Welcome to the Pupil Council page! 

Here are our minutes from our recent meetings:



Points from previous meeting: 


Main discussion points from today: 

  • Welcome and introduction 

What changes would we like to make in our school this year: 

  • Encourage more wildlife into our woods by making bird feeders, bird houses, hedgehog homes, etc. 
  • More equipment for the playground: football equipment, slide or swing, etc. 
  • Fix the buddy bench/encourage others to use it more 
  • Quiet time area 
  • Movie day 
  • Sports day where each house verses each other 
  • Help our local community by conducting a litter pick. 

Focus Article: 

Article 1: Definition of a child 

A child is any person under the age of 18. 

Article 3:  Best interests of the child 

When adults make decisions, they should think about how their decisions will affect children. All   adults should do what is best for children. Governments should make sure children are protected and looked after by their parents, or by other people when this is needed. Governments should make sure that people and places responsible for looking after children are doing a good job.  

Action Points:  

  • Report back to class on discussion and ask classmates which ideas interest them most. 




Points from previous meeting: 

  • After discussing what things we would like to improve in our school we settled on focusing on the buddy bench and encouraging children to use it again in the playground. 


Main discussion points from today: 

    • We discussed how we could encourage people to use the buddy bench in our playground. 
    • We plan to tell the school about the buddy bench at assembly soon. Zara, Evie Willow and Sophie will tell the school about our plan. 
    • The pupil council members will look out for anyone using the buddy bench and will give out house points to children who have helped someone who was sitting on the bench (by telling the teacher of the child). 
    • We created some posters to remind people of our aim. 

Focus Article: 

Article 24: Health, water, food, environment 

Children have the right to the best health care possible, clean water to drink, healthy food and a clean and safe environment to live in. All adults and children should have information about how to stay safe and healthy. 

Action Points:  

  • Children will give feedback to their classmates, and we will plan a presentation for a future assembly. 


Points from previous meeting:

  • Last week we discussed how we could spread the word about the buddy bench and agreed we should tell the school at assembly. 

Main discussion points from today: 

  • We decided to work with the Health and Wellbeing group as they were also focussing on the buddy bench. 
  • We discussed what we will say at assembly and planned with HWB group. 
  • We agreed we should update our pupil council board with out posters and information about the buddy benches. 
  • We continued to make some posters. 

Focus Article:

Article 24: Health, water, food, environment 

Children have the right to the best health care possible, clean water to drink, healthy food and a clean and safe environment to live in. All adults and children should have information about how to stay safe and healthy. 

Action Points:  

  • Children will give feedback to their classmates. 
  • Miss Kearney and Miss Jamieson will check with Mr O’Neill that it is okay to tell the school of our plan at assembly. 
  • The speakers from pupil council (Zara, Willow, Evie, Sophie) and from HWB (Jac, Olivia, Sophia and Zacky) will present our information at assembly. 


Wednesday 30th August 2023

Please click the link below to view the minutes from our first meeting.

Pupil Council Minutes 30.8.23

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