Hello everyone,

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

Please find attached all of the home learning resources you will need for this week. All Primary 4 home learning tasks will be posted to Teams, Seesaw and the blog on a Monday morning.

Weekly Overview:

Weekly Overview – 11.01.21

All Our Home Learning Tasks for the Week:

P4 Home Learning 11.01.21

Spelling Words and Spelling Menu:

Spelling – Week One

Remember to send photos or videos of your wonderful work to me on Teams or to my email address. I can’t wait to see it!

Have a great week,

Miss Pollock

P3 Home Learning Week Beginning 11.1.21

Hello everyone,

Happy new year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and you are all ready to tackle term three and home learning. P3 Home Learning tasks will be posted on a Monday to Teams and Seesaw alongside a video explaining them. Please let me know if you can access resources and get in touch if you need anything!

Home Learning Overview Grid:
P3 Home Learning – wb 11th January 2021

All Our Home Learning Tasks for the Week:
P3 Home Learning w.b 11.1.21

Our Scots Poem – “A Dug A Dug” by Bill Keys:
A Dug, A Dug by Bill Keys

Spelling Task Menu – Choose a different activity each day to work on your spellings:
Spelling Menu

Number of the Day:
Number of the Day Daily Challenge

Remember to send me photos or videos of your amazing work on Microsoft Teams or SeeSaw. I cannot wait to see how hard you all work!

Have a great first week back,

Miss McNeillie

Home Learning Grid w/c/ 11th January 2021

FINAL Week commencing 11th January 2021 Home learning

Good morning everyone! Please find attached the home learning grid for this week.
Can we please ask that all parents send us a wee message on SeeSaw to let us know that you have seen the grid. That way we can keep track of anyone who is having difficulties.
If you have any problems or questions, Miss Grater, Mrs Thomson or Mrs Mair  will be available between 9am and 3pm to help. We will also be posting video clips that will assist in the learning. We are also hoping to have a live check-in with you all this week. More details of that will follow.
Remember to have fun with your children and allow them plenty of opportunity for free play and other activities.
Use SeeSaw to send us photos or video clips of your child’s work and we will be commenting and giving feedback throughout the week.
Keep in touch and good luck xx

Home Learning Week Beginning 11.01.21

Hello there you lovely lot!

Hope you all had a magical Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Please find attached all of the home learning resources you will need for the week beginning Monday 11th January 2021!

Do what you can, try your best and keep smiling – we will all be back together soon.

Live lessons this week will be as follows:

Monday 11th: 1:00pm – Burns
(Monday morning I am in school supporting upper classes key worker children with home learning set by all teachers so will have limited access to teams. Independent revision tasks have been set for pupils to complete during this time.

Tuesday 12th: 9:00am – Maths
Tuesday 12th: 10:45am – Talk 4 Writing
Tuesday 12th: 1:00pm – PE

Wednesday 13th: 9:00am – Maths
Wednesday 13th: 10:45am – Talk 4 Writing

Thursday 14th: 1:00pm – Pre-recorded video – Reading

Friday 15th: 10:45am – Mental Maths

1:00pm – Fun 31


All tasks & information are in the following PowerPoint:

Home Learning Week 1 11.01.21

Spelling Words


Remember to send me your work via –

Email: sa18CaldwellS@glow.sch.uk


Teams: Primary 7 20/21 Chat channel



P.6/5 🌟 wb 11th January 2021 📚 Home Learning

Well hello there, nice to see you! 🤩

Please find planned activities and resources for wb. 11.1.21.

P.6/5 Teachers will be live on Teams at 9.35am and 1pm every day!

We look forward to welcoming you into our virtual classrooms 🙂

Please upload or send us photos of your work 👍

Take care and stay safe ❤️


If you are unable to access Teams and are in need of our help, you can contacts us via SEESAW or on the following email addresses:






Literacy wb 11th January Home Learning New

Spelling Menu

Tam O’ Shanter P.6

Willie Wastle P.5


Maths Week Beg 11.1.21 NEW


General Week Beg 11.1.21 FINAL

Space timeline ordering task

Merry Christmas!

Yipeeeeeeee the Holidays are here !!!!!

It has been a busy term with lots of challenges but together we have made sure that all of our children did not miss out on fun, Christmas activities.

Every class have had a great time making their cards and calendars and filming their advent antics, which Miss Caldwell kindly coordinated throughout December.

I know that parents/carers have really appreciated seeing the photos and videos of their children, particularly when we have not been able to invite parents/carers into school.

The whole school were also treated to a special visit from Santa in person and then the EYC to P3 also got their own personal video call from Santa during their parties.

The Parent Council have been an amazing support to the school and organised all of the food and drinks for the parties and snacks for the pantomime.

It has been a very different Christmas but we have made sure that the children have had amazing experiences. We were delighted to finish for the holidays today, knowing that all of our children were safe and can enjoy Christmas and the festive break with their families.

On behalf of all of my staff, I would like to wish everyone, a very Merry Christmas and hopefully a much happier year to come😀!

Mrs Morrison

Gardenrose Primary School & EYC, Maybole, South Ayrshire Council

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