P5S – Homework w/b 5.6.17

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have been having a lovely weekend despite the crazy weather. We only have a few weeks left of Primary 5: where has the time gone? Please keep reading for your homework and reminders for this week.

Spelling: Lists 3 and 10 should be completed this week. Each word should be written out 3 times in your spelling jotter.  Please choose 6 words to use in an uplevelled sentence.  You should use ambitious VCOP as much as possible in your writing. Wow me with your great sentences this week.

Reading:  Your new core reader was issued on Friday.  There will be no written homework as we will continue to complete our comprehension tasks for the core readers in class. As always, if there is any vocabulary you are unsure of, please take a note of it and we will discuss it in class.

Please remember to read aloud to someone at home and try to use expression where needed. Your reading feedback form should be completed (if possible) by the person hearing you read aloud. This task should be completed for Thursday. Your core reader should be brought to school with you each Thursday to allow you to participate in the class lesson. There are still some of you forgetting to do so.

Personal Reading Challenge: You have 3 weeks to reach the target you set at the beginning of term. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class. Remember this is your record of the number of books you have read so far this term.

Maths:  Please access the relevant link below for your maths homework. This should be completed in your maths homework jotter and returned to school by Friday.

Group 1

Group 2

If you wish additional practice of your multiplication tables, please use the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

Topic:  You have a personal project to complete as part of our Titanic topic. You have  now have just over 1 week  to complete your project as you will be presenting to your peers on Thursday 15th June. Remember to use your time wisely. Please click here for all the necessary details.

  1. Our trip to the Tall Ship is on Tuesday. Lunch should be brought in a carrier bag. School uniform should be worn. Spending money may be brought for the shop (no more than £5.00 please).
  2. Our Fairtrade Tuckshop is on every Wednesday. Please remember to check our rota to see if you are in charge of the tuckshop this week. If you wish to buy something, please remember to bring the exact money to school. Details of prices can be found here.
  3. Please remember each group needs 3 empty water bottles (2l in size if possible) for an activity we will be working on during topic on Thursday.
  4. P.E. is on Friday. Please ensure you have a full kit to change into. We may venture outside (weather permitting) therefore please ensure you have suitable outdoor clothing.
  5. Open Afternoon reply slips should be returned to school as soon as possible.
  6. Report card comment slips should be returned as soon as possible.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

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