Tag Archives: Technology

P4 & P5 Technology Masterclass

Image result for lego wedo

This week in our Technology Masterclass we created some lego masterpieces using the Lego Wedo programme on the laptops. What fun was had! Even I learned something new today!

In groups of 2 and 3 you created some lego designs which you then programmed to move and make noises – the bird designs were very noisy and could be heard all the way down the corridor!

It was an absolute pleasure working with you all this afternoon. you worked so well together I am already looking forward to our session next week. Well done everyone!

Please click here to access photos from this afternoon’s session.

Technology Masterclass 10.5.17

Image result for straws white plastic cup

What another interesting Masterclass we had this week! Each group was given another design challenge and a selection of resources. You were asked to use these resources to create the Eiffel Tower. Your Success Criteria this week was:

Your Eiffel Tower must be:

  • free standing (not leaning against something)
  • as close in design to the original as possible
  • worked on by ALL group members

How did your group do? Once again, ideas were being discussed and whiteboards were used to share design ideas.

We had some fabulous completed designs created. Have a look at the photographs and let me know what you think. Lots of fun was had this afternoon, so much so that one group have even asked if they can complete their design at lunchtime. I look forward to adding their completed tower at a later date. Well done to everyone for showing such enthusiasm.

Here are some photographs of you hard at work on your designs.

P7 Zombie Apocalypse – Day 2

This afternoon, we had to build a fence with a gate that opens and closes so we can go out for supplies. We used the engineering design process to help us work through our ideas. We had some materials to use and criteria.

Product Criteria:

  • Your gate must open and close with a latch.
  • Your fence must have a perimeter of least 10 cm.
  • Your fence must stand on its own and be at least 7 cm high.

Process Criteria:

  • Check the Engineering Design Process below
  • Every member of your team must contribute (suggest ideas)
  • Every member of your team must have a role (Facilitator, Resource Manager, Time Keeper, Quality Checker)
  1. Identify the problem: What is the problem the challenge wants you to solve?
  2. Identify the criteria and constraints. What are the rules of the challenge?
  3. Brainstorm possible solutions. What are some ways you can complete this challenge?
  4. Generate ideas. What are some materials you can use?
  5. Sketch a couple of ideas.
  6. Select an approach. What design did you pick? Why?
  7. Build your model or prototype. Does your design work?
  8. Refine the design. What changes did you have to make, if any?


Technology Masterclass 3.5.17

Image result for straws white plastic cup

What an interesting Masterclass we had this week! Each group was given a design challenge and were then issued with one plastic cup, a length of string, a bundle of straws and a strip of masking tape. You were asked to use these resources to create a bucket tower. You were also given the following Success Criteria:

Your tower must be:

  • able to hold a full cup of cubes
  • free standing (not leaning against something)
  • worked on by ALL group members

Did your group manage? I heard lots of chat and lots of ideas being shared. I liked the fact that a couple of groups used the whiteboards to share design ideas.

We had some wonderful designs created and after trying out your designs holding the cup of cubes some of you realised that you would need to make some changes. Well done, that is exactly what this challenge was all about!

Here are some photographs of you hard at work on your designs. Please show them to someone at home and let us know what they think.