right to life and the right to learn about number and maths


3.   We discussed maths outdoors and whether children enjoyed it. Approximately half the children prefer to learn inside because they can concentrate better.


4.   We discussed a club for maths/chess. Children thought that a lunchtime club for chromebook games would be a good idea.



Focus Article:


Article 6 – Every child has the right to life

Action Points:


1.    Ollie and Jordan to ask Mr O’Neill if we can start a Maths Games Lunchtime Club using the chromebooks




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