
P3 Home Learning Week Beginning 11.1.21

Hello everyone,

Happy new year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday and you are all ready to tackle term three and home learning. P3 Home Learning tasks will be posted on a Monday to Teams and Seesaw alongside a video explaining them. Please let me know if you can access resources and get in touch if you need anything!

Home Learning Overview Grid:
P3 Home Learning – wb 11th January 2021

All Our Home Learning Tasks for the Week:
P3 Home Learning w.b 11.1.21

Our Scots Poem – “A Dug A Dug” by Bill Keys:
A Dug, A Dug by Bill Keys

Spelling Task Menu – Choose a different activity each day to work on your spellings:
Spelling Menu

Number of the Day:
Number of the Day Daily Challenge

Remember to send me photos or videos of your amazing work on Microsoft Teams or SeeSaw. I cannot wait to see how hard you all work!

Have a great first week back,

Miss McNeillie