All posts by Mrs O'Neill

P1 and P7 Fun in the Sun

Yellow Sun icon | Free SVG

This afternoon P7 joined us to help us practice some of the skills we have been learning in P.E. It was just wonderful to see everyone having so much fun in the sun. The P1’s had a great time playing with their buddies and I am sure they were all very tired when they got home today. We are already looking forward to the next time we all get together. Here are some photos; hopefully I managed to catch everyone.

Big Walk and Wheel

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel -

As you know, prior to the Easter break we took part in Sustrans inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge, the Big Walk and Wheel ….. and what fun we had!

This year, for the first time, we are presenting the class who had the most active travel over the two weeks of our Big Walk and Pedal with the Mrs Ferguson Big Pedal award. Many of you will know that it was  Mrs Ferguson who first introduced us to the Big Pedal a number of years ago. She is a huge cycling fan and always wanted to instil her enthusiasm in all of us. I am delighted to announce that P1S are the very first winners of this fabulous shield and we are very excited to share our class photo with you.

A huge well done to all of the classes at Bishopton Primary; we finished in 48th place out of the 2,440 schools who took part. What an amazing achievement! Go Bishopton!


Class Team Assignments

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Please be aware that assignments have been set for those children who are self-isolating at home. These assignments will be linked to the tasks being set in class each day and can be found by logging onto your child’s class team via Glow then Microsoft Teams. If you have any issues accessing them, please let us know as soon as possible.


Resources Shout-Out

Good evening,

Primary 1 are looking for a variety of resources to enhance their learning through play. After asking the children for their thoughts on what they would like to have more of in our classes and open area, they came up with the following ideas:

  • action figures – Power Rangers, Pokemon, etc.
  • animals – dinosaurs, unicorns, etc.
  • dolls with accessories
  • home corner items
  • garage and cars
  • lego

If you are able to help it would be much appreciated. Maybe you are thinking about having a wee clear-out before Christmas. If so, please keep us in mind. Any small items can be sent in with your child/children. Larger items may be handed into the office.

Thanking you in advance.

Primary 1 Teachers

House Art Day – Ospreys – Thursday 29th November

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Calling all Ospreys! For our House Art Day this year (Thursday 29th November) we will be creating our usual themed display which will be on show within the school. For our individual Christmas craft we are looking for resources. Please see below for items we would like you to bring in, if possible.

P1-3  –  newspapers

P4-7  –  cereal boxes

This will be a non-uniform day. Please remember that our activities may get messy so please do not wear your good clothes.


Library Books

Image result for cartoon books

A number of classes have been visiting Bishopton library this term to encourage the children to increase the amount they are reading. The majority of the books have now been returned to the library however there are still a number which are now overdue. It would be appreciated if you could have a look at home for any books that may have been taken out on the school card and return them to school by Wednesday. Please note you may also return them directly to the library if this easier.

Thanking you.

P5S – Our Final Week

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! Our last few days together is here! Where has this last year gone? This will be my final homework/reminder post for you. Please keep reading to see our plans for this week.

Personal Reading Challenge: Your reading challenge ends on Wednesday. A huge well done to all of you who have made  a great effort to increase your reading again this term. It has been quite impressive! Even Margaret from the library commented on how much reading you had been doing throughout our year together. Please keep it up when you move into Primary 6.

We will still be having ERIC time so please remember to bring your book to school with you.

  1. We shall have our final P.E. slot on Tuesday.  The hall is in use so weather permitting we will venture outside. Please ensure you have suitable outdoor clothing. P.E. kits should be taken home after this session.
  2. We will be having a Read and Munch with P2/1 on Tuesday afternoon so you may bring in some fruit or vegetables to eat while you read.
  3. The Summer Reading Challenge is now underway. If you are interested in taking part, please click here to see all of the relevant details.
  4. Please bring in a plastic bag to take home all of your old jotters.
  5. Miss McDowall has put a post on our blog regarding school books and resources. Please click here for full details.
  6. School closes for the summer holidays on Wednesday at 1.00pm – woooohoooooo!

See you all tomorrow. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Titanic Personal Project Presentations

Image result for titanic

You have all now presented your Titanic personal projects to the class. Once again we have had a wide range of projects being shared: PowerPoints, models, posters, books, and we even had  a few quizzes (with prizes for our winners). A large amount of information was shared during your presentations – I was very impressed! Well done everyone! Verbal feedback for individual presentations will be given over the course of this week.

Once all of our presentations had been completed, you had the opportunity to have a closer look at each other’s work. Please click the link below to view our presentation photographs.

Titanic Personal Project Presentations

P5S – Homework w/b 19.6.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! We have just over one week left in Primary 5. The summer holidays are nearly here! Here is your homework for this week. Keep reading for your reminders.

Spelling: Lists 5 and 12 should be completed this week. Each word should be written out 3 times in your spelling jotter.  Please choose 6 words to use in an uplevelled sentence.  As always, you should use ambitious VCOP as much as possible in your writing. This is your final chance to wow me with your great sentences!

Personal Reading Challenge: You have 1 week to reach the target you set at the beginning of term. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths:  There will be no maths homework this week. However if you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

Assembly: Our end-of-term assembly is on Wednesday afternoon (1.30pm). Please ensure you are practicing the song for our assembly at home. Please click here to access the words for the song. Remember you will not have the words on the day! If you have a speaking part, please practice your lines at home. Again, it will look better on stage if you are able to recite your lines from memory.

  1. The dress rehearsal for our assembly is on Tuesday. All costumes should be brought to school in a carrier bag on Monday. Details of costumes can be found here: Brazil    /    River Clyde .
  2. Our end-of-term assembly is on Wednesday afternoon: 1.30pm start.
  3. Due to our assembly practices, P.E. slots may vary again this week. Please ensure you have a full kit with you every day. We may venture outside (weather permitting) therefore please ensure you have suitable outdoor clothing.
  4. The Summer Reading Challenge has started. If you are interested in taking part, please click here to see all of the relevant details.
  5. Please ensure all library books taken out on the school card are returned to school by Wednesday. I will be returning them to the library after school on this day.
  6. Please bring in a bag to take home all of your work from this term.

See you all on Monday. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

Mrs O’Neill

P5 – Assembly Costumes – Brazil

Image result for brazil flag

Good evening Primary 5! Just a wee heads up if you are in the “Brazil” section of our end-of-term assembly that you will require a summer outfit to wear. Something bright and colourful would be wonderful. Don’t worry if you’re not sure what to wear as we will be discussing it in detail tomorrow during our rehearsal.

Once you have decided on your outfit, please bring it to school in a bag which is clearly labelled with your name and class. Outfits will be kept in school until our assembly next Wednesday.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Titanic Open Afternoon

Image result for titanic

A huge thank you to everyone who attended our Open Afternoon today. I hope you all enjoyed visiting our class this afternoon and taking part in all of the activities. The children had a wonderful time showing off their work and knowledge on the Titanic. They have worked incredibly hard this term (and all year) and deserve a huge round of applause.

Thank you to those of you who have completed our feedback survey. It is much appreciated. The children will have a look at your comments and discuss your feedback on how they can make their next Open Afternoon even better. If you would like to complete the survey, you may access it here.

Please click here to see our photographs from this afternoon.

P5 – Titanic Open Afternoon Feedback

Image result for titanic

Thank you for coming to our Open Afternoon. The children have been very excited about having the opportunity to showcase all of their work.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could complete this short survey to let us know what you thought of our Open Afternoon today. The children in P5S created the survey as part of their Data Analysis topic in maths. The survey can be accessed using the link below. Thanking you in advance.

Titanic Open Afternoon Feedback Survey

P5S – Maths: Carroll Diagrams

Image result for carroll diagram

In maths this week we have been been continuing with our Data Analysis topic. So far we have looked at frequency and grouped frequency tables and you went to another stage within the school with your survey question. You then recorded this information in a grouped frequency table. Can you tell someone at home the question you and your group decided on?

Next we looked at how to display information in a carroll diagram. I was very impressed at just how quick you picked this up. With your maths partner, you were given a number of 2D shapes which you had to then use to record information in your own carroll diagram. You had to agree on suitable titles to use – how did you do? What titles did you decide on?

Here are our completed carroll diagrams. Please show someone at home your work. Click the link below.

Carroll Diagrams

P5S – Homework w/b 12.6.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! The countdown to the end of term is now on. You have just over two weeks left in Primary 5. It really has been a fast year! Please keep reading for a note of your homework and reminders for this week.

Spelling: Lists 4 and 11 should be completed this week. Each word should be written out 3 times in your spelling jotter.  Please choose 6 words to use in an uplevelled sentence.  As always, you should use ambitious VCOP as much as possible in your writing. Wow me with your great sentences this week.

Reading:  Your new core reader was issued on Friday.  There will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class.

Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. This task should be completed for Thursday. Your core reader should be brought to school with you each Thursday to allow you to participate in the class lesson. There are still some of you forgetting to do so.

Personal Reading Challenge: You have 2 weeks to reach the target you set at the beginning of term. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths:  There will be no maths homework this week. However if you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

Topic:  Your personal project is due this week. Presentations will begin on Thursday 15th June. Remember to use your time wisely. Please click here for all the necessary details.

Assembly: Please ensure you are practicing the song for our assembly at home. Please click here to access the words for the song. Remember you will not have the words on the day! If you have a speaking part, please practice your lines at home.

  1. Our Open Afternoon is on Tuesday from 1.30pm-2.45pm.
  2. Due to our assembly practices, P.E. slots will vary over the next few weeks. Please ensure you have a full kit with you every day. We may venture outside (weather permitting) therefore please ensure you have suitable outdoor clothing.
  3. Questionnaires should be returned to school as soon as possible.
  4. Report card comment slips should be returned as soon as possible.
  5. The Summer Reading Challenge has started. If you are interested in taking part, please click here to see all of the relevant details.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P4 & P5 Technology Masterclass

Image result for lego wedo

This week in our Technology Masterclass we created some lego masterpieces using the Lego Wedo programme on the laptops. What fun was had! Even I learned something new today!

In groups of 2 and 3 you created some lego designs which you then programmed to move and make noises – the bird designs were very noisy and could be heard all the way down the corridor!

It was an absolute pleasure working with you all this afternoon. you worked so well together I am already looking forward to our session next week. Well done everyone!

Please click here to access photos from this afternoon’s session.

P5S – Tall Ship Trip

Image result for tall ship glasgow

Yesterday we visited the Tall Ship in Glasgow to take part in a workshop linked to our Titanic topic.  Unfortunately the weather was pretty awful but it didn’t dampen the spirits.

First we had the chance to have a nosey around the ship. We also took part in a scavenger hunt. Some of the groups managed to find the soft play area and had lots of fun! We also had the opportunity to learn a little morse code. Can you tell someone at home what the code is for SOS?

In our workshop we became Marine Archaeologists and we found a number of items that may just have been on the Titanic. Some of the items were over 100 years old! There were also a few unusual items that we hadn’t seen before. Can you name any of them? You even had to use your knowledge of coordinates when recording the things you found. I was pleased to see you all remembered how to do this. Well done!

After finding these items, you had to decide whether or not the items were real or fake. It was a little tricky to decide on some of the items.  How did your group do?

A huge thank you to our parent and gran helpers who braved the weather to come with us. To view some photographs from our trip, please access the link below.

Tall Ship Photographs

P5S – Homework w/b 5.6.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have been having a lovely weekend despite the crazy weather. We only have a few weeks left of Primary 5: where has the time gone? Please keep reading for your homework and reminders for this week.

Spelling: Lists 3 and 10 should be completed this week. Each word should be written out 3 times in your spelling jotter.  Please choose 6 words to use in an uplevelled sentence.  You should use ambitious VCOP as much as possible in your writing. Wow me with your great sentences this week.

Reading:  Your new core reader was issued on Friday.  There will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class.

Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday. Your core reader should be brought to school with you each Thursday to allow you to participate in the class lesson. There are still some of you forgetting to do so.

Personal Reading Challenge: You have 3 weeks to reach the target you set at the beginning of term. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths:  Please access the relevant link below for your maths homework. This should be completed in your maths homework jotter and returned to school by Friday.

Group 1

Group 2

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

Topic:  You have a personal project to complete as part of our Titanic topic. You have  now have just over 1 week  to complete your project as you will be presenting to your peers on Thursday 15th June. Remember to use your time wisely. Please click here for all the necessary details.

  1. Our trip to the Tall Ship is on Tuesday. Lunch should be brought in a carrier bag. School uniform should be worn. Spending money may be brought for the shop (no more than £5.00 please).
  2. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.
  3. Please remember each group needs 3 empty water bottles (2l in size if possible) for an activity we will be working on during topic on Thursday.
  4. P.E. is on Friday. Please ensure you have a full kit to change into. We may venture outside (weather permitting) therefore please ensure you have suitable outdoor clothing.
  5. Open Afternoon reply slips should be returned to school as soon as possible.
  6. Report card comment slips should be returned as soon as possible.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P5 – Ramadan

Image result for ramadan

Ramadan is a major festival in the Islamic calendar. Today you will be learning all about Ramadan and the rituals Muslims take part in during this time.

Learning Outcome:  Through investigating and reflecting upon the ways in which followers of world religions mark major life events and times of year, I can explain key features of such festivals and celebrations.  RME 2-06b

I can show understanding of the beliefs of world religions and explore the similarities and differences between these and my developing beliefs.  RME 2-04c

Please read your task sheet carefully and decide which group member is researching each aspect of the task. Only the links below should be used in this task.

Ramadan: Sara’s Story

Eid al Fitr

Eid al Fitr: The Facts

Newsround: What is Ramadan?

Sawm: Fasting during Ramadan

Ramadan: The Facts  (scroll down to Ramadan)

Ramadan: More Facts

Zakat during Ramadan


P5S Homework w/b 30.5.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have been having a lovely long weekend. I look forward to hearing your stories. We have another busy week ahead of us so keep reading for a note of your homework and reminders.

Spelling: Lists 2 and 9 should be completed this week. Each word should be written out 3 times in your spelling jotter.  Please choose 6 words to use in an uplevelled sentence.  You should use ambitious VCOP as much as possible in your writing. Wow me with your great sentences this week.

Reading:  Your core reader was issued two weeks ago.  Once again, there will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class.

Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday. Your core reader should be brought to school with you each Thursday to allow you to participate in the class lesson. A number of you are forgetting to do so!

Personal Reading Challenge: Our Personal Reading Challenge has began again. You have 4 weeks to reach the target you set last week. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths:  Please access the relevant link below for your maths homework. This should be completed in your maths homework jotter and returned to school by Friday.

Group 1

Group 2

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

Topic:  You have a personal project to complete as part of our Titanic topic. You have  now have just over 2 weeks to complete your project as you will be presenting to your peers on Thursday 15th June. Remember to use your time wisely. Please click here for all the necessary details.

  1. P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full kit to change into. We may venture outside on Friday (weather permitting) therefore please ensure you have suitable outdoor clothing.
  2. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.
  3. Please remember each group needs 3 empty water bottles (2l in size) for an activity we will be working on next week.
  4. Trip money and consent form should be returned to school as soon as possible.
  5. We are still looking for one parent helper to come with us on our trip to the Tall Ship on Tuesday 6th June. If someone at home is able to help, please leave a post on the blog or bring a note to school in your diary.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Group 1 Maths Homework

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. Ewan has 9 pencils in his pencil case. Each pencil is 24cm in length. If Ewan lays all of the pencils out in a line, what would the total length of them be?
  1. Olivia managed to jump a distance of 245cm. What is this distance in metres and centimetres?
  1. During our gymnastics lessons, Aiden climbed to a height of 2m, 92cm. What is this height in centimetres?
  1. The Erskine Bridge is 1,310 metres in length. If Cameron S was to cycle over the bridge, and back, 3 times, what distance would he have travelled?
  1. Challenge Question Ava and Chloe S were playing a game of badminton. Ava managed to hit the shuttlecock a distance of 3m, 40cm. Chloe hit her shuttlecock a distance of 2m, 16cm. How much further did Ava hit her shuttlecock?


P5S – Group 2 Maths Homework

Image result for maths symbols

Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

  1. Ewan has 9 pencils in his pencil case. Each pencil is 24cm in length. If Ewan lays all of the pencils out in a line, what would the total length of them be?
  1. Olivia managed to jump a distance of 245cm. What is this distance in metres and centimetres?
  1. During our gymnastics lessons, Aiden climbed to a height of 2m, 92cm. What is this height in centimetres?
  1. The Erskine Bridge is 1,310 metres in length. If Cameron S was to cycle over the bridge, and back, what distance would he have travelled?
  1. Challenge Question Ava and Chloe S were playing a game of badminton. Ava managed to hit the shuttlecock a distance of 3m. Chloe hit the shuttlecock a distance of 2m, 16cm. How much further did Ava hit her shuttlecock?

P5 – Titanic Personal Project Presentation

Image result for titanic

Over the next few weeks you should prepare a personal project presentation on the Titanic. You will then present your project to the class on Thursday 15th June.  I know some of you may already be sunning yourself somewhere hot on this date, therefore you may complete your project prior to this date. Please see me (or Mrs Hughes if you are in P5H) and I will organise a different presentation date for you. The criteria and task sheet for this task can be found below.

Titanic Personal Project Presentation

Learning Outcome:  I can research a  given topic and create a detailed presentation.

I can use primary and secondary sources selectively to research events in the past.  SOC 2-01a

I can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence. SOC 2-06a

Skill for Learning

Application & Knowledge: I can apply my knowledge of a given topic to plan and produce an interesting presentation.

 Skill for Work

I can organise my time and resources independently to ensure my presentation is completed in the allocated time.


To build further on your presentation skills you have to prepare a personal project to present to your peers. Presentations play a huge part in our learning and being able to present to your peers, with confidence, is a great skill to learn.


What you need to know: Your personal project should be about the Titanic. You may choose any aspect you wish.

What you need to do: You can present your project in any way you choose. This might be in written form, a PowerPoint presentation, a booklet, a video or even a model. In other words, you have the choice to choose the way you feel will best help you to demonstrate your knowledge of your chosen topic. This project is all homework based therefore you need to think about the resources you will have access to: books, library, internet, personal accounts etc.

What you need to think about: You can use whatever you need to describe your personal project: photographs, videos, props etc. Try to think about why you picked this area for your project. What was it that interested you about it? Remember some people in class may know nothing about the area you have chosen to discuss, so you must explain it in detail.

How to get started: Get all of your ideas down on paper and then decide which ones are the most relevant and will best engage your audience.


Product Criteria

·         You have 4 weeks to pull your presentation together so use your time wisely. You will be presenting your information to the class on Thursday 15th June 2017. Remember to try and present your information in a different format from what you have done before. Be creative!

·         This is an independent research project. It is your responsibility to organise your time effectively and ensure you are putting in enough effort.

·         Everyone will approach this task in different ways so don’t worry if your friends are doing something different from you. Have faith in what you have to say and it will all work out.

·         This is your chance to show just how well you can take responsibility for your own learning.

Happy researching!

Mrs O’Neill

P5S – Homework w/b 22.5.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have been having a lovely weekend. It is that time again so please keep reading for a rundown of the coming week. Please remember it is a short week for you as you will finish on Wednesday for the holiday weekend.

Spelling: No spelling this week!

Reading:  Your core reader was issued last Thursday.  Once again, there will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class.

Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday 1st June. Your core reader should be brought to school with you each Thursday to allow you to participate in the class lesson. A number of you are forgetting to do so!

Personal Reading Challenge: Our Personal Reading Challenge has began again. You have 5 weeks to reach the target you set last week. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths:  No maths this week!

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

Topic:  You have a personal project to complete as part of our Titanic topic. You have  4 weeks to complete your project as you will be presenting to your peers on Thursday 15th June. Please click here for all the necessary details. I will go over this task with you in class tomorrow.

  1. Sports Day is on Tuesday (weather permitting). You should come to school in your sports clothes and house colours. Please remember to bring a waterproof jacket. If the weather is nice, (fingers crossed), please remember to apply some sun cream and bring a suitable cap. Please remember to bring a bottle of water.
  2. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.
  3. Please remember each group needs 3 empty water bottles (2l in size) for an activity we will be doing in a few weeks (5th June).
  4. School closes on Wednesday and will reopen on Tuesday 30th May.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill